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Demo template (Nuxt)

Shopware Frontends

This repository shows an example of demo application built with Shopware Frontends Framework on Nuxt 3.

What's inside

  • Nuxt 3 application
  • Required libraries installed (api-client, CMS components, composables, Nuxt 3 module)
  • Demo Shopware 6 instnace configured as the API


Go to Documentation > Requirements to see the details.

Set up your Shopware 6 instance

In order to have a different API connect to the app, adjust the API credentials in the nuxt.config.ts file: shopwareEndpoint and shopwareAccessToken.


Now, you can have a look on the pages and components and add your stuff there.

[TODO: explain cms overriding or link to the docs].

Install & Run

  1. pnpm i to install deps
  2. pnpm dev to run the project in dev mode

Try it online

Open in StackBlitz


There are many ways and many providers for deployment a production build of JS app. For more, read documentation Best Practices > Deployment section.

In this chapter we will cover:

  • SSR on Node server
  • How to dockerize it

Node server

Use the build script to invoke building the application:

pnpm build

# or npm run build
# or yarn build

Then run start script in order to make the application running:

pnpm start

# or npm run start
# or yarn start

Get app running as docker container

Create or edit a Dockerfile to:

  • Have a node.js environment available
  • Have a built project files copied
  • Run start script as an entrypoint
  • Have a .dockerignore file defined to optimize image size (optionally)

Prepare a docker image:

# run in a main template dir
docker build -t vue-demo-store .

Run a container from the image:

# the application is exposed via 3000 port and mapped to 3000 port on host
docker run -p3000:3000 vue-demo-store

Nitro presets

HERE can be found more about generating different outputs related to the platform

Our recommendation is to use .env file for changing platform presets