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Experiment with Rails, Docker/Docker Machine, local domains, and delayed jobs


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Experiment with Rails, Docker/Docker Machine, local domains, and delayed jobs

Deploy latest built image

Rails tests


  • Dummy Rails 6 app, with React/webpack running, basic controller and tests
  • webpack-dev-server should do hot reloading on docker local.
  • Delayed Jobs and cron to create a new daily taco special
  • Run a postgres node for dev/test, but on prod use a hosted instance.
  • Use a local domain - taco.local or taco.test - to access this Rails app running in (almost) the same env as it would in the cloud.
  • Use docker machine and create a setup of multiple Rails services and DelayedJob workers, which auto restart when they crash.
  • Basic tests which run with Github Actions and push a build to Docker Hub when successful. Then deploy to the cloud on success.

goals for later:

  • (Maybe?) Switch from nginx to Traefik for load balancer/frontend to use it for SSL with Certbot, allowing for DNS challenge and wildcard cert. (Currently, we have to manually specify all domains in the docker-compose file.) (more about wildcards and Traefik here and here) - Docker

Other TODO tasks

  • Clean up these warnings:
npm WARN npm npm does not support Node.js v10.15.2
npm WARN npm You should probably upgrade to a newer version of node as we
npm WARN npm can't make any promises that npm will work with this version.
npm WARN npm Supported releases of Node.js are the latest release of 4, 6, 7, 8, 9.
npm WARN npm You can find the latest version at
npm WARN fsevents@1.2.11 had bundled packages that do not match the required version(s). They have been replaced with non-bundled versions.
npm WARN react-hot-loader@4.12.20 requires a peer of @types/react@^15.0.0 || ^16.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.

Local domain

In your /etc/hosts file, add the line taco.docker (If you want a different address, you'll need to update the instructions for mkcert below)

Local SSL

brew install mkcert then mkcert -install (more here

mkcert taco.docker localhost

cp ./taco.docker.pem ./nginx/certs/taco.docker.crt cp ./taco.docker-key.pem ./nginx/certs/taco.docker.key

For webpack dev server, you might need something to accept the self-signed cert.

Webpack-dev-server and SSL locally

The webpack-dev-server in development starts itself with a self-signed SSL cert. You'll need to direct your browser to that page at https://localhost:3035/ and accept the cert manually. Within the container, taco.docker communicates with webpack-dev-server just fine.

For debugging in Safari, open Keychain and remove existing items for localhost from this project. Then navigate to /node_modules/webpack-dev-server/ssl/ and import server.pem into your default keychain (probably login). You must then "Get Info" on this localhost certificate, and set it to "Always Trust".

About webpack-dev-server and docker

It's been an impossible task to have the dev server in a separate container and acheive SSL and HMR (hot reloading). The compromise was to put them in the same container, and use a script to call Foreman (with processes outlined in to launch both the puma (Rails server) and webpack-dev-server (via npm start).

Local Docker compose

For local environment for development, use Docker Compose on a macOS system with Mojave or later. Linux might work, but untested. Windows is unknown.

To start dev environemnt...

Add the file config/master.key into the app project with the contents of the key, and call this:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.development.yml up

Running tests

With the above running compose stack, run...

docker-compose run -e "RAILS_ENV=test" taco_web rake db:create db:migrate
docker-compose run -e "RAILS_ENV=test" taco_web rake test


swarm deploy

(IMPORTANT: If you don't add the master key with one of the above methods, it will fail to deploy. This is an additional layer to protect secrets in this repo. Do not share the master key, and don't commit the master key in Git or other version control systems.)


for image builds to Docker Hub:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml push
env $(cat .env | grep ^[A-Z] | xargs) docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml stack-name

(Replace stack-name with the name you wish to use.)

Node setup

Use locally to create the nodes you need.

After nodes are created, log in and copy contents of .env and master.key to each node. DO NOT COMMIT THOSE FILES.

Export machines

npm install -g machine-share
machine-export {machine-name}
machine-import {}

You'll need to copy the id_rsa and from that machine zip file to Github secrets in order to deploy. The secrets key names are in the deploy.yml file.

JS Docs

Docs generated at /docs by JSDoc. Here's a guide I followed:

Ruby docs

Still fleshing these out. Started on RDoc Markup with tacos_controller.rb, under guidance written at