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Quick solution for settings-up backups on Postgresql, Sqlite, others


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🗄️🔐 Bifrost-backups

📚 Overview

Bifrost-backups is a powerful tool designed to simplify backup setup in production environments. Set it up once, and let it handle your backup needs effortlessly.

🧠 Logic

Backup Process

  1. Database (PostgreSQL, SQLite3, etc.) → Dump
  2. Dump → Cipher
  3. Ciphered Dump → Upload
  4. Apply Retention Policy
  5. Cleanup

Restoration Process

  1. Search registered storage
  2. Download latest backup (or specified version)
  3. Decipher backup
  4. Restore database

Retention Policy

Clean up backups older than the defined retention period (default: 21 days, configurable per storage)

🚀 Getting Started

> bifrost-backups
Backup solution for PostgreSQL, SQLite3

  bifrost-backups [command]

Available Commands:
  backup            Execute the backup operation
  help              Help about any command
  register-database Register a new database
  register-storage  Register a new storage
  restore           Execute the restoration operation
  retention         Execute the retention policy operation
  update            Check if a new version is available

      --disable-update-check   Disable auto update checking before execution
  -h, --help                   Help for bifrost-backups
  -t, --toggle                 Help message for toggle
  -v, --version                Version for bifrost-backups
  -y, --yes                    Auto accept manual questions (y/n)

Use "bifrost-backups [command] --help" for more information about a command.



> bifrost-backups backup [flags]

  -h, --help          Help for backup
      --name string   Database name


  • All registered databases: bifrost-backups backup
  • Specific database: bifrost-backups backup --name dev


> bifrost-backups restore [flags]

      --backup-name string    Backup name on your storage solution
  -h, --help                  Help for restore
      --name string           Database name
      --storage-name string   Specify a storage (uses the first found if not specified)


  • Restore using the first found storage: bifrost-backups restore --name dev
  • Restore using a specific storage: bifrost-backups restore --name dev --storage-name default


> bifrost-backups retention [flags]

  -h, --help          Help for retention
      --name string   Database name


  • Execute retention policy: bifrost-backups retention --name dev

Register Database

> bifrost-backups register-database [flags]

      --cron string       Backup cron (default "0,30 * * * *")
  -h, --help              Help for register-database
      --host string       Database host (default "localhost")
  -i, --interactive       Use interactive mode
      --name string       Database name
      --password string   Database user password
      --path string       Database path (SQLite3)
      --storages string   Storage names, e.g., "s3AWS,s3Azure,s3GCP" (default "default")
      --type int          Database type (1: PostgreSQL, 2: SQLite3)
      --user string       Database user


  • PostgreSQL: bifrost-backups register-database --type 1 --name dev --user dev --password mySuperC@mplexPassWord --host --storages default,s3AWS
  • SQLite3: bifrost-backups register-database --type 2 --name dev --path ~/project/db/project.db

Register Storage

> bifrost-backups register-storage [flags]

      --access-key-id string       Access key ID
      --access-key-secret string   Access key secret
      --account-id string          Account ID
      --bucket-name string         Bucket name
      --cipher-key string          Custom cipher key (AES256 32bits) or leave empty to generate one
      --endpoint string            Endpoint
  -h, --help                       Help for register-storage
      --name string                Storage name (default "default")
  -i, --no-interactive             Use interactive mode
      --path string                Path for local storage output (default "~/bifrost-backups")
      --region string              Storage region (default "auto")
      --retention int              Backup retention period in days (default 21)
      --type int                   Storage type


  • S3: bifrost-backups register-storage --type 1 --name s3AWS --access-key-id myAccessKey --access-key-secret mySecretKey --bucket-name myBucketName --region myRegion
  • Local storage: bifrost-backups register-storage --type 2 --name localStorage --path ~/bifrost-backups

🤝 Contributing

We welcome contributions from everyone! Here's how you can contribute:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix
  3. Make your changes and commit them
  4. Push your changes to your forked repository
  5. Create a pull request to the 'develop' branch of the main repository

Please see the CONTRIBUTING file for more details.

📝 License

Bifrost-backups is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more details.