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Tags: marius-hi/cypress-example-phonecat



Toggle step-14's commit message
step-14 Animations

- Add animations to the application:
  - Animate changes to the phone list, adding, removing and reordering phones with `ngRepeat`.
  - Animate view transitions with `ngView`.
  - Animate changes to the main phone image in the phone detail view.
- Showcase three different kinds of animations:
  - CSS transition animations.
  - CSS keyframe animations.
  - JavaScript-based animations.


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step-13 REST and Custom Services

- Replace `$http` with `$resource`.
- Create a custom `Phone` service that represents the RESTful client.
- Use a custom Jasmine equality tester in unit tests to ignore irrelevant properties.


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step-12 Event Handlers

- Make the thumbnail images in the phone detail view clickable:
  - Introduce a `mainImageUrl` property on `PhoneDetailController`.
  - Implement the `setImage()` method for changing the main image.
  - Use `ngClick` on the thumbnails to register a handler that changes the main image.
  - Add an end-to-end test for this feature.


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step-11 Custom Filters

- Implement a custom `checkmark` filter.
- Update the `phoneDetail` template to use the `checkmark` filter.
- Add a unit test for the `checkmark` filter.


Toggle step-10's commit message
step-10 More Templating

- Implement fetching data for the selected phone and rendering to the view:
  - Use `$http` in `PhoneDetailController` to fetch the phone details from a JSON file.
  - Create the template for the detail view.
- Add CSS styles to make the phone detail page look "pretty-ish".


Toggle step-9's commit message
step-9 Routing & Multiple Views

- Introduce the `$route` service, which allows binding URLs to views for routing and deep-linking:
  - Add the `ngRoute` module as a dependency.
  - Configure routes for the application.
  - Use the `ngView` directive in 'index.html'.
- Create a phone list route (`/phones`):
  - Map `/phones` to the existing `phoneList` component.
- Create a phone detail route (`/phones/:phoneId`):
  - Map `/phones/:phoneId` to a new `phoneDetail` component.
  - Create a dummy `phoneDetail` component, which displays the selected phone ID.
  - Pass the `phoneId` parameter to the component's controller via `$routeParams`.


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step-8 Templating Links & Images

- Add a phone image and links to phone pages.
- Add an end-to-end test that verifies the phone links.
- Tweak the CSS to style the page just a notch.


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step-7 XHR & Dependency Injection

- Replace the in-memory dataset with data loaded from the server (in the form of a static
  'phone.json' file to keep the tutorial backend agnostic):
  - The JSON data is loaded using the `$http` service.
- Demonstrate the use of `services` and `dependency injection` (DI):
  - `$http` is injected into the controller through DI.
  - Introduce DI annotation methods: `.$inject` and inline array

Closes angular#207


Toggle step-6's commit message
step-6 Two-way Data Binding

- Add an `age` property to the phone model.
- Add a drop-down menu to control the phone list order.
- Override the default order value in controller.
- Add unit and end-to-end tests for this feature.

Closes angular#213


Toggle step-5's commit message


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step-5 Filtering Repeaters

- Add a search box to demonstrate:
  - How the data-binding works on input fields.
  - How to use the `filter` filter.
  - How `ngRepeat` automatically shrinks and grows the number of phones in the view.
- Add an end-to-end test to:
  - Show how end-to-end tests are written and used.
  - Prove that the search box and the repeater are correctly wired together.