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OnLaunch iOS Client

Swift Versions

Created and maintained by and all the amazing contributors.

OnLaunch is a service allowing app developers to notify app users about updates, warnings and maintenance. Our open-source framework provides an easy-to-integrate client to communicate with the backend and display the user interface.

OnLaunch iOS


  • Display customizable messages to your app users
  • Set your app into maintenance mode with blocking messages
  • Easy to integrate with SwiftUI and UIKit


You can integrate OnLaunch into your project using Swift Package Manager.

  1. In Xcode, go to File --> Swift Packages --> Add Package Dependency.
  2. Paste the package repository URL:
  3. Choose the desired version or branch (e.g. main for the latest development version).
  4. Select the target where you want to add OnLaunch.
  5. Click Finish to complete the integration.


Apps built with SwiftUI

  1. Import the OnLaunch iOS client into your App file:
import OnLaunch
  1. Apply the configuration view modifier on your root content View to set your public key:
struct MainApp: App {
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
                .configureOnLaunch { options in
                    // Configure the public key to authenticate with the API endpoint
                    options.publicKey = "<YOUR PUBLIC APP KEY>"
  1. Optionally configure the OnLaunch client by modifying the options:
.configureOnLaunch { options in
    // Configure the public key to authenticate with the API endpoint
    options.publicKey = "<YOUR PUBLIC APP KEY>"

    // (Optional) Configure a custom base URL to your API host
    // options.baseURL = ""

Apps built with UIKit

  1. Import the OnLaunch iOS client into your SceneDelegate file:
import OnLaunch
  1. Configure the client with your public key and set the hostScene:
func sceneDidBecomeActive(_ scene: UIScene) {
    OnLaunch.configure { options in
        // Configure the public key to authenticate with the API endpoint
        options.publicKey = "K2UX4fVPFyixVaeLn8Fky_uWhjMr-frADqKqpOCZW2c"

        // Configure the host scene to present the UI
        options.hostScene = scene
        // or: configure the host view controller to present the UI
        // options.hostViewController = (scene as? UIWindowScene)?.keyWindow?.rootViewController
  1. Optionally configure the OnLaunch client by modifying the options:
.configureOnLaunch { options in
    // Configure the public key to authenticate with the API endpoint
    options.publicKey = "<YOUR PUBLIC APP KEY>"

    // (Optional) Configure a custom base URL to your API host
    // options.baseURL = ""

You can also configure OnLaunch inside your AppDelegate in case your app does not use scenes.


The OnLaunch iOS client provides a couple of configuration options:

Name Description Default
baseURL Base URL where the OnLaunch API is hosted at. Change this to point to your self-hosted instance of the OnLaunch server.
publicKey Public key used to authenticate with the API
shouldCheckOnConfigure Flag indicating if the client should check for new messages immediately after it has been configured. true
hostScene Scene used to host the OnLaunch client UI. Required if you use UIKit with scenes
hostViewController An instance of UIViewController used to host the OnLaunch client UI. Required if you use UIKit without scenes
theme Custom theme used by the OnLaunch client UI. Adapt the values to change the theme to match your preferences. To see all possible configuration values, see Theme.swift Default values as defined in Theme.standard in Theme.swift
bundleId Bundle identifier used by server-side rules. Uses value set in Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier
bundleVersion Version of the build that identifies an iteration of the bundle. CFBundleVersion defined in Info.plist
releaseVersion Release or version number of the bundle. CFBundleShortVersionString defined in Info.plist
appStoreId ID of the app in the App Store. If not defined, the ActionType.openInAppStore will throw a non-crashing assertion

Contributing Guide

Please see our Contributing Guide.


Distributed under the MIT License