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Deployed Application

Login Page Image Dashboard Image


  • Implement the Figma designs exactly
  • Build the site with no external dependencies besides those provided in Next.js starter project
  • Create an infinite scroll on friends page
  • Create filter functionality on friends page
  • Should be able to clear all filters and clear all selected filters within the form
  • Extras:
    • Add fade animations to the loader components
    • Route to a single friend view screen


Install: npm install

Run in dev mode: npm run dev

Build: npm run build

Run in production mode: npm run start




  • Theme handled using CSS module variables
  • components will handle their own styles
  • globals defined in styles directory


  • /components
    • each component has own directory and css module
    • components follow atomic design principals but are not separated into atoms/molecules/organism directories for simplicity
      • atoms: Button, Text, Card, Chip, Error, Loader, NavItem
      • molecules: Checkbox, FilterForm, FriendCard, FriendsList, LoaderCard, NavBar, NavMenu
      • organisms: FilterFormContainer, PageTemplate, SideNav
  • /pages
    • /home: - no logic
    • /friends
      • data fetched client side to implement pagination and loading states
      • filters logic held in page component to be passed to FilterForm and FriendsList
      • friends and pagination logic held in page component
      • custom useFriends hook to handle logic
    • /friends/[slug]
      • data fetched and page statically generated at build time using getStaticPaths and getServerSideProps to use the power of Next 🚀
    • 404.js - custom 404 page
    • 500.js - custom 500 page
  • /hooks
    • separate complex logic within components into custom hooks
  • /icons
    • svg icons are handled as components to incorporate theme
  • /mocks - friends data
  • /constants - page links, friend levels, viewports
  • /styles
    • CSS module variables defined in styles/globals.css
    • global classes are defined in styles/globals.module.css


  • Set up theme variables
  • Build components
  • Icon components
  • Build home page
  • Build friends page
  • Set up mock API routes to handle pagination
  • Set up pagination on friends page
  • Implement infinite scroll
  • Add filter functionality
  • Mobile responsiveness
  • Build single friend view page
  • Animate loader