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Intercept requests to provide request destination information (linker…
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One way to obtain endpoint information for a particular service is to use the `delegator.json` or the dtab admin UI. The `delegator.json` requires that a user sends a `POST` request to the `delegator.json` endpoint with JSON containing the router label, the dtab the linkerd instance is using, and a service name. An alternative way get endpoint information is to access the dtab admin UI to find out where a request may end up.

Troubleshooting services using these techniques can sometimes be a challenge in Linkerd, especially when debugging linkerd in a complex service mesh. 

This PR introduces a feature that helps users obtain service-specific information by issuing an HTTP `TRACE` request with an `l5d-add-context` header. Linkerd forwards the request to a downstream service associated with the service name. When Linkerd receives a response, it will append its router context to the response body and send the response back to the calling client. The router context includes the service name used to fulfill the request, the client name Linkerd ends up binding to, the set of  IP addresses used for load balancing, the actual IP address Linkerd forwards the request to and the dtab resolution steps that show how Linkerd identifies a service name.


_Assuming we have Linkerd in a linker-linker set up using transformers and a service that responds with `hi` to a `TRACE` request_

$ http_proxy=http://localhost:4140 curl -s -X TRACE -H "Max-Forwards:3" -H "l5d-add-context:true" http://cat

* Rebuilt URL to: http://cat/
*   Trying ::1...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 4140 (#0)
> TRACE http://cat/ HTTP/1.1
> Host: cat
> User-Agent: curl/7.58.0
> Accept: */*
> Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
> Max-Forwards:3
> l5d-add-context:true
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Via: 1.1 linkerd, 1.1 linkerd
< l5d-success-class: 1.0
< Content-Length: 738

--- Router: incoming ---
request duration: 7 ms
service name: /svc/cat
client name: /%/io.l5d.localhost/#/io.l5d.fs/cat
addresses: []
selected address:
dtab resolution:
  /#/io.l5d.fs/cat (/svc=>/#/io.l5d.fs)
  /%/io.l5d.localhost/#/io.l5d.fs/cat (SubnetLocalTransformer)

--- Router: outgoing ---
request duration: 19 ms
service name: /svc/cat
client name: /%/io.l5d.port/4141/#/io.l5d.fs/cat
addresses: []
selected address:
dtab resolution:
  /b/cat (/svc=>2.00*/a & /b)
  /bb/cat (/b=>/bb)
  /#/io.l5d.fs/cat (/bb=>/#/io.l5d.fs)
  /%/io.l5d.port/4141/#/io.l5d.fs/cat (DelegatingNameTreeTransformer$)
(Read from bottom up)
We observe that the `TRACE` request we goes through a linkerd instance on the outgoing router then to the incoming router of the linkerd instance and then finally reaches the cat service.

Integration and unit tests were created to verify this new behavior. I also stood up a `client -> linkerd -> server` environment to carry out tests.

fixes linkerd#1732

Signed-off-by: Dennis Adjei-Baah <>
  • Loading branch information
Dennis Adjei-Baah committed Jun 7, 2018
1 parent ae4f45f commit 7df8692
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Expand Up @@ -808,6 +808,70 @@ class HttpEndToEndTest

test("requests with Max-Forwards header, l5d-add-context and method TRACE are sent downstream") {
@volatile var headers: HeaderMap = null
@volatile var method: Method = null
val downstream ="dog") { req =>
headers = req.headerMap
method = req.method
val resp = Response()
resp.contentString = "response from downstream"
val dtab ="""
/svc/* => /$$/inet/127.1/${downstream.port} ;

val linker = Linker.Initializers(Seq(HttpInitializer)).load(basicConfig(dtab))
val router = linker.routers.head.initialize()
val server = router.servers.head.serve()
val client = upstream(server)

val req = Request() = "dog"
req.headerMap.add("Max-Forwards", "5")
req.headerMap.add("l5d-add-context", "true")
req.method = Method.Trace
val resp = await(client(req))
assert(resp.contentString.contains("response from downstream"))
assert(method == Method.Trace)


test("prints out human readable dtab resolution path"){
val downstream ="dog") { req =>

val dtab ="""
/srv => /$$/inet/127.1/${downstream.port};
/svc => /srv;

val linker = Linker.Initializers(Seq(HttpInitializer)).load(basicConfig(dtab))
val router = linker.routers.head.initialize()
val server = router.servers.head.serve()
val client = upstream(server)

val req = Request() = "dog"
req.method = Method.Trace
req.headerMap.add("Max-Forwards", "5")
req.headerMap.add("l5d-add-context", "true")
val resp = await(client(req))
s"""|client name: /$$/inet/127.1/${downstream.port}
|addresses: [${downstream.port}]
|selected address:${downstream.port}
|dtab resolution:
| /svc/dog
| /srv/dog (/svc=>/srv)
| /$$/inet/127.1/${downstream.port}/dog (/srv=>/$$/inet/127.1/${downstream.port})

def idleTimeMsBaseTest(config:String)(assertionsF: (Router.Initialized, InMemoryStatsReceiver, Int) => Unit): Unit = {
// Arrange
val stats = new InMemoryStatsReceiver
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ class HttpInitializer extends ProtocolInitializer.Simple {
// ensure the client-stack framing filter is placed below the stats filter
// so that any malframed responses it fails are counted as errors
.insertAfter(FailureAccrualFactory.role, FramingFilter.clientModule)
.insertAfter(FailureAccrualFactory.role, RequestActiveTracer.module)

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@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
package io.buoyant.linkerd.protocol.http

import com.twitter.finagle._
import com.twitter.finagle.client.Transporter.EndpointAddr
import com.twitter.finagle.http.Fields.MaxForwards
import com.twitter.finagle.http.{Status, _}
import com.twitter.finagle.http.util.StringUtil
import com.twitter.finagle.naming.buoyant.DstBindingFactory
import com.twitter.util._
import io.buoyant.namer.DelegateTree._
import io.buoyant.namer.{DelegateTree, Delegator}
import io.buoyant.router.{RouterLabel, RoutingFactory}
import io.buoyant.router.RoutingFactory.BaseDtab
import io.buoyant.router.context.{DstBoundCtx, DstPathCtx}

* Intercepts Http TRACE requests with a Max-Forwards and l5d-add-context header.
* Returns identification, delegation, and service address information
* for a given router as well as any other TRACE responses received from downstream
* services.
* A router that receives a tracer request with a Max-Forwards
* greater than 0 decrements the Max-Forwards header by 1 and
* forwards the tracer request to a downstream service that may perform
* additional processing of the request.
* @param endpoint the endpoint address of a downstream service identified by a router
* @param namers namers used to evaluate a service name
* @param dtab base dtab used by the router
* @param routerLabel name of router
class RequestActiveTracer(
endpoint: EndpointAddr,
namers: DstBindingFactory.Namer,
dtab: BaseDtab,
routerLabel: String
) extends SimpleFilter[Request, Response] {

private[this] case class DelegationNode(
path: String,
dentry: String,
dTreeNode: DelegateTree[_] = DelegateTree.Empty(Path.empty, Dentry.nop)
) {
override def toString: String = if (dentry.length == 0) s"$path" else s"$path ($dentry)"

private[this] val AddRouterContextHeader = "l5d-add-context"

private[this] def formatRouterContext(
prependText: String,
serviceName: String,
clientName: String,
selectedAddress: String,
addresses: Option[Set[String]],
dtabResolution: List[String],
elapsedTimestamp: String
): String = {
prependText.trim, // trim the prepend text so we have consistent line spacing
s"""|--- Router: $routerLabel ---
|request duration: $elapsedTimestamp ms
|service name: $serviceName
|client name: $clientName
|addresses: [${addresses.getOrElse(Set.empty).mkString(", ")}]
|selected address: $selectedAddress
|dtab resolution:
|${" " + _).mkString(System.lineSeparator)}""".stripMargin,

// Ensure we use an empty string over the Dentry.nop default string
private[this] val checkDentryNop = (dentry: Dentry) => if (dentry == Dentry.nop) "" else

* Returns a list of DelegationNode that represents a delegate tree path that identifies how a
* router binds a service name.
* @param dTree DelegateTree with a bound name.
* @param nodes an accumulator of DelegationNode that reveal the path to a client name.
* @param clientName the client path name this method is searching for in a DelegateTree
* @return list of DelegationNode. An empty list if no path was found.
private[this] def formatDelegation(
dTree: DelegateTree[Name.Bound],
nodes: List[DelegationNode],
clientName: Path
): List[DelegationNode] = {

//walk the delegate tree to find the path of the clientName path.
dTree match {

//when we reach a DelegateTree.Leaf we may have found a path.
case l@Leaf(leafPath, dentry, bound) if == clientName =>

// We need to check if the last node in 'nodes' is of type DelegationTree.Transformation.
// If so, we need to switch the transformation's dentry with
// the current leaf's dentry. We do this to make sure that the node list is more readable
// when it is added to the request active tracer's response.
val finalPath = nodes.lastOption.collect {
case DelegationNode(nodePath, nodeDentry, _: Transformation[_]) => // check if is transformation

// Switch dentries
val transformerNode = DelegationNode(nodePath, checkDentryNop(dentry))
val leafNode = DelegationNode(, nodeDentry)

nodes.dropRight(1) :+ transformerNode :+ leafNode
case _ =>
// If the last node is not a transformation, it's safe to add the leaf node
// as the last element of nodes
val leafNode = DelegationNode(,, l)
nodes :+ leafNode
finalPath.getOrElse(List.empty) // otherwise return an empty list indicating there is no path.
case t@Transformation(path, name, _, remainingTree) =>
formatDelegation(remainingTree, nodes :+ DelegationNode(, name, t), clientName)
case d@Delegate(path, dentry, remainingTree) =>
formatDelegation(remainingTree, nodes :+ DelegationNode(, checkDentryNop(dentry), d), clientName)
case u@Union(path, dentry, remainingWeightedTrees@_*) => { wd =>
formatDelegation(wd.tree, nodes :+ DelegationNode(, checkDentryNop(dentry), u), clientName)
case a@Alt(path, dentry, remainingTrees@_*) => { d =>
formatDelegation(d, nodes :+ DelegationNode(, checkDentryNop(dentry), a), clientName)
case _ => List.empty

private[this] def getRequestTraceResponse(resp: Response, stopwatch: Stopwatch.Elapsed) = {

val EmptyDelegateTree = DelegateTree.Empty(Path.empty, Dentry.nop)

val serviceName = DstPathCtx.current match {
case Some(dstPath) => dstPath.path
case None => Path.empty

val selectedEndpoint = endpoint.addr match {
case inetAddr: Address.Inet => inetAddr.addr.toString.stripPrefix("/")
case _ => ""

val clientPath = DstBoundCtx.current match {
case None => Path.empty
case Some(addrSet) => match {
case p: Path => p
case _ => Path.empty

val lbSet = DstBoundCtx.current match {
case None => Future.value(Addr.Neg)
case Some(addrSet) =>

val addresses = {
case Addr.Bound(a, _) => Some( {
case inetAddr: Address.Inet => inetAddr.addr.toString.stripPrefix("/")
case _ => ""
case _ => None

val dtreeF = namers.interpreter match {
case delegator: Delegator => delegator.delegate(dtab.dtab(), serviceName)
case _ => Future.None

dtreeF.joinWith(addresses) {
case (dTree: Option[DelegateTree[Name.Bound]], addrSet: Option[Set[String]]) =>
val tree = formatDelegation(dTree.getOrElse(EmptyDelegateTree), List.empty, clientPath)

resp.contentString = formatRouterContext(
//We set the content length of the response in order to view the content string in the response
// entirely
resp.contentLength = resp.content.length

override def apply(
req: Request,
svc: Service[Request, Response]
): Future[Response] = {

val maxForwards = Try(req.headerMap.get(MaxForwards).map(_.toInt))
val isAddRouterCtx = req.headerMap.get(AddRouterContextHeader) match {
case Some(v) => StringUtil.toBoolean(v)
case None => false

(req.method, maxForwards, isAddRouterCtx) match {
case (Method.Trace, Throw(_: NumberFormatException), _) =>
// Max-Forwards header is unparseable
val resp = Response(Status.BadRequest)
resp.contentString = s"Invalid value for $MaxForwards header"
case (Method.Trace, Return(Some(0)), true) =>
// Max-Forwards header is 0 and the l5d-add-context header is present
// returns a response with router context
val stopwatch = Stopwatch.start()
getRequestTraceResponse(Response(req), stopwatch)
case (Method.Trace, Return(Some(0)), false) =>
// returns a response with no router context
case (Method.Trace, Return(Some(num)), true) if num > 0 =>
// Decrement Max-Forwards header
req.headerMap.set(MaxForwards, (num - 1).toString)
// Forward request downstream and add router context to response
val stopwatch = Stopwatch.start()
svc(req).flatMap(getRequestTraceResponse(_, stopwatch)).ensure {
req.headerMap.set(MaxForwards, num.toString); ()
case (Method.Trace, Return(Some(num)), false) if num > 0 =>
req.headerMap.set(MaxForwards, (num - 1).toString)
// Forward requests without adding router context to response
svc(req).ensure {
req.headerMap.set(MaxForwards, num.toString); ()
case (Method.Trace, Return(None), true) =>
val stopwatch = Stopwatch.start()
svc(req).flatMap(getRequestTraceResponse(_, stopwatch))
case (_, _, _) => svc(req)

object RequestActiveTracer {

val module: Stackable[ServiceFactory[Request, Response]] =
new Stack.Module4[EndpointAddr, RoutingFactory.BaseDtab, DstBindingFactory.Namer, RouterLabel.Param, ServiceFactory[Request, Response]] {

override def role: Stack.Role = Stack.Role("RequestEvaluator")

override def description: String = "Intercepts to respond with useful client destination info"

override def make(
endpoint: EndpointAddr,
dtab: BaseDtab,
interpreter: DstBindingFactory.Namer,
label: RouterLabel.Param,
next: ServiceFactory[Request, Response]
): ServiceFactory[Request, Response] =
new RequestActiveTracer(endpoint, interpreter, dtab, label.label).andThen(next)


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