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Install the latest version(s) of macOS on an Asus C425/C433/C434¹ ²

Note: I have been quite busy lately, and I no longer have as much time as before. Some things in this repo are outdated because I lack the time to update them. Please visit the chrultrabook Discord for more information. :(

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Table of Contents

Turns out, this laptop works really well with the latest version(s) of macOS. For more information about the Chromebook's hardware, see here.

macOS Sonoma eMMC Storage

Current Status

Feature Status Notes
WiFi Working With Airportitlwm
Bluetooth Working With IntelBluetoothFirmware and BlueToolFixup.kext.
Suspend / Sleep Working w/ fix Only with custom coreboot ROM
Trackpad Working With VoodooI2C.kext and VoodooI2CELAN.kext.
Graphics Accel. Working With -igfxnotelemetryload in the boot-args.
Internal Speakers Not working Unsupported codec. (max98927)
Keyboard backlight Working With SSDT-KBBl.aml and the custom VoodooPS2.kext.
Keyboard & Remaps Working With the custom VoodooPS2.kext.
eMMC Storage Working With EmeraldSDHC.kextand patched HPET
SD Card Reader Not working WIP with EmeraldSDHC.kext.
Headphone Jack Not working Unsupported codec
HDMI Audio Working Working with AppleALC, thx bernsgtx
HDMI Video Working Working OOTB, thx bernsgtx
USB Ports Working Working with USB mapping and SSDT-USB-RESET.aml
Webcam Working Working OOTB
Internal Mic. Not working Same reason why internal speakers don't work; unsupported codec. (max98927)
Logout / Lock Working Working OOTB.
Shutdown / Restart Working Working with ProtectMemoryReigons set to true in config.plist.
Continuity Not Working Limitation with Intel WiFI cards / itlwm.

Is it stable?


Versions Tested


Note: Image opens in new tab, either Reddit or Discord.


  • 0.8.6
  • 0.8.7
  • 0.8.8
  • 0.8.9
  • 0.9.0
  • 0.9.4

⚠️ Disclaimer

Warning: By continuing, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the contents of and the disclaimer, and consent to their terms.

The instructions outlined in this GitHub repo have the potential to cause permanent harm to your laptop, and you should be aware of this potential outcome before proceeding. I cannot be held accountable for any damage caused from following or disregarding these instructions. I make no assurances concerning the dependability or efficacy of the materials referenced in this repository.


Before you start, you'll need to have the following items to complete the process:

  • An understanding that this process has the potential to damage and/or brick your device, potentially causing it to become inoperable.
  • An external storage device (can range from a SD card to a USB Disk / Drive) for creating the installer USB.
  • The latest OpenCore version (at least 0.8.8) for eMMC boot drive support.
  • An internet connection.


Note: Report other issues in Issues

Current Issues

Note: coreboot 4.20 (5/15/2023 release) is known to cause issues with booting macOS. A fix can be found below.

Fixed Issues

  • meghan06#10 Chromium based apps breaking after sleep.
  • Broken apps after waking from sleep (not to be confused with issue 1 below)
  • Render issues / blank screen / green boxes as images / text not appearing on Electron and Chromium based apps. [help needed]
    • Fixed by SSDT-SBUS-MCHC.aml, you can create the SSDT here.
  • Kernel panic when shutting down / restarting
    • Fixed by setting ProtectMemoryReigons to TRUE.
  • Weird lock ups randomly.
  • Signout not working

1. Installation

Here are the steps to go from chromeOS to macOS via OpenCore on your Chromebook.

Warning Pay close attention to the Chromebook specific parts in the Dortania guide, specifically in Booter -> Quirks and the iGPU boot-args.

Warning Pay very close attention to the following steps, if you miss even one, your Chromebook will lose some functionally and might not even boot.

Note: C434 and C433 users (SHYVANA) will need VoodooI2CHID.kext for touchscreen to function. It is bundled with the VoodooI2C package.

Note: Those who are installing to an external disk like a USB drive can skip steps 10 and 11.

These steps are required for proper functioning.

  1. If you haven't already, flash your Chromebook with MrChromebox's UEFI firmware via his scripts. To complete this process, you must turn off write protection either by using a SuzyQable or temporarily removing the battery, with latter being less cumbersome.

  2. Setup your EFI folder using the OpenCore Guide. Use Laptop Kaby Lake & Amber Lake Y for your config.plist.

  3. Re-visit this guide when you're done setting up your EFI. There are a few things we need to tweak to ensure our Chromebook works with macOS. Skipping these steps will result in a very broken hack.

  4. Add the compiled version of SSDT-PLUG-ALT to your ACPI folder.

  5. In your config.plist, under Booter -> Quirks set ProtectMemoryRegions to TRUE. It should look something like this in your config.plist when done correctly:

    Quirk Type Value
    ProtectMemoryRegions Boolean True

    Warning This must be enabled.

  6. Under DeviceProperties -> Add -> PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0), make the following modifications:

    Key Type Value
    AAPL,ig-platform-id data 0000C087
    device-id data C0870000

    Warning These should be the only two items in PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0).

  7. If you haven't already, add igfxrpsc=1 and -igfxnotelemetryload to your boot-args, under NVRAM -> Add -> 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82,. Both are for iGPU support, you will regret it if you don't add these.

  8. Set your SMBIOS as MacBookAir8,1. Ignore what Dortania tells you to use, MacBookAir8,1 works better with our Chromebook.

  9. Switch the VoodooPS2 from acidanthera with this custom build that's designed for Chromebooks for keyboard backlight control + custom remaps.

    • Keyboard backlight SSDT (SSDT-KBBL.aml) can be found here. Drag it to your ACPI folder.

      Note: This SSDT only works with the custom VoodooPS2 linked above.

  10. Download EmeraldSDHC for eMMC storage support. Put it in your Kexts folder.

  11. Download corpnewt's SSDTTime, then launch it and select FixHPET. Next, select 'C' for default, and drag the SSDT it generated (SSDT-HPET.aml) into your ACPI folder. Finally, copy the patches from oc_patches.plist into your config.plist under ACPI -> Patch.

    Warning Steps 10 and 11 are required for macOS to recognize the internal eMMC disk. Note If eMMMC isn't recognized in Disk Utility, you probably made a mistake in steps 10 & 11.

  12. Map your USB ports³ before installing to prevent dead hard drives, thermonuclear war, or you getting fired. See Misc. Information for a note to USBToolBox users.

  13. Using corpnewt's SSDTTime, dump your DSDT, generate SSDT-USB-RESET.aml, drag it to your ACPI folder, and reload your config.plist. Required for working USB ports.

    Note: USBToolBox users can skip this step, otherwise you must do this or your USB ports won't work.

  14. Snapshot (cmd +r) or (ctrl + r) your config.plist.

    Warning: NEVER do clean snapshots (ctrl/cmd+shift+r) after adding your HPET patches, they will be wiped. Only do regular snapshots. (ctrl/cmd+r)

  15. Install macOS and enjoy!

Note: In depth information about OpenCore can be found here.

Fixing coreboot 4.2.0

coreboot 4.2.0 (5/15/2023 release) has a known issue where macOS will hang on boot due to coreboot not defining CPU cores by default. To fix this, we'll use a SSDT to manually define them. Credits to ExtremeXT for the fix.

  • If you haven't already, add the compiled version of SSDT-PLUG-ALT to your ACPI folder.

Fixing Sleep / Wake Issues

  1. Clone the MrChromebox coreboot repo, see here for the repo:

  2. Go to /src/mainboard/google/poppy/Kconfig


  4. Change the default value (y) to n

         -    default y
         +    default n
  5. Save and exit.

  6. Build and flash.

Note: The first 2 builds will fail. Try to build the ROM 3 times, it should suceeed on the 3rd try.



Note: If you plan to install macOS Big Sur or older (11≥), your Bluetooth kexts will be different. Read the Dortania guide to find out what you need.

ACPI Folder


Note: These SSDTs were generated with SSDTTime, with the exception of SSDT-HDAS-OFF, SSDT-SDXC, SSDT-I2C, and SSDT-SBUS-MCHC.aml.

Note: USBToolBox users don't need SSDT-USB-RESET or SSDT-RHUB

Note: SSDT-HPET and it's config.plist patch is only required for eMMC support.

2. Post Install

Battery Life

Grab the following SSDTs and drag the compiled (.aml) into your ACPI folder:

  1. crossdxcdisable
  2. croshdasdisable

These SSDTs disable unsupported devices, saving battery life and improving stability

Fixing Trackpad

The trackpad in the Asus C425/C433/C434 should work OOTB, but they operate in polling mode which drains battery significantly. To fix this, we'll be using a config.plist patch, a modified version of VoodooGPIO.kext, and a SSDT.

  • To start off, download the contents from crosgpiopatch.
  • Drag the compiled version of SSDT-I2C.kext (thx 1Revenger1) into your ACPI folder
  • Then, in your config.plist, copy patches_GPIO.plist to ACPI -> Patch
  • Finally, replace VoodooGPIO.kext from Kexts\VoodooI2C.kext\Contents\PlugIns with the one from crosgpiopatch.

Continuity Features

The WLAN chipset is soldered on, you cannot replace it. It will never work.


Unless a dedicated Intel SST driver is written, speakers, mic, and 3.5mm will never work.

For anybody looking to get audio working, here are a some bits of info you can use:

Misc. Information

  • When formatting the eMMC drive in Disk Utility, make sure to toggle "Show all Drives" and erase the entire drive.
  • Format the drive as APFS and GUID Partition Table / GPT
  • Map your USB ports prior to installing macOS³ for a painless install. You will reget it if you don't. You can use USBToolBox to do that. You will need a second kext that goes along with it for it to work. Repo here.. USBToolBox will not work without this kext.
  • itlwm is more stable & faster than AirportItlwm on macOS Ventura.
  • itlwm is the only way to connect to Wi-Fi on Sonoma.
  • AppleTV and other DRM protected services may not work.
  • Control keyboard backlight with left ctrl + left alt and < >.
    • < to decrease, > to increase.
  • To fix battery life, use CPUFriend to tweak power settings.
  • To hide the OpenCore boot menu, set ShowPicker to False in Misc -> Boot -> ShowPicker
  • AppleXcpmCfgLock and DisableIOMapper can be enabled or disabled. There is no difference.
  • It's worth noting that while it's recommended, coreboot already includes mapped USB ports, meaning that USB mapping is not required. Proceed at your own risk if you decide to skip USB mapping.
  • eMMC will not be recognized if ScanPolicy is set to 0.
  • USB ports will ONLY work with SSDT-USB-Reset / SSDT-RHUB.
  • macOS will not sleep if you have USB devices plugged in

Note: SSDT-USB-Reset / SSDT-RHUB is not needed if using USBToolBox.

Warning: The hotkey to show bootdrives does not work. Make a copy of your EFI with ShowPicker enabled if you need to boot from another drive in OpenCore.

3. macOS Ventura

Note Only for people installing macOS Ventura.

Note: Make sure you have the latest version of AirportItlwm. To download the latest release of AirportItlwm, see here.

Before we get started, you should know the following:

  • Ventura will run a little hotter
  • The AirportItlwm variant for macOS 13 is slightly less stable than the macOS 12 version.
  • No AirDrop (duh)
  • HandOff has been disabled to increase stabillity and speed.

Stay on macOS 12 (Monterey) to avoid these issues.

4. macOS 14 - Sonoma


Please be patient while the chrultrabook community, hackintosh community, and I iron out all issues.

6/5/2023 note: macOS Sonoma does not have a internet recovery at the time of writing.


  • AirportItlwm does not work on Sonoma. Use Itlwm + Heliport for now.
    • Apple dropped IO80211FamilyLegacy in the DB of Sonoma, which Airportitlwm relies on. Itlwm works because it uses IOEthernet instead.
  • Bugs are expected, please report them.
  • Bluetooth requires a workaround to work. Please see here

How to install:

  • In macOS, download the InstallAssistant.pkg from Apple
  • Follow the Dortania guide for making a USB within macOS via createinstallmedia. You can skip this if you are peforming an OS upgrade (clean install people will need to do this step)
  • Add -lilubetaall to your boot-args. This is the most important step.
  • Update or install macOS 14.

Note: Only clean install has been verified working. OS upgrade is untested.


Can I do this on Windows?

No. You will need macOS to create this installer.

Need help?

You have several options if you still need help.


¹ SHYVANA users (C434 and C433) will need VoodooI2CHID.kext for touchscreen to function.

² All variants (C425, C433, C434) will work.

³ USBToolBox is the reccomended USB mapping tool.


Install macOS on an Asus C425 and its variants







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