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This package implements a variety of data structures, including

  • Dequeue (based on block-list)
  • Stack
  • Queue
  • Disjoint Sets
  • Binary Heap
  • Mutable Binary Heap


The Deque type implements a dequeue using a list of blocks. This data structure supports constant-time insertion/removal of elements at both ends of a sequence.


a = Deque{Int}()
isempty(a)          # test whether the dequeue is empty
length(a)           # get the number of elements
push!(a, 10)        # add an element to the back
pop!(a)             # remove an element from the back
unshift!(a, 20)     # add an element to the front
shift!(a)           # remove an element from the front
front(a)            # get the element at the front
back(a)             # get the element at the back

Note: Julia's Vector type also provides this interface, and thus can be used as a dequeue. However, the Dequeue type in this package is implemented as a list of contiguous blocks (default size = 2K). As a dequeue grows, new blocks may be created and linked to existing blocks. This way avoids the copying when growing a vector.

Benchmark shows that the performance of Dequeue is comparable to Vector on push!, and is noticeably faster on unshift! (by about 30% to 40%).

Stack and Queue

The Stack and Queue types are a light-weight wrapper of a dequeue type, which respectively provide interfaces for FILO and FIFO access.

Usage of Stack:

s = stack(Int)
push!(s, x)
x = top(s)
x = pop!(s)

Usage of Queue:

q = queue(Int)
enqueue!(q, x)
x = front(q)
x = back(q)
x = dequeue!(q)

Accumulators and Counters

A accumulator, as defined below, is a data structure that maintains an accumulated number for each key. This is a counter when the accumulated values reflect the counts.

type Accumulator<K, V<:Number> 
	map::Dict<K, V>

There are different ways to construct an accumulator/counter:

a = accumulator(K, V)    # construct an accumulator with key-type K and 
                         # accumulated value type V

a = accumulator(dict)    # construct an accumulator from a dictionary

a = counter(K)           # construct a counter, i.e. an accumulator with
                         # key type K and value type Int

a = counter(dict)        # construct a counter from a dictionary

a = counter(seq)         # construct a counter by counting keys in a sequence

Usage of an accumulator/counter:

# let a and a2 be accumulators/counters

a[x]             # get the current value/count for x. 
                 # if x was not added to a, it returns zero(V)

add!(a, x)       # add the value/count for x by 1
add!(a, x, v)    # add the value/count for x by v
add!(a, a2)      # add all counts from a2 to a1

pop!(a, x)       # remove a key x from a, and returns its current value

merge(a, a2)     # return a new accumulator/counter that combines the
                 # values/counts in both a and a2

Disjoint Sets

Some algorithms, such as finding connected components in undirected graph and Kruskal's method of finding minimum spanning tree, require a data structure that can efficiently represent a collection of disjoint subsets. A widely used data structure for this purpose is the Disjoint set forest.


a = IntDisjointSet(10)      # creates a forest comprised of 10 singletons
union!(a, 3, 5)             # merges the sets that contain 3 and 5 into one
in_same_set(a, x, y)        # determines whether x and y are in the same set

One may also use other element types

a = DisjointSet{String}(["a", "b", "c", "d"])
union!(a, "a", "b")
in_same_set(a, "c", "d")

Note that the internal implementation of IntDisjointSet is based on vectors, and is very efficient. DisjointSet{T} is a wrapper of IntDisjointSet, which uses a dictionary to map input elements to an internal index.


Heaps are data structures that efficiently maintain the minimum (or maximum) for a set of data that may dynamically change.

All heaps in this package are derived from AbstractHeap, and provides the following interface:

let h be a heap, i be a handle, and v be a value.

- length(h)         # returns the number of elements

- isempty(h)        # returns whether the heap is empty

- push!(h, v)       # add a value to the heap

- top(h)            # return the top value of a heap

- pop!(h)           # removes the top value, and returns it

Mutable heaps (values can be changed after being pushed to a heap) are derived from AbstractMutableHeap <: AbstractHeap, and additionally provides the following interface:

- i = push!(h, v)       # adds a value to the heap and and returns a handle to v
- update!(h, i, v)      # updates the value of an element (referred to by the handle i)

Currently, both min/max versions of binary heap (type BinaryHeap) and mutable binary heap (type MutableBinaryHeap) have been implemented.

Examples of constructing a heap:

h = binary_minheap(Int)            
h = binary_maxheap(Int)            # create an empty min/max binary heap of integers

h = binary_minheap([1,4,3,2])      
h = binary_maxheap([1,4,3,2])      # create a min/max heap from a vector

h = mutable_binary_minheap(Int)    
h = mutable_binary_maxheap(Int)    # create an empty mutable min/max heap

h = mutable_binary_minheap([1,4,3,2])    
h = mutable_binary_maxheap([1,4,3,2])    # create a mutable min/max heap from a vector


Julia implementation of Data structures







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