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The Appium Script Generator will launch a gRPC server, which generates an Appium script whenever it receives a GenerateScript request. After generating the script, it sends the GenerateScript response back to the client.


  • Node.js v20.x (output of node -v command)
  • Yarn v1.22.4. (output of yarn -v command)


  • yarn install: Install all dependent modules
  • yarn start: Start gRPC server
  • yarn test: Run unit tests
  • yarn lint: Verify the coding style

Some explanation about this project structure

  • scripts: Contains bash scripts for building and running this project on Kobiton System only.
  • src: Contains the source code for the project.
    • handlers: Contains the request handlers for the gRPC server.
    • services: Contains the gRPC service implementations.
    • templates: Contains code templates used to generate the final project output. These templates are used by the gRPC server to generate Appium scripts in response to client requests.