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Exemplary Ruby on Rail RestAPI aimed at assessing code quality with meticulous attention to detail.

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Pokemon API

Petal Solutions Inc. Test Ruby backend


The Pokemon API is a RESTful service that allows evaluating the quality of the code.

The purpose of this application is to connect an APIRestful and get a list of pokemons.


  • The project is developed as a REST API.


  1. To initialize the project, use the following command:
  rails new pokemon_api --api -d postgresql -T


The following technologies are used in this project:

Version Command for checking
ruby 3.2.3 ruby --version
rails rails --version


To deploy the application, follow these steps:

  1. Install dependencies:
  bundle install
  1. Start the server:
  bin/rails serve

API Reference

To access the API documentation, perform the following steps:

  1. Run the command:
  rake rswag:specs:swaggerize
  1. Once the documentation is retrieved, go to (Pokemon API v1 Docs)[localhost:3000/api/docs]

Running Tests

Execute the following command to run the tests:

   bundle exec rspec spec/

Solution Approach

The solution for building the Pokemons API involves the following steps:

  1. Entity Serialization: To ensure clean and structured responses from our API, we use JBuilder for entity serialization. This allows us to define the structure of our API responses in a clear and organized manner.

  2. Documentation Generation: We integrate Rswag to automatically generate Swagger-compliant documentation for our API. This ensures that our API endpoints are well-documented and easy to explore. Taking advantage of the gem, it allows us to create tests at the same time as we are creating the documentation.

  3. Testing Strategy: We employ RSpec and related gems for behavior-driven development (BDD) and testing. RSpec Rails provides a robust framework for testing Rails applications, while Rack Test allows us to test Rack applications with a simple API. Additionally, we use RSpec JSON Expectations for validating JSON responses in our tests.

  4. Code Quality: To maintain code quality and adherence to best practices, we utilize RuboCop, a linter for Ruby code. RuboCop helps us enforce consistent coding styles and identify potential issues in our codebase.

Installed Gems

The following gems are installed for the project:

  • byebug: Debugging tool for Ruby.
  • dotenv-rails: Loads environment variables from a .env file into ENV when the Rails app initializes.
  • factory_bot_rails: Provides support for defining and using factories in RSpec tests
  • faker: Generates fake data for testing purposes
  • rspec-json_expectations: Integrate 'rspec/json_expectations' gem for additional JSON-related expectations in RSpec.
  • rspec-rails: Behavior-driven development for Ruby on Rails applications
  • rswag-api: Adds Swagger API documentation to Rails APIs using RSpec.
  • rswag-specs: Provides tools to document APIs with RSpec-like syntax and generate Swagger JSON files.
  • rswag-ui: Provides a UI for interacting with and testing Rails APIs documented with Swagger.
  • rubocop: Linter for Ruby code.


Exemplary Ruby on Rail RestAPI aimed at assessing code quality with meticulous attention to detail.







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