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GitHub Action

Composer Diff


Composer Diff


Composer Diff

Compare composer.lock files and generate human-readable list of package changes


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Composer Diff

uses: IonBazan/composer-diff-action@v1.0.2

Learn more about this action in IonBazan/composer-diff-action

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Composer Diff action

This action compares your composer.lock files and generates human-readable report with packages changed in PR or commit using composer-diff. You may use the action output to annotate your code or add a comment to your Pull Request.


Here's an example of the Composer Diff Github Action providing feedback on a Pull Request:


Note: you must use the actions/checkout step with fetch-depth: 0 as shown below before running the Composer Diff action in order for it to function properly You may set it to 1 if you want to compare only with the previous commit.

name: Composer Diff
      - 'composer.lock'
    name: Composer Diff
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
          fetch-depth: 0 # Required to make it possible to compare with PR base branch

      - name: Generate composer diff
        id: composer_diff # To reference the output in comment
        uses: IonBazan/composer-diff-action@v1

      - uses: marocchino/sticky-pull-request-comment@v2
          header: composer-diff # Creates a collapsed comment with the report
          message: |
            <summary>Composer package changes</summary>

            ${{ steps.composer_diff.outputs.composer_diff }}



This action takes same input arguments as the composer-diff command:

  • base - base (old) composer.lock path and/or git reference - default: ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.sha }} (last commit in base branch of PR)

    To use it with custom composer.lock path, follow commit_hash:path/to/composer.lock convention.

  • target - target (new) composer.lock path and/or git reference - default: composer.lock (current file version)

    Follows same convention as base argument

  • format - output format - either mdtable, mdlist or json - see composer-diff documentation - default: mdtable

  • strict - returns non-zero exit code if there are any changes - default: false

  • no-dev - excludes dev dependencies - default: false

  • no-prod - excludes prod dependencies - default: false

  • with-platform - include platform (php, ext-*) dependencies - default: false

  • with-links - adds compare/release URLs - default: false

  • extra-arguments - additional arguments to be passed to the command - default: --ansi (for colorful output)


This command produces an output named composer_diff containing the output of the command with stripped colors and prepared for processing further with other actions (creating a comment, annotation, etc.).

You may reference it using:

  - name: Generate composer diff
    id: composer_diff
    uses: IonBazan/composer-diff-action@v1
  - uses: foo/bar@v1
      diff: ${{ steps.composer_diff.outputs.composer_diff }}