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Sync watched between jellyfin and plex locally


Keep in sync all your users watched history between jellyfin and plex servers locally. This uses file names and provider ids to find the correct episode/movie between the two. This is not perfect but it works for most cases. You can use this for as many servers as you want by enterying multiple options in the .env plex/jellyfin section seperated by commas.


# Global Settings

## Do not mark any shows/movies as played and instead just output to log if they would of been marked.
DRYRUN = "True"

## Additional logging information
DEBUG = "False"

## Debugging level, "info" is default, "debug" is more verbose
DEBUG_LEVEL = "info"

## How often to run the script in seconds

## Log file where all output will be written to
LOGFILE = "log.log"

## Map usernames between servers in the event that they are different, order does not matter
## Comma seperated for multiple options
USER_MAPPING = { "testuser2": "testuser3", "testuser1":"testuser4" }

## Map libraries between servers in the even that they are different, order does not matter
## Comma seperated for multiple options
LIBRARY_MAPPING = { "Shows": "TV Shows", "Movie": "Movies" }

## Blacklisting/Whitelisting libraries, library types such as Movies/TV Shows, and users. Mappings apply so if the mapping for the user or library exist then both will be excluded.
## Comma seperated for multiple options
WHITELIST_USERS = "testuser1,testuser2"

# Plex

## Recommended to use token as it is faster to connect as it is direct to the server instead of going through the plex servers
## URL of the plex server, use hostname or IP address if the hostname is not resolving correctly
## Comma seperated list for multiple servers
PLEX_BASEURL = "http://localhost:32400, https://nas:32400"

## Plex token
## Comma seperated list for multiple servers
PLEX_TOKEN = "SuperSecretToken, SuperSecretToken2"

## If not using plex token then use username and password of the server admin along with the servername
## Comma seperated for multiple options
#PLEX_USERNAME = "PlexUser, PlexUser2"
#PLEX_PASSWORD = "SuperSecret, SuperSecret2"
#PLEX_SERVERNAME = "Plex Server1, Plex Server2"

## Skip hostname validation for ssl certificates.
## Set to True if running into ssl certificate errors
SSL_BYPASS = "False"

# Jellyfin

## Jellyfin server URL, use hostname or IP address if the hostname is not resolving correctly
## Comma seperated list for multiple servers
JELLYFIN_BASEURL = "http://localhost:8096, http://nas:8096"

## Jellyfin api token, created manually by logging in to the jellyfin server admin dashboard and creating an api key
## Comma seperated list for multiple servers
JELLYFIN_TOKEN = "SuperSecretToken, SuperSecretToken2"



  • Setup virtualenv of your choice

  • Install dependencies

      pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Create a .env file similar to .env.sample, uncomment whitelist and blacklist if needed, fill in baseurls and tokens

  • Run



  • Build docker image

    docker build -t jellyplex-watched .
  • or use pre-built image

    docker pull luigi311/jellyplex-watched:latest

With variables

  • Run

    docker run --rm -it -e PLEX_TOKEN='SuperSecretToken' luigi311/jellyplex-watched:latest

With .env

  • Create a .env file similar to .env.sample and set the variables to match your setup

  • Run

     docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd)/.env:/app/.env" luigi311/jellyplex-watched:latest


I am open to recieving pull requests. If you are submitting a pull request, please make sure run it locally for a day or two to make sure it is working as expected and stable. Make all pull requests against the dev branch and nothing will be merged into the main without going through the lower branches.


This is currently under the GNU General Public License v3.0.