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Kurasu (クラス) - Variants


Kurasu Variants is a simple and powerful library tailored for managing class-based variants in your JavaScript or TypeScript projects. It allows you to define and manipulate CSS class names dynamically based on various conditions, making it easier to handle styling variations in a clean and maintainable way.

Key Features

  • 🛠️ Class Variants Management: Define variants for different styling properties and dynamically generate class name based on previously provided classes.
  • 🔧 Default Variants: Set default values for your variants to ensure consistent styling across your components
  • 🎨 Compound Variants: Create compound variants that combine multiple variant conditions to apply specific class names.
  • 🧹 Clean Output: Ensures that duplicate class names are removed, providing clean and efficient class strings.
  • 🏷️ Class Handling: Includes clsx-like utility for handling class strings effortlessly.
  • 🧩 Type Safety: Built with TypeScript to ensure type safety and reduce errors.
  • Lightweight: Minimal footprint, ensuring your project stays lean and fast.

Getting started


To use Kurasu Variants in your project, you can install it as a dependency with npm, yarn, pnpm or bun:

bun add -D @kurasu/variants

Note: Use a runtime of your choice

Example Usage


import { Variants, type VariantsType  } from "@kurasu/variants";

const variants = new Variants({
  base: 'base-class',
  variants: {
    size: {
      small: 'small-size',
      large: 'large-size'
    color: {
      light: 'light-color',
      dark: 'dark-color'
  default: {
    size: 'small',
    color: 'light'
  compoundVariants: {
    ({ size, color }) => {
      if (size === 'large' && color === 'dark') {
        return 'large-dark-class'

      return ''

type Size = keyof VariantType<typeof variants.getVariants>['size']
type Color = keyof VariantType<typeof variants.getVariants>['color']

// In this example a JSX component
export const Example = (
  { size, color }: { size: Size, color: Color }
) => {
  return (
    <div className={variants.forgeClasses({ size, color })} />


import { Example } from "./example";

const Main = () => {
  return <Example size="large" color="dark" />;

// Class output of Example: "large-size dark-color large-dark-class"


Variants Class

new Variants(config: {
  base: string;
  variants: VariantsMap;
  default: DefaultMap<VariantsMap>;
  compoundVariants?: CompoundVariant<VariantsMap>[];
  • base: a base class string that will always be included.
  • variants: an object defining the different variant options.
  • default: an object defining the default values for the variants.
  • compoundVariants (optional): an array of functions that return class names based on specific variant conditions.


Defines the structure of the variants object.

type VariantsMap = {
  [key: string]: { [key: string]: string };


Maps each variant key to one of its possible values, setting default values for the variants.

type DefaultMap<V extends VariantsMap> = {
  [K in keyof V]: keyof V[K];


Defines the optional variant values passed to the forgeClasses method.

type VariantOptions<V extends VariantsMap> = {
  [K in keyof V]?: keyof V[K];


Extracts the type of the variants object returned by the getVariants method in the Variants class.

export type VariantsType<T> = T extends () => infer R ? R : never;


A function type that takes variant options and returns a class name string or undefined.

type CompoundVariant<V extends VariantsMap> = (options: {
  [K in keyof V]: keyof V[K];
}) => string | undefined;



Generates the class string based on the provided variant options, removing any duplicate class names.

forgeClasses(options?: VariantOptions<VariantsMap>): string

Utility Functions


A utility function to concatenate class names, ensuring duplicates are removed.

export declare function cn(...inputs: ClassValue[]): string;


Kurasu Variants is heavily inspired by libraries such as Stitches, Tailwind-Variants and CVA.

Main difference between this library and above is that Kurasu Variants is created in OOP and supports custom functions as compoundVariants.

In the future I plan on adding more features that would expand the experience as well as creating functional API for people that don't really like OOP.


Kurasu Variants is licensed under the MIT License.