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s60sc committed Feb 7, 2022
1 parent cf7bcb0 commit 411a7c5
Showing 1 changed file with 355 additions and 0 deletions.
355 changes: 355 additions & 0 deletions webserver.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
// Provides web server for user control of app
// httpServer handles browser requests
// streamServer handles streaming and stills
// otaServer does file uploads
// s60sc 2022

#include "myConfig.h"

#define OTAport 82
static WebServer otaServer(OTAport);
static httpd_handle_t httpServer = NULL; // web server listens on port 80
static httpd_handle_t streamServer = NULL; // streamer listens on port 81
static camera_fb_t* fb = NULL;
static File df;
static char inFileName[FILE_NAME_LEN];
byte* chunk;

static void OTAtask(void* parameter);

static bool sendChunks(File df, httpd_req_t *req) {
// use chunked encoding to send large content to browser
size_t chunksize;
do {
chunksize = readClientBuf(df, chunk, RAMSIZE); // leave space for mjpeg header
if (httpd_resp_send_chunk(req, (char*)chunk, chunksize) != ESP_OK) {
return false;
} while (chunksize != 0);
httpd_resp_send_chunk(req, NULL, 0);
return true;

static esp_err_t fileHandler(httpd_req_t* req, bool download = false) {
// send file contents to browser
httpd_resp_set_hdr(req, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
File df =;

if (!df) {
const char* resp_str = "File does not exist or cannot be opened";
LOG_ERR("%s: %s", resp_str, inFileName);
httpd_resp_set_status(req, HTTPD_400);
httpd_resp_send(req, resp_str, HTTPD_RESP_USE_STRLEN);
return ESP_FAIL;
char newFileName[FILE_NAME_LEN];
strcpy(newFileName, inFileName);
if (download) {
// download file as attachment
if (isAVI(df)) changeExtension(newFileName, inFileName, "avi");
else strcpy(newFileName, inFileName);
LOG_INF("Download file: %s, size: %0.1fMB", newFileName, (float)(df.size()/ONEMEG));
char contentDisp[FILE_NAME_LEN + 50];
sprintf(contentDisp, "attachment; filename=%s", newFileName);
httpd_resp_set_hdr(req, "Content-Disposition", contentDisp);

if (sendChunks(df, req)) LOG_INF("Sent %s to browser", newFileName);
else {
LOG_ERR("Failed to send %s to browser", newFileName);
httpd_resp_set_status(req, HTTPD_400);
httpd_resp_send(req, "Failed to send file to browser", HTTPD_RESP_USE_STRLEN);
return ESP_FAIL;
httpd_resp_send(req, NULL, 0);
return ESP_OK;

static esp_err_t indexHandler(httpd_req_t* req) {
strcpy(inFileName, WEB_PAGE_PATH);
return fileHandler(req);

static esp_err_t jqueryHandler(httpd_req_t* req) {
httpd_resp_set_hdr(req, "Cache-Control", "max-age=604800");
strcpy(inFileName, JQUERY_PATH);
return fileHandler(req);

static esp_err_t controlHandler(httpd_req_t *req) {
// process control query from browser
char query[FILE_NAME_LEN];
size_t queryLen = httpd_req_get_url_query_len(req) + 1;
httpd_req_get_url_query_str(req, query, queryLen);
// extract key value pair
char* value = strchr(query, '=');
if (value != NULL) {
*value = 0; // split query into 2 strings, first is key name
value++; // second is value
} else {
LOG_ERR("Invalid query string");
httpd_resp_set_status(req, HTTPD_400);
httpd_resp_send(req, "Invalid query string", HTTPD_RESP_USE_STRLEN);
return ESP_FAIL;
updateStatus(query, value);
if (!strcmp(query, "sfile")) {
// get folders / files on SD, save received filename if has required extension
strcpy(inFileName, value);
doPlayback = listDir(inFileName, jsonBuff, JSON_BUFF_LEN, FILE_EXT); // browser control
httpd_resp_set_type(req, "application/json");
httpd_resp_send(req, jsonBuff, HTTPD_RESP_USE_STRLEN);
return ESP_OK;
else if (!strcmp(query, "updateFPS")) {
sprintf(jsonBuff, "{\"fps\":\"%u\"}", setFPSlookup(fsizePtr));
httpd_resp_set_type(req, "application/json");
httpd_resp_send(req, jsonBuff, HTTPD_RESP_USE_STRLEN);
return ESP_OK;
else if(!strcmp(query, "fps")) setFPS(atoi(value));
else if(!strcmp(query, "framesize")) setFPSlookup(fsizePtr);
else if (!strcmp(query, "download")) {
// handler for downloading selected file, required file name set by
// previous 'sfile' value in inFileName
httpd_resp_set_type(req, "application/octet");
return fileHandler(req, true);
else if (!strcmp(query, "ota")) {
xTaskCreate(&OTAtask, "OTAtask", 4096, NULL, 1, NULL);
strcpy(inFileName, OTA_PAGE_PATH);
return fileHandler(req);
else if (!strcmp(query, "config")) {
httpd_resp_set_type(req, "text/plain");
strcpy(inFileName, CONFIG_FILE_PATH);
return fileHandler(req);
else if (!strcmp(query, "log")) {
strcpy(inFileName, LOG_PAGE_PATH);
return fileHandler(req);
else if (!strcmp(query, "logText")) {
httpd_resp_set_type(req, "text/plain");
strcpy(inFileName, LOG_FILE_PATH);
return fileHandler(req);
httpd_resp_send(req, NULL, 0);
return ESP_OK;

static esp_err_t statusHandler(httpd_req_t *req) {
bool quick = (bool)httpd_req_get_url_query_len(req);
httpd_resp_set_type(req, "application/json");
httpd_resp_send(req, jsonBuff, HTTPD_RESP_USE_STRLEN);
return ESP_OK;

static esp_err_t streamHandler(httpd_req_t* req) {
// send mjpeg stream or single frame
esp_err_t res = ESP_OK;
// if query string present, then frame required
bool doFrame = (bool)httpd_req_get_url_query_len(req);
camera_fb_t* fb = NULL;
size_t jpgLen = 0;
uint8_t* jpgBuf = NULL;
char hdrBuf[HDR_BUF_LEN];
uint32_t startTime = millis();
uint32_t frameCnt = 0;
uint32_t mjpegKB = 0;
httpd_resp_set_hdr(req, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
if (!doFrame) {
httpd_resp_set_type(req, STREAM_CONTENT_TYPE);
if (doPlayback) openSDfile(inFileName);

do {
if (doPlayback) {
// playback mjpeg from SD
size_t* imgPtrs = getNextFrame();
jpgLen = imgPtrs[0];
if (jpgLen) res = httpd_resp_send_chunk(req, (const char*)SDbuffer+imgPtrs[1], jpgLen);
else doPlayback = false;
if (res != ESP_OK) break;
} else {
if (dbgMotion) {
// motion tracking stream, wait for new move mapping image
xSemaphoreTake(motionMutex, portMAX_DELAY);
fetchMoveMap(&jpgBuf, &jpgLen);
if (!jpgLen) res = ESP_FAIL;
} else {
// stream from camera
xSemaphoreTake(frameMutex, portMAX_DELAY);
fb = esp_camera_fb_get();
if (!fb) {
LOG_ERR("Camera capture failed");
res = ESP_FAIL;
} else {
jpgLen = fb->len;
jpgBuf = fb->buf;
if (res == ESP_OK) {
// send jpeg to browser
if (doFrame) {
httpd_resp_set_type(req, "image/jpeg");
httpd_resp_set_hdr(req, "Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=capture.jpg");
res = httpd_resp_send(req, (const char*)jpgBuf, jpgLen);
} else {
res = httpd_resp_send_chunk(req, JPEG_BOUNDARY, strlen(JPEG_BOUNDARY));
size_t hdrLen = snprintf(hdrBuf, HDR_BUF_LEN-1, JPEG_TYPE, jpgLen);
if (res == ESP_OK) res = httpd_resp_send_chunk(req, (const char*)hdrBuf, hdrLen);
if (res == ESP_OK) res = httpd_resp_send_chunk(req, (const char*)jpgBuf, jpgLen);
if (fb) {
fb = NULL;
(dbgMotion) ? xSemaphoreGive(motionMutex) : xSemaphoreGive(frameMutex);
mjpegKB += jpgLen / 1024;
if (res != ESP_OK) break;
} while (!doFrame);
uint32_t mjpegTime = millis() - startTime;
float mjpegTimeF = float(mjpegTime) / 1000; // secs
if (doFrame) LOG_INF("JPEG: %uB in %ums", jpgLen, mjpegTime);
else LOG_INF("MJPEG: %u frames, total %ukB in %0.1fs @ %0.1ffps", frameCnt, mjpegKB, mjpegTimeF, (float)(frameCnt) / mjpegTimeF);
doPlayback = false;
return res;

static void sendCrossOriginHeader() {
// prevent CORS blocking request
otaServer.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
otaServer.sendHeader("Access-Control-Max-Age", "600");
otaServer.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST,GET,OPTIONS");
otaServer.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*");

void startWebServer() {
chunk = (byte*)malloc(BUFF_SIZE);
httpd_config_t config = HTTPD_DEFAULT_CONFIG();
httpd_uri_t indexUri = {.uri = "/", .method = HTTP_GET, .handler = indexHandler, .user_ctx = NULL};
httpd_uri_t jqueryUri = {.uri = "/jquery.min.js", .method = HTTP_GET, .handler = jqueryHandler, .user_ctx = NULL};
httpd_uri_t controlUri = {.uri = "/control", .method = HTTP_GET, .handler = controlHandler, .user_ctx = NULL};
httpd_uri_t statusUri = {.uri = "/status", .method = HTTP_GET, .handler = statusHandler, .user_ctx = NULL};

config.max_open_sockets = MAX_CLIENTS;
if (httpd_start(&httpServer, &config) == ESP_OK) {
httpd_register_uri_handler(httpServer, &indexUri);
httpd_register_uri_handler(httpServer, &jqueryUri);
httpd_register_uri_handler(httpServer, &controlUri);
httpd_register_uri_handler(httpServer, &statusUri);
LOG_INF("Starting web server on port: %u", config.server_port);
} else LOG_ERR("Failed to start web server");

httpd_uri_t streamUri = {.uri = "/stream", .method = HTTP_GET, .handler = streamHandler, .user_ctx = NULL};
config.server_port += 1;
config.ctrl_port += 1;
if (httpd_start(&streamServer, &config) == ESP_OK) {
httpd_register_uri_handler(streamServer, &streamUri);
LOG_INF("Starting streaming server on port: %u", config.server_port);
} else LOG_ERR("Failed to start streaming server");

To apply web based OTA update.
In Arduino IDE, create sketch binary:
- select Tools / Partition Scheme / Minimal SPIFFS
- select Sketch / Export compiled Binary
On browser, press OTA Upload button
On returned page, select Choose file and navigate to sketch or spiffs .bin file
in sketch folder, then press Update
Similarly files ending '.htm' or '.txt' can be uploaded to the SD card /data folder
static void uploadHandler() {
// callback function
// apply received .bin file to SPIFFS or OTA partition
// or update html file or config file on sd card
HTTPUpload& upload = otaServer.upload();
char replaceFile[20] = DATA_DIR;
static int cmd = 999;
String filename = upload.filename;
if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_START) {
if ((strstr(filename.c_str(), HTML_EXT) != NULL)
|| (strstr(filename.c_str(), TEXT_EXT) != NULL)
|| (strstr(filename.c_str(), JS_EXT) != NULL)) {
// replace relevant file
strcat(replaceFile, "/");
strcat(replaceFile, filename.c_str());
LOG_INF("Data file update using %s", filename.c_str());
// Create file
df =, FILE_WRITE);
if (!df) {
LOG_ERR("Failed to open %s on SD", filename.c_str());
otaServer.sendHeader("Connection", "close");
} else if (strstr(filename.c_str(), ".bin") != NULL) {
// OTA update
LOG_INF("OTA update using file %s", filename.c_str());
// if file name contains 'spiffs', update the spiffs partition
cmd = (strstr(filename.c_str(), "spiffs") != NULL) ? U_SPIFFS : U_FLASH;
if (cmd == U_SPIFFS) SPIFFS.end(); // close SPIFFS if open
if (!Update.begin(UPDATE_SIZE_UNKNOWN, cmd)) Update.printError(Serial);
} else LOG_WRN("File %s not suitable for upload", filename.c_str());

} else if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE) {
if (cmd == 999) {
// web page update
if (df.write(upload.buf, upload.currentSize) != upload.currentSize) {
LOG_ERR("Failed to save %s on SD", filename.c_str());
otaServer.sendHeader("Connection", "close");
} else {
// OTA update, if crashes, check that correct partition scheme has been selected
if (Update.write(upload.buf, upload.currentSize) != upload.currentSize) Update.printError(Serial);
} else if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_END) {
if (cmd == 999) {
// web page update
LOG_INF("Data file update complete");
} else {
if (Update.end(true)) { // true to set the size to the current progress
LOG_INF("OTA update complete for %s", cmd == U_FLASH ? "Sketch" : "SPIFFS");
} else Update.printError(Serial);

static void otaFinish() {
otaServer.sendHeader("Connection", "close");
otaServer.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
otaServer.send(200, "text/plain", (Update.hasError()) ? "OTA update failed, restarting ..." : "OTA update complete, restarting ...");

static void OTAtask(void* parameter) {
// receive OTA upload details
static bool otaRunning = false;
if (!otaRunning) {
otaRunning = true;
LOG_INF("Starting OTA server on port: %u", OTAport);
otaServer.on("/upload", HTTP_OPTIONS, sendCrossOriginHeader);
otaServer.on("/upload", HTTP_POST, otaFinish, uploadHandler);
while (true) {

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