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Victoire is a Symfony2 overlay integrating a business aware cms and a large panel of web marketing tools. It can be setup in any symfony2 project in just some few minutes.

The main goal is to give to the final customer the ability to create/edit/delete each content on its website, even for a static content than a business entity based content and whitout any development skill and with the minimum of training.


Victoire is an open-source, community driven project. We are keen on getting your participation for the development of this product. To do so, please follow the steps here

You can see the list of contributors

##Install Victoire

To do so, follow the setup guide

##What's inside?

Component Description
AnalyticsBundle This bundle record the user's navigation history
BlogBundle Allow to create and manage one or several blog
BusinessEntityBundle Manage BusinessEntity
BusinessPageBundle Define and manage BusinessPage and BusinessTemplate
CoreBundle The core
FilterBundle Allows to filter any list's results
FormBundle Based on MopaBootstrapBundle, it brings some cool form themes
I18nBundle This bundle manage the internationalization system
MediaBundle Based on KunstmaanMediaBundle, it offers a file management interface and a bridge to the widgets
PageBundle One of the most important bundles, it contains all the base page logic
QueryBundle Give the possibility to non technical user to build a query
RessourcesBundle Contains JS libraries
SeoBundle This bundle brings to user about than 50 SEO points
SitemapBundle Sitemap related logic
TemplateBundle Contains the pages templates logic (nearly close to PageBundle)
TwigBundle Brings ErrorPage (404, 500, 503 etc) and responsive support
UserBundle Extends FosUserBundle, this bundle brings a ready to use system you can override
WidgetBundle Contains all the base widget logic to be able to use Widgets
WidgetMapBundle Each view has a widget map, this bundle contains all the widget maps logic


All the widgets that you can use with a Victoire's website are available on the Friends Of Victoire page.


Victoire uses GitHub issues, feel free to create your own or develpp an existing one.

##MIT License

License can be found here.


Fullstack Symfony2 DCMS







No packages published


  • JavaScript 64.0%
  • PHP 20.0%
  • CSS 11.1%
  • HTML 3.8%
  • Gherkin 0.6%
  • Classic ASP 0.5%