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Express API Boilerplate

Recommended Operating System

  • Linux Ubuntu
  • Apple OS X
  • WSL (click here to see how to configure)

Minimum Environment

  • Node v12+ (NVM Recommended)
  • Docker
  • Docker-Compose
  • Yarn


  1. Install all dependencies: yarn
  2. Generate Startup files: yarn gen Start
  3. Initialize Docker: docker-compose up -d
  4. Execute ORM Migrations: yarn orm:run
  5. Create Admin User: yarn seed:run
  6. Start API REST: yarn dev

Insomnia Collection

File Import

  • Json File: src/shared/utils/insomnia.json
  • URL:

Databases available via docker-compose

Database Port Docker Image
PostgreSQL 5432 bitnami/postgresql:latest
MongoDB 27017 bitnami/mongodb:latest
Redis 6379 redis:alpine

To more information, please consult docker-compose.yml in root path

Terminal Scripts

Starts with yarn command (ex.: yarn dev)

Automatic Generate
  • gen: Start Plop Generate
API command
  • dev: initialize API in develop mode (TS Files)
  • build: build app to deploy
  • start: initialize API in production mode (JS files)
Jest tests
  • test: run Unit Tests
  • test:c: clear cache tests
  • orm: execute TypeORM CLI
  • orm:show: show migrations status
  • orm:create: create a clean migration
  • orm:run: execute all migrations
  • orm:revert: rollback the last migration
TypeORM Seed
  • seed:config: show seeds configuration
  • seed:run: execute all seeds