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How to use

lite3 edited this page May 19, 2016 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Unity-BitmapFontImporter wiki!

Bitmap Font Importer will convert .fnt file to Font file.

####How to use?

  1. Import this plugin from Asset Store
  2. Put .fnt and .png file to Unity Project(example font1.fnt), it will auto convert Font file to same directory(example font1.fontsettings)
  3. Create new UGUI Text component, named myText
  4. Drag the Font file to font property of myText.
  5. Drag the Font Material in font1 to Material property of myText.
  6. Input some thing to Text property of myText.

####How to convert exsit .fnt file? Right click .fnt file and select Bitmap Font -> Rebuild Bitmap Font

How to convert all .fnt file?

Right click Assets window and select Bitmap Font -> Rebuild All Bitmap Font

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