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The TEDMB is a bot that connects to a Teeworlds server(zCatch only, because the vanilla Teeworlds logging is broken) via its external console and writes the log into a dedicated Discord channel. The basic workflow is, that the administrator of the bot creates a dedicated channel for this bot, preferrably only accessibly by the administrator and his/her moderators team. After the channel has been created, the administrator adds the bot to the channel and starts monitoring a specic server by connecting the channel to a specific server. This connection is established by the command #moderate econIP:econPort and cannot be terminated without restarting the bot itself, meaning this is a one time connection process.

The bot treats ingame votes diffently, than for example chat, commands executed in the rcon, etc. It is posisble to interact with votes from Discord. The bot has three options to interact with spectator votes and kick votes. The first one is to force the vote to pass, basically executing vote yes. The second option is to force the vote to fail, executing vote no The third option is to punish the voter. This option forces the vote to fail and bans the voting player. The default behavior can be exchanged with other commands like voteban {ID} 1800 etc.

Each econIP:econPort that is used by the admin in the #moderate command must be present in the configuration file .env This way was chosen in order not to expose the econ password to the moderation staff, as they might gain too many access rights if they connected to the external console themselves.


  • Needs the Go compiler in order to be compiled. That's all.
  • Your Teeworlds server needs to have ec_output_level set to at least 2 in order to see join/leave messages.


go get -d
go build .

Example configuration

The configuration is done by creating the .env configuration file in the current working directory from where the executable is called. This means that if you call the executable with ./TeeworldsEconDiscordModerationBot, the .env file must be in the same directory as the executable. Do you start the bot by using cd ~/ && ~/TEDMB/./TeeworldsEconDiscordModerationBot, your configuration file must be located in the home directory ~/.

Log levels:

  • 0: chat, teamchat, votes & rcon - the recommended log level
  • 1 : 0 & whisper - not recommended to eavesdrop on the conversations of others
  • 2 : 1 & join & leave - this gets spammy
# the discord developer api key is the token that needs to be put here

# the administrator is the only person allowed to actually  execute admin commands, 
# especially adding/removing moderators, connecting the bot to a specific discord channel, etc.
# This nickname needs to be within quotes, otherwise the #1234 won't be parsed properly.

# it is possible give specific users moderation access.
# this can be used instead of having to manually add moerators to the list
# can be used to keep the moderator list the same after bot restarts
# moderators can be removed by the admin at runtime anyway.
# These nicks also need to be in quotes.
DISCORD_MODERATORS="nickname2#2345 nickname3#3456"

# this is the group that is pinged, when someone writes @mods, @mod, @admins, etc.

# use 2h5m20s/2h/5m20s/120s format to limit recurring mentions in the discord channels.

# this is a list of commands that can be used by moderators from the discord logging channels.
# you need to explicitly give access to these commands: help status bans multiban multiunban notify unnotify
DISCORD_MODERATOR_COMMANDS="help status bans multiban multiunban notify unnotify vote say mute unmute mutes voteban unvoteban unvoteban_client votebans kick ban unban set_team force"

# if either a kickvote or spectator vote is started, the bot creates reactions that can be used to
# abort the votes forcefully by reacting to the votes. Below you can see the expected emoji format.
# in order for you to find out that string, you have to write your emoji with :f3:, then go back to
# the beginning of the line and add a backslash (\) in front of that emoji. Then send the message and you will see
# the needed parts <:f3:691397485327024209>, just take the f3:691397485327024209.

# This option allows players to abort a vote and then punish the voting player.

# emoji shown when someone has been banned, by clicking it the player is unbanned.

# It is possible to insert your own command with the {ID} placeholder, which is replaced with the
# voting player's ID.
# default: ban {ID} 5 violation of rules

# if the player leaves after voting, one might think that it's an intended funvote, thus increasing
# this second method that is used, if the player left the server.
# default: "ban {IP} 10 violation of rules"
BANIP_REPLACEMENT_COMMAND="ban {IP} 60 violation of rules"

# this is the list of possible servers that can be moderated.
# if the moderation bot is run on the same server as the Teeworlds servers,
# it is possible to use Addresses like `localhost:9305` instead of passing the actual IP
# like ``
# Is the bot run from a different server, the external IPs of the Teeworlds servers are needed with their
# corresponding econ ports.
ECON_ADDRESSES= localhost:9305

# it is recommended to use a long password, either one econ password for all servers or 
# one password without any whitespace for each individual server.

# leave empty or set to 0, disable, false to disable this feature
# in order to keep track of specific troublemakers, their nicknames and their IPs,
# you can utilize a redis database that saves these associations for a limited period of time.
# this feature is accurate with unique nicknames.
# do not trust the full list, as it might contain incorrect associations, as nicknames can easily be shared.
# in order to get the best result, it is best to request for rather UNIQUE nicknames.
# assuming MisterXYZ@Test uses undercover nicknames like nameless tee, it is best to request for 
# MisterXYZ@Test's associated nicknames and not the other way around.

# time, until IPs and Nicknames expire

# address of the redis cache

#pass of the cache, by default there is no password, as redis is used locally only.

# the recommended logging level.

Administrator commands

Administrator commands start with the prefix #. They can only be executed by the administrator that has been defined in the .env file.

#moderate <IP:Port>

Starts the moderation of the server that exposes the external console at the address IP:Port
The moderation cannot be stopped by any command.
Also this command can only be executed once per server, thus limiting the logging of one Teeworlds server to one Discord channel.

#add <DiscordUsername#1234>

If the administrator of the bot did not add moderators, that are allowed to use the bot, to the moderators list by adding them in the .env file, the admin is able to manually add them this way, slowly granting them access to the bot.

#remove <DiscordUsername#1234>

If some moderators should not have any access to the moderation bot, the admin is able to remove staff from the moderators list by executing this command.


Remove all moderators from the moderators list except for the admin that has been defined in the .envconfiguration file.

#clean (Be Careful)

Delete all messages that are within the channel. Creates a new message in the channel and deletes all messages that are before that newly created message.

#spy <nickname> (concider people's privacy)

If the log level is not being increased in order to see whisper messages, the administrator has the ability to enable spying of whisper messages sent by specific players. This should be heavily evaluated before usage, thus the usage is only allowed by the owner/main administrator.

#unspy <nickname>

Stop spying on a specific player's whisper messages.


Remove all spied on players from the spy list.

#execute <rcon command>

This command bypasses any restrictions and can be executed by an administrator only. It is possible to execute an command, even those that moderators cannot execute with this administrator command. This allows the administrator to change server settings on the fly, without having to configure any specific permissions. Handy when multiple servers with different server mods are being hosted.

#announce <time 5h30m50s bigger 1m> <announcement msg>

An administrator can control per server announcements. Each announcement is added to the server that is currently attached to the Discord channel. Announcements are Teeworlds server messages that are being sent via the say command. Announcement messages are split, in order not to fill multiple lines in an unsightly way. Each Teeworlds server message must occupy at most 61 character, thus splitting the message before the word that would exceed 61 character.


Shows a list of announcement messages that are being sent periodically to the servr that is connected to the current Discord channel. The IDs shown here are used to remove theannouncements from the list.

#unannounce <ID>

Remove the selected ID from the server's announcement list and stop announcing via Teeworlds server messages.

#ips <UNIQUE nickname>

Request a list of unique IPs that the nickname has been seen on the moderated servers. The more unique the nickname is, the more accurate the resulting list will be. This means, the smaller the chance that a nickname is used by multiple users, the higher the accuracy of the IP list.

#bulkmultiban <IP, IP2, ...> <duration: 24h22m> <reason text, must not contain a duration formated substring>

Allows to ban a list of IPs on all servers for a given duration an reason.

Moderator commands

Moderators can execute Teeworlds server commands the same way they usually do in the remote console (rcon). The only difference is, that they need to prefix those commands with a ?

One special command is the ?help command that shows all available commands that the moderators can use.


# ban a player
?ban 0 30 flaming

# send a server message
?say Server shutdown.

# move a player to the spectators
?set_team 13 -1

# nofify the moderator when a specific player with a specific nickname joins.
# regardless of the current logging level.
?notify nameless tee

# remove all notifications.

# multiban bans a specific player on all moderated servers
# firstly you would have to execute ?status in order to get a player's ID
?multiban <ID> <minutes> <reason>

# multiunban removes a specific ban from all moderated servers, if there is such a ban.
# in order to unban a specific player, you need to execute ?bans and remember the <BAN_ID>
# it's necessary to use the ?bans command and the ?multiunban command in the same channel
?multiunban <BAN_ID>

Any command specified in the .env file within DISCORD_MODERATOR_COMMANDS can be used by the administrator and the moderation staff. It is possible to specify random commands that the Teeworlds server actually does not know. This would lead to moderators being able to execute invalid commands that are not recognized by the Teeworlds server, making it pointless.

?whois <UNIQUE nickname>

Previously admin only command, but experience shows that this should be accessible for moderators as well. Request for nicknames that have been sharing their IPs with the requested nickname. The more unique the requested nickname is, the better the results are, especially when nobody else shares that nickname or fakes it. This is usually the case, when a player uses undercover nicknames, but it can also be the case when multiple players, especially siblings share the same network.

Important Info

Important to know, imo.

Logging of Discord Command Execution

In order for the server owner to ensure a proper logging of staff activity, on the server as well as for the commands that were executed in the respective Discord channels, each executed Discord command is being written to the server logs, by executing Teeworlds' own echo command. The resulting server log entry might look like this: The # in Discord user names needs to be explicitly replaced, as Teeworlds does not like them, cutting off the rest of the executed command.

[2020-02-27 01:08:20][Console]: User 'discorduser_1234' executed rcon 'say test'

The server must have logs enabled for this to actually work. This is done by defining a logfile Server-5- in the Teeworlds server configuration file.

Discord Channel Log

The moderation bot ensures that the Discord message log is not older than 24 hours. This is takes some load off of Discord and ensures some privacy for the users that play on the servers, as the moderation staff does and should not have an extended access to such information.

Expiration of interacting with votes via Discord reactions

After a vote has been started ingame, the discord bot allows for up to 30 seconds to interact with the vote, as the votes expire after that period of time. Any reactions that were pressed after that time slot do not do anything.


  • create a Discord developer acocunt
  • Start the bot
  • Add your bot to a server/channel
  • execute #moderate in any channel that the bot has access to. That channel becommes the bot's log channel. Repeated executions of that command will not work, thus forcing you to restart the bot if a new channel should be used as the log channel.
  • the bot tries to hide as much personal info, especially IPs, only in edge cases users see actual IPs.
  • after the bot started, you can use commands like ?help, ?status, ?bans and many more. The first three commands do not execute anything on the Teeworlds server, but this data is being evalued and memorized by the bot to ensure a smaller log size and less stress on the Teeworlds server.


small tool to moderate multiple zCatch servers via econ and discord.







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