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[scripts] Extend to combine alignment lattices (#…
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kkm (aka Kirill Katsnelson) authored and danpovey committed May 17, 2019
1 parent 62ebb44 commit c8b93bc
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Showing 2 changed files with 180 additions and 75 deletions.
254 changes: 179 additions & 75 deletions egs/wsj/s5/steps/
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@@ -1,105 +1,209 @@
# Copyright 2016 Xiaohui Zhang Apache 2.0.
# Copyright 2019 SmartAction (kkm)

# This srcipt operates on alignment directories, such as exp/tri4a_ali
# the output is a new ali dir which has alignments from all the input ali dirs
# This script combines alignment directories, such as exp/tri4a_ali, and
# validates matching of the utterances and alignments after combining.

# Begin configuration section.
# End configuration section.
echo "$0 $@" # Print the command line for logging
echo "$0 $@" # Print the command line for logging.

if [ -f ]; then . ./; fi
. || exit 1;
[[ -f ]] && . ./
. || exit 1

export LC_ALL=C

if [[ $# -lt 3 ]]; then
echo "Usage: $0 [options] <data> <dest-ali-dir> <src-ali-dir1> <src-ali-dir2> ..."
echo "e.g.: $0 --num-jobs 32 data/train exp/tri3_ali_combined exp/tri3_ali_1 exp_tri3_ali_2"
echo "Options:"
echo " --extra-files <file1 file2...> # specify addtional files in 'src-ali-dir1' to copy"
echo " --num-jobs <nj> # number of jobs used to split the data directory."
echo " Note, files that don't appear in the first source dir will not be added even if they appear in later ones."
echo " Other than alignments, only files from the first src ali dir are copied."
cat >&2 <<EOF
Usage: $0 [options] <data> <dest-dir> <src-dir1> <src-dir2> ...
e.g.: $0 --nj 32 data/train exp/tri3_ali_combined exp/tri3_ali_1 exp_tri3_ali_2
--nj <nj> # number of jobs to split combined archives [4]
--combine_ali false # merge ali.*.gz if present [true]
--combine_lat false # merge lat.*.gz if present [true]
--tolerance <int,%> # maximum percentage of missing alignments or lattices
# w.r.t. total utterances in <data> before error is
# reported [10]
The script checks that certain important files are present and compatible in all
source directories (phones.txt, tree); other are copied from the first source
(cmvn_opts, final.mdl) without much checking.
Both --combine_ali and --combine_lat are true by default, but the script
proceeds with a warning if directories do not contain either alignments or
alignment lattices. Check for files ali.1.gz and/or lat.1.gz in the <dest-dir>
after the script completes if additional programmatic check is required.
exit 1;


mkdir -p $dest;
rm $dest/{ali.*.gz,num_jobs} 2>/dev/null

cp $first_src/phones.txt $dest 2>/dev/null

export LC_ALL=C
if [[ ! $combine_lat && ! $combine_ali ]]; then
echo "$0: at least one of --combine_lat and --combine_ali must be true"
exit 1

for dir in $*; do
if [ ! -f $dir/ali.1.gz ]; then
echo "$0: check if alignments (ali.*.gz) are present in $dir."
exit 1;
shift 2


# Check if alignments and/or lattices are present. Since we combine both,
# whichever present, issue a warning only. Also verify that the target is
# different from any source; we cannot combine in-place, and a lot of damage
# could result.
for src in $@; do
if [[ "$(cd 2>/dev/null -P -- "$src" && pwd)" = \
"$(cd 2>/dev/null -P -- "$dest" && pwd)" ]]; then
echo "$0: error: Source $src is same as target $dest."
exit 1
if $do_ali && [[ ! -f $src/ali.1.gz ]]; then
echo "$0: warning: Alignments (ali.*.gz) are not present in $src, not" \
"combining. Consider '--combine_ali false' to suppress this warning."
if $do_lat && [[ ! -f $src/lat.1.gz ]]; then
echo "$0: warning: Alignment lattices (lat.*.gz) are not present in $src,"\
"not combining. Consider '--combine_lat false' to suppress this warning."

for dir in $*; do
for f in tree; do
diff $first_src/$f $dir/$f 1>/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "$0: Cannot combine alignment directories with different $f files."
if ! $do_ali && ! $do_lat; then
echo "$0: error: Cannot combine directories."
exit 1

for f in final.mdl tree cmvn_opts num_jobs $extra_files; do
# Verify that required files are present in the first directory.
for f in cmvn_opts final.mdl num_jobs phones.txt tree; do
if [ ! -f $first_src/$f ]; then
echo " no such file $first_src/$f"
exit 1;
echo "$0: error: Required source file $first_src/$f is missing."
exit 1
cp $first_src/$f $dest/

[ -d $temp_dir ] && rm -r $temp_dir;
mkdir -p $temp_dir
echo "$0: dumping alignments in each source directory as single archive and index."
for dir in $*; do
src_id=$((src_id + 1))
cur_num_jobs=$(cat $dir/num_jobs) || exit 1;
alis=$(for n in $(seq $cur_num_jobs); do echo -n "$dir/ali.$n.gz "; done)
$cmd $dir/log/copy_alignments.log \
copy-int-vector "ark:gunzip -c $alis|" \
ark,scp:$temp_dir/ali.$src_id.ark,$temp_dir/ali.$src_id.scp || exit 1;
# Verify that phones and trees are compatible in all directories, and than
# num_jobs files are present, too.
for src in $@; do
if [[ $src != $first_src ]]; then
if [[ ! -f $src/num_jobs ]]; then
echo "$0: error: Required source file $src/num_jobs is missing."
exit 1
if ! cmp -s $first_src/tree $src/tree; then
echo "$0: error: tree $src/tree is either missing or not the" \
"same as $first_src/tree."
exit 1
if [[ ! -f $src/phones.txt ]]; then
echo "$0: error: Required source file $src/phones.txt is missing."
exit 1
utils/lang/ $first_src/phones.txt \
$src/phones.txt || exit 1
sort -m $temp_dir/ali.*.scp > $temp_dir/ali.scp || exit 1;

echo "$0: splitting data to get reference utt2spk for individual ali.JOB.gz files."
utils/ $data $num_jobs || exit 1;
# All checks passed, ok to prepare directory. Copy model and other files from
# the first source, as they either checked to be compatible, or we do not care
# if they are.
mkdir -p $dest || exit 1
rm -f $dest/{cmvn_opts,final.mdl,num_jobs,phones.txt,tree}
$do_ali && rm -f $dest/ali.*.{gz,scp}
$do_lat && rm -f $dest/lat.*.{gz,scp}
cp $first_src/{cmvn_opts,final.mdl,phones.txt,tree} $dest/ || exit 1
cp $first_src/frame_subsampling_factor $dest/ 2>/dev/null # If present.
echo $nj > $dest/num_jobs || exit 1

# Make temporary directory, delete on signal, but not on 'exit 1'.
temp_dir=$(mktemp -d $dest/temp.XXXXXX) || exit 1
cleanup() { rm -rf "$temp_dir"; }
trap cleanup HUP INT TERM
echo "$0: note: Temporary directory $temp_dir will not be deleted in case of" \
"script failure, so you could examine it for troubleshooting."

# This function may be called twice, once to combine alignments and the second
# time to combine lattices. The two invocations are as follows:
# do_combine ali alignments copy-int-vector $@
# do_combine lat lattices lattice-copy $@
# where 'ali'/'lat' is a prefix to archive name, 'alignments'/'lattices' go into
# log messages and logfile names, and 'copy-int-vector'/'lattice-copy' is the
# program used to copy corresponding objects.
do_combine() {
local ark=$1 entities=$2 copy_program=$3
shift 3

echo "$0: Gathering $entities from each source directory."
# Assign all source gzipped archive names to an exported variable, one each
# per source directory, so that we can copy archives in a job per source.
for src in $@; do
src_id=$((src_id + 1))
nj_src=$(cat $src/num_jobs) || exit 1
# Create and export variable src_arcs_${src_id} for the job runner.
# Each numbered variable will contain the list of archives, e. g.:
# src_arcs_1="exp/tri3_ali/ali.1.gz exp/tri3_ali/ali.1.gz ..."
# ('printf' repeats its format as long as there are more arguments).
printf -v src_arks_${src_id} "$src/$ark.%d.gz " $(seq $nj_src)
export src_arks_${src_id}

echo "$0: splitting the alignments to appropriate chunks according to the reference utt2spk files."
utils/ JOB=1:$num_jobs \
$data/split$num_jobs/JOB/utt2spk $temp_dir/ali.scp $temp_dir/ali.JOB.scp
# Gather archives in parallel jobs.
$cmd JOB=1:$src_id $dest/log/gather_$entities.JOB.log \
$copy_program \
"ark:gunzip -c \${src_arks_JOB} |" \
"ark,scp:$temp_dir/$ark.JOB.ark,$temp_dir/$ark.JOB.scp" || exit 1

# Merge (presumed already sorted) scp's into a single script.
sort -m $temp_dir/$ark.*.scp > $temp_dir/$ark.scp || exit 1

echo "$0: Splitting combined $entities into $nj archives on speaker boundary."
$cmd JOB=1:$nj $dest/log/chop_combined_$entities.JOB.log \
$copy_program \
"scp:utils/ --utt2spk=$data/utt2spk --one-based -j $nj JOB $temp_dir/$ark.scp |" \
"ark:| gzip -c > $dest/$ark.JOB.gz" || exit 1

# Get some interesting stats, and signal an error if error threshold exceeded.
n_utt=$(wc -l <$data/utt2spk)
n_ali=$(wc -l <$temp_dir/$ark.scp)
n_ali_no_utt=$(join -j1 -v2 $data/utt2spk $temp_dir/$ark.scp | wc -l)
n_utt_no_ali=$(join -j1 -v1 $data/utt2spk $temp_dir/$ark.scp | wc -l)
n_utt_no_ali_pct=$(perl -e "print int($n_utt_no_ali/$n_utt * 100 + .5);")
echo "$0: Combined $n_ali $entities for $n_utt utterances." \
"There were $n_utt_no_ali utterances (${n_utt_no_ali_pct}%) without" \
"$entities, and $n_ali_no_utt $entities not matching any utterance."

if (( $n_utt_no_ali_pct >= $tolerance )); then
echo "$0: error: Percentage of utterances missing $entities," \
"${n_utt_no_ali_pct}%, is at or above error tolerance ${tolerance}%."
exit 1

for i in `seq 1 $num_jobs`; do
copy-int-vector scp:$temp_dir/ali.${i}.scp "ark:|gzip -c >$dest/ali.$i.gz" || exit 1;
return 0

echo $num_jobs > $dest/num_jobs || exit 1
# Do the actual combining. Do not check returned exit code, as
# the function always calls 'exit 1' on failure.
$do_ali && do_combine ali 'alignments' copy-int-vector "$@"
$do_lat && do_combine lat 'lattices' lattice-copy "$@"

echo "$0: checking the alignment files generated have at least 90% of the utterances."
for i in `seq 1 $num_jobs`; do
num_lines=`cat $temp_dir/ali.$i.scp | wc -l` || exit 1;
num_lines_tot=`cat $data/split$num_jobs/$i/utt2spk | wc -l` || exit 1;
python -c "import sys;
percent = 100.0 * float($num_lines) / $num_lines_tot
if percent < 90 :
print ('$dest/ali.$i.gz {0}% utterances missing.'.format(percent))" || exit 1;
rm -r $temp_dir 2>/dev/null
# Delete the temporary directory on success.

echo "Combined alignments and stored in $dest"
$do_ali && what+='alignments '
$do_ali && $do_lat && what+='and '
$do_lat && what+='lattices '
echo "$0: Stored combined ${what}in $dest" # No period, interferes with
# copy/paste from tty emulator.
exit 0
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions egs/wsj/s5/steps/

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