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Welcoming Users

kabii edited this page Jun 30, 2024 · 12 revisions

👋 Automatic User Welcoming

The user welcoming feature (henceforth "welcomer") can be used to welcome users to your server in a more configurable/dramatic way than the default Discord messages.

Enabling the Welcomer

Welcome messages are enabled as soon as you set up a channel that the messages will be sent to. This can be done quickly by running the command /welcome channel and set value to the channel you would like to use for welcoming users. The bot must have permission to send messages in that channel.

/welcome channel reset:True will disable the welcomer and stop welcome messages from being posted.

Welcome Message Configuration

Configuration for the welcomer feature is accessible through the /welcome command. This command works the same as other Configuration Commands. For example, /welcome config will present an interactive embed for configuration.

See the bottom of this wiki page for visual examples of welcomer configurations.

🔒 There is one welcome configuration for each Discord server and thus modifying it requires the Manage Channels permission.

Options available in welcome

Property Name Description Type Default Value Applies To
channel The channel ID that messages will be set to.
To disable the welcomer, run the command /welcome channel reset:true which will unset this property.
text channel not set all
message The message that will be sent as TEXT when a user joins the server.

Plain-text allows this field to support @mentioning the user who has joined. If you want to mention the user joining your server, you must configure this field to include &mention somewhere.

Use \n in this field to add new lines if you want a multi-line welcome message. Using two can produce a blank line to split information.

This field will always be included if it is configured. See below for the variables that can be inserted into this message.
string not set TEXT
color The color used for text on a generated welcome image.
You can find a color using any HEX color picker online or use the one in Discord.
color #FFFFFF (white) IMAGE
textOutline If a black text outline should be drawn to improve text visibility in welcome images. toggle Enabled IMAGE
tagline A (very short) message that will be prominent in the welcome image/embed, if useTagline is Enabled. This is not used if neither an image or embed is enabled. string WELCOME `IMAGE
useTagline If the tagline should be included in the welcome image/embed. toggle Enabled `IMAGE
text Additional text which will be placed on the bottom of the generated welcome image/embed, if useImageText is Enabled.
See below for the variables that can be inserted into this message.
string Welcome to the server! `IMAGE
useImageText If the 'text' should be included on the generated welcome image/embed. toggle Enabled
avatar If enabled, the joining user's avatar will be included in the welcome image/embed (if also enabled). This is not used if neither an image or embed is enabled. toggle enabled `IMAGE
username If enabled, the joining user's avatar will be included in the welcome image/embed. This is not used if neither an image or embed is enabled. toggle Enabled `IMAGE

The old banner has been removed in favor of /welcomebanners which allows multiple banner upload.

Uploading Welcome Banners

Welcome banners are the image used for greeting users with this welcomer. Some text options from above can be displayed directly on top of the image, screenshot examples of this can be seen below. When selecting/creating a banner, you should be mindful of the contrast requirements to make the text legible and look good.

Welcome banners can be uploaded using /welcomebanners add. If multiple banners are uploaded, a random one will be selected each time a welcome message is generated.

Banners must be of a supported file format: .png, .jpg, .psd. Banners should be exactly 1024x512, otherwise they will be altered to fit this size. As long as the image is exactly 2:1, it can be resized without cropping.

Uploaded banner images can be viewed/downloaded using /welcomebanners list, and deleted using /welcomebanners remove.


The message and text support variables. When a welcome message is generated, variables are replaced with information about the specific user who just joined the server.

Variable Name Inserted Content
&name The username of the user who joined the server.
&mention Mention the user who joined the server. Will only "ping" the user if used in message, as mentions in Discord embeds do not actually ping.
&count The current member count of the server. Can also be interpreted as member "number": You are member #&count
&countord The current member count of the server, with the number's ordinal indicator (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc) added. You are the &countord member!

Testing Welcomer Configuration

The current welcomer configuration can be tested without requiring a user to join the server by running the command /welcome test. This command will simulate that the user running it has just joined the server.

Resulting Welcome Styles

❗❗ These images are not updated to the Slash Command update. Commands may slightly differ.

Based on the configuration table above, the bot will generate a welcome message when users join your server.

This information repeats the configuration table above in a more visual manner.
  1. If message is set, it will be sent as text, with any variables replaced by values corresponding to the user who joined the server.

  2. If ONLY message is set by disabling all other options, a simple welcome text message will be generated and used.

Only Text Config/Example (other fields disabled/cleared as shown in first message)

  1. If at least image is set, a custom welcome image will be generated and used.

Image Config/Example

Color-Altered Example

Embed-Only Example (same fields as image, but with image unset)

  1. If image is NOT set, AND at least one EMBED property is set/enabled, a Discord embed will be generated and used.

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