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Thing Update

Jose Motta Lopes edited this page Feb 12, 2018 · 1 revision

Home Intelligence with Raspberry Pi

Updating RPI with latest images

IoT.Starter.Pi update

Suppose that a new software version should be pulled from the cloud and installed on your Raspberry Pi. For safety, consider that RPI just rebooted and is at a stable and known state, there are no containers running. We just pushed to the docker registry new software versions for home-ui, home-web and/or nginx-proxy.

As shown below, some images are already installed at RPI:

root@lumi:~# docker images
REPOSITORY                   TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
josemottalopes/home-ui       latest              589665e965c4        2 weeks ago         233MB
josemottalopes/nginx-proxy   latest              dfcc69831d22        2 weeks ago         87.9MB
josemottalopes/home-web      latest              241bfb394cda        2 weeks ago         235MB

See below the upgrade commands to download and install the latest software version available at docker registry.

root@lumi:~# docker pull josemottalopes/nginx-proxy
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from josemottalopes/nginx-proxy
cd8b673adb84: Already exists
1e2b2afc1dc6: Already exists
8877327663c1: Already exists
30769b69127d: Already exists
566ebde5ccae: Already exists
41a021a94b20: Pull complete
865d577a6364: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:dc086ce9b61af06f93c4827d229f3a5d086aedcef076b769612489dac402b9df
Status: Downloaded newer image for josemottalopes/nginx-proxy:latest

root@lumi:~# docker pull josemottalopes/home-ui
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from josemottalopes/home-ui
0d9fbbfaa2cd: Already exists
b015fdc7d33a: Already exists
60aaa226f085: Already exists
01963091a185: Already exists
09d3726a2ea3: Already exists
b948813a76bf: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:89cc4656e7d9697721b451d69fc4adfe229376d99aedd52e72bf852d7a40fc66
Status: Downloaded newer image for josemottalopes/home-ui:latest

root@lumi:~# docker pull josemottalopes/home-web
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from josemottalopes/home-web
0d9fbbfaa2cd: Already exists
b015fdc7d33a: Already exists
60aaa226f085: Already exists
01963091a185: Already exists
e487938a6461: Already exists
19c6008d5375: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:18c0b8ad3a97f619562b9b6815af47f2acf72f90ba15731eb995d7fbcd55669d
Status: Downloaded newer image for josemottalopes/home-web:latest

Now remove all containers, since they are related to the older version.

root@lumi:~# docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

Execute the images from latest version, creating new containers.

alias yhomeui='docker run --privileged -p 80:80 -d josemottalopes/home-ui:latest'
alias yhomeweb='docker run --privileged -p 5010:5010 -d josemottalopes/home-web:latest'
alias yproxy='docker run --privileged -p 443:443 -d josemottalopes/nginx-proxy:latest'
root@lumi:~# yproxy
root@lumi:~# yhomeweb
root@lumi:~# yhomeui

The running containers are shown below.

root@lumi:~# docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                            NAMES
e8944ab410da        josemottalopes/home-ui:latest       "dotnet Home.UI.dll"     25 seconds ago      Up 17 seconds>80/tcp               pensive_beaver
fa14eccb842b        josemottalopes/home-web:latest      "dotnet IO.Swagger..."   33 seconds ago      Up 30 seconds       80/tcp,>5010/tcp   reverent_neumann
0680e32f0ae6        josemottalopes/nginx-proxy:latest   "nginx -g 'daemon ..."   47 seconds ago      Up 44 seconds       80/tcp,>443/tcp     vigilant_neumann

Now, it's time to check if everything is fine with new software version. Good! But our job is not finished yet, since there are dangling images that should be removed to free unused memory. Please check below that images from a couple weeks ago were just replaced in the upgrade process but are still occupying RPI memory.

root@lumi:~# docker images -a
REPOSITORY                   TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
josemottalopes/nginx-proxy   latest              2d3d112a7057        3 hours ago         87.9MB
josemottalopes/home-web      latest              2f0e5ae80303        3 hours ago         235MB
josemottalopes/home-ui       latest              e232a3323f6a        3 hours ago         233MB
josemottalopes/home-ui       <none>              589665e965c4        2 weeks ago         233MB
josemottalopes/nginx-proxy   <none>              dfcc69831d22        2 weeks ago         87.9MB
josemottalopes/home-web      <none>              241bfb394cda        2 weeks ago         235MB

It is necessary to select and remove these dangling images, as explained below in a couple steps. The first command selects only unused images, and it is used at second command to kill them.

root@lumi:~# docker images -f dangling=true
REPOSITORY                   TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
josemottalopes/home-ui       <none>              589665e965c4        2 weeks ago         233MB
josemottalopes/nginx-proxy   <none>              dfcc69831d22        2 weeks ago         87.9MB
josemottalopes/home-web      <none>              241bfb394cda        2 weeks ago         235MB

root@lumi:~# docker rmi $(docker images -f dangling=true -q)
Untagged: josemottalopes/home-ui@sha256:67b10ee226a9ba8aa41abd9639cdddb34096b51475f3461ad7a2a487a8103d53
Deleted: sha256:589665e965c468e3d673c85b8ff0bc92820aa8941aa328f83771a34160319fe2
Deleted: sha256:aca51432841dbe12720af6abcd6d08c984cb60557f62975b034b4d705ce8ea81
Untagged: josemottalopes/nginx-proxy@sha256:08ccedc3ada5104cf207265c96755dd97bede056a4b92ec73e08c2ac09b4bf41
Deleted: sha256:dfcc69831d2226e0b95a9505ae8d2f51d7c553db6de78d1864731ca12979464a
Deleted: sha256:8fe54c25f4c69c2cdbcf964ca18b4a6a69afab9e1b20bb08806866052bd32b75
Deleted: sha256:09e525399f01f083db20cefff7dd9629da3499e605b31d3690eba538aa0985b1
Untagged: josemottalopes/home-web@sha256:c2483c67935a7fa7f4a227788a9799056f016be456bb61f9619ad303f793dd12
Deleted: sha256:241bfb394cda25dde265668ffa81244244548ad8589e30855f5d48a16721bbfc
Deleted: sha256:0e292f1fe6549466dfa7029ea3f53f4bc7f709e686bf69ee433875778ddbbcc5

And only latest images are occupying memory space now, as shown below.

root@lumi:~# docker images -a
REPOSITORY                   TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
josemottalopes/nginx-proxy   latest              2d3d112a7057        3 hours ago         87.9MB
josemottalopes/home-web      latest              2f0e5ae80303        3 hours ago         235MB
josemottalopes/home-ui       latest              e232a3323f6a        3 hours ago         233MB