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jpoehls edited this page Aug 30, 2010 · 6 revisions

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DotNetMigrations is a database migration framework that assists in managing and versioning database changes. It was originally designed as a straight port of the rails functionality located in the Ruby on Rails framework; however, has recently moved into a more open framework thanks to the power of the Managed Extensibility Framework.

Out of the box, DotNetMigrations allows users to track changes to their data base and move (a.k.a. migrate) between the versions of the database through a series of simple commands. Unlike some other migration frameworks, DotNetMigrations uses native Sql scripts. This decision was used in order to simplify the learning curve and be able to inspect the changes without having to open a development environment or assembly decompiler.

If you find the need to expand on what DotNetMigrations has to offer, the latest versions allow anyone to write custom commands and logging mechanisms. Thanks to the Managed Extensibility Framework, we’ve tried to make the ability to extend DotNetMigrations as easy as possible while providing minimum guidance. Because of this, commands can be written that are executed to the business need and not constrained by the engine that executes it.

Feel free to head over to the Documentation section above for full information on DotNetMigrations.

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