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xMike edited this page Jun 20, 2023 · 5 revisions

So, what/who is Claudy?

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Claudy is the in-house web application for Les 4 Sources, a foundation whose activities are run by a collective of families living in Yvoir, Belgium, at the Domaine d'Ahinvaux.

The collective runs various economic activities on the site, an old farm entirely renovated using ecological materials, as well as a conservatory orchard, pastures for 26 donkeys and a 1.5-hectare woodland.

The main economic activity concerns the accommodation of groups and individuals, in lodgings accommodating up to 25 people, as well as the rental of a large hall for private and business events.

The rental of space and lodgings is an essential economic component of the Les 4 Sources project. Booking management is therefore Claudy's main feature.

Lodgings are currently booked directly, via the 4 Sources website, or via Airbnb.

Claudy's second major feature is to provide a view of the revenues generated by the Foundation's economic activities. A Reporting section is therefore currently under development.

The other economic activities of Les 4 Sources are not yet managed via Claudy. They include:

  • the outdoor bar for hikers and bikers
  • the in-house grocery store
  • activities, workshops and training courses organized by collective members

Les 4 Sources currently uses Punchpass to manage activity reservations.

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Current Features

  • Calendar view: lodgings, rooms and spaces reservations
  • Lodgings and rooms bookings management
  • Space bookings management
  • Public booking form for lodgings
  • A public page for each booking, including useful information for customers
  • Basic reporting (monthly revenues)

Upcoming Features

  • Hammock rental management
  • Bivouac space (for tents) bookings management
  • Global public booking form (for rooms, lodgings and spaces)

Technical Overview

Claudy is an open-source software written in Ruby on Rails 7 with a PostgreSQL database, both hosted on a Linode/Akamai VPS. Deployment is managed with Hatchbox. Error reporting is managed with Sentry.

We use Hotwire, TailwindCSS and Vite Ruby.

Costs (/month)

  • Linode VPS (2 GB): $12 + $2.50 for backup service
  • Hatchbox: $10
  • Sentry: free account
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