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Automated RUB-Network Login

login dot rz website In order to gain access to network in dorms connected to RUB-Network you have to constantly login over at login dot rz. Not only is it really annoying, but you are constantly being logged out due to inactivity. Apart from that, you will lose connection every day at 7:00 AM.

In order to fix this madness, you could use something like a Raspberry PI (any model will be fine, even old and cheap one like Raspberry PI Zero W or 2) with an automated script, that constantly checks for connection and logs you back in, as soon as you are logged out. An always-on PC or old Android smartphone could also do the trick.

Prerequisites on a system

  • Docker

In order to install docker on your PI, follow these instructions. After installation don't forget to update Docker, see here, in order to give sufficient permissions to docker, OTHERWISE SCRIPT WON'T RUN.

Installation process

  • Make sure that Docker is up and running
  • Clone this project with git clone
  • Open project folder with cd AutoRUBLogin/
  • Open and insert your login credentials into .env-example with something like nano .env-example, save changes
  • Rename file to .env with mv .env-example .env
  • Run docker compose up -d to start the script


In order to access logs of the script do docker ps, then find container named autorublogin-login and note its CONTAINER ID on the left of the line. Use that CONTAINER ID in docker logs <CONTAINER_ID> in order to get logs from container.


Script, that automates login dot rz auth.



