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lsp-mode extension to support Inline Completions

LSP support inline completions for long text that would look weird in the standard textDocument/completion response. This is used by Code Assistant language servers (Gitlab LSP and apparently CoPilot node server)


Via Use-Package

(use-package lsp-inline-completions
  :quelpa (lsp-inline-completions :fetcher github
                                  :repo "kassick/lsp-inline-completions"
                                  :branch "main"
                                  :files ("*.el"))

  (require 'lsp-inline-completions)
  (add-hook 'lsp-before-inline-completion-hook
            (lambda ()
              ;; scroll to top so preview can show the snippet
              (recenter-top-bottom 4)

              (require 'spinner)
              (spinner-start 'triangle 10)
              ;; Show something, since we can not spin ...
              (message "Asking for suggestions ...")))

  (add-hook 'lsp-after-inline-completion-hook #'spinner-stop)
  (define-key global-map
              (kbd "C-*") '("Inline Completions" . lsp-inline-completion)))


; In dotspacemacs/layers:

 ;; ...
   ;; ...
   (lsp-inline-completions :location
                           (recipe :fetcher github
                                   :repo "kassick/lsp-inline-completions"
                                   :files ("*.el")))
   ;; ...
 ;; ...

;; In dotspacemacs/user-config:

(require 'lsp-inline-completions)
(add-hook 'lsp-before-inline-completion-hook
          (lambda ()
            ;; scroll to top so preview can show the snippet
            (recenter-top-bottom 4)

            (require 'spinner)
            (spinner-start 'triangle 10)
            ;; Show something, since we can not spin ...
            (message "Asking for suggestions ...")))

(add-hook 'lsp-after-inline-completion-hook #'spinner-stop)
(define-key global-map
            (kbd "C-*") '("Inline Completions" . lsp-inline-completion))


This should provide completions as long as you have some server available with the inlineCompletionProvider capability.

This code has been heavily inspired by Copilot.el