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DDD Layers & Clean Architecture There are four fundamental layers of a Domain Driven Based Solution;


Business Logic places into two layers, the Domain layer and the Application Layer, while they contain different kinds of business logic;

● Domain Layer implements the core, use-case independent business logic of the domain/system

● Application Layer implements the use cases of the application based on the domain. A use case can be thought as a user interaction on the User Interface (UI).

● Presentation Layer contains the UI elements (pages, components) of the application.

● Infrastructure Layer supports other layer by implementing the abstractions and integrations to 3rd-party library and systems.

The same layering can be shown as the diagram below and known as the Clean Architecture, or sometimes the Onion Architecture: image

What i'm aiming for: ● Independent of Frameworks: The architecture does not depend on the existence of some library of feature laden software.

● Testable: The business rules can be tested without the UI, Database, Web Server, or any other external element

● Independent of Database: we can swap out Oracle or SQL Server, for Mongo, BigTable, CouchDB... or just changing ORM

● Independent of any external agency: The business rules don't know anything about interfaces to the outside world.


  • Implementing Domain Driven Design - Halil İbrahim Kalkan
  • ASP.NET 6 REST API Following CLEAN ARCHITECTURE & DDD - Amichai Mantinband


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