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Vidar Holen edited this page Oct 18, 2018 · 1 revision

Ensure the shebang uses the absolute path to the interpreter.

Problematic code:

echo "Hello World"

Correct code:

echo "Hello World"


The script's interpreter, as specified in the shebang, does not start with a /.

The interpreter should always be specified by absolute path to ensure that the script can be executed from any directory. When it's not, it's generally a typo like in the problematic example.

If you don't know where the interpreter is and you hoped to use #! bash, this is not an option. Use /usr/bin/env instead:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Hello World"

While not required by POSIX, env can essentially always be found in /usr/bin and will search the PATH for the specified executable.



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  • Help by adding links to BashFAQ, StackOverflow, man pages, POSIX, etc!


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