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Folders and files

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  • zsh + p10k for flavor + nvim

For linux:

  1. Install first sudo apt install zsh
  2. Make it your default shell chsh -s $(which zsh)
() {

  command curl -LO
  command chmod u+x nvim.appimage
  command mkdir -p /opt/nvim
  command mv nvim.appimage /opt/nvim/nvim

  emulate -L zsh -o xtrace -o err_return
  ZDOTDIR=/no/such/dir command zsh -ic '[[ $ZDOTDIR == /no/such/dir ]]'
  command git clone -- ~/.oh-my-zsh
  command git clone --depth=1 -- ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel10k
  command sed -- 's|robbyrussell|powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k|' ~/.oh-my-zsh/templates/zshrc.zsh-template >~/.zshrc
  command echo '[[ ! -f ~/.vim/.p10k.zsh ]] || source ~/.vim/.p10k.zsh' >> ~/.zshrc
  command echo '[[ ! -f ~/.vim/.aliases ]] || source ~/.vim/.aliases' >> ~/.zshrc

  command ln -s ~/.vim/.vimrc ~/.vimrc

  ZDOTDIR=~ exec zsh -i

Vim configuration

Recommended: Install the latest vim version via appImage executable


  • File storage viewer (nerdtree)
  • Spell check for English in text documents (md, asciidoc, text...)
  • Better Status lines and buffer/tabs information (vim-airline)
  • IDE like features
    • Workspace features (vim-ctrlspace)
    • Python auto completion (coc-vim + coc-python)
    • Linting with flake8 (ale)
    • Fixing python code using black when saving file (ale)
    • Class outline viewer (preservim/tagbar)
    • Git branch showing and use :G to execute git commands (fugitive)
    • Possibility to set vim configurations at project level using .editorconfig files

config install

git clone ~/.vim

mkdir ~/.vim/swp ~/.vim/undodir ~/.vim/thesaurus ~/.vim/autoload
ln -s $HOME/.vim/.vimrc $HOME/.vimrc

# Install the plugin manager
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs

# Install the thesaurus 
wget -O ~/.vim/thesaurus/moby_thesaurus.txt

# Install coc dependencies (code completion + IDE like features)
curl -sL | sudo bash

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install fonts-powerline

# generates an index (or tag) file of classes, objects...
sudo apt install \
    gcc make \
    pkg-config autoconf automake \
    python3-docutils \
    libseccomp-dev \
    libjansson-dev \
    libyaml-dev \
git clone && cd ctags
mkdir ~/.vim/libs
./configure #--prefix=/where/you/want # defaults to /usr/local
sudo make install # may require extra privileges depending on where to install

# Asciidoctor
sudo apt-get install -y asciidoctor default-jdk
sudo gem install asciidoctor-pdf
sudo gem install asciidoctor-diagram

# Rust
rustup component add rust-analyzer

# If you want to use nvim, it's the moment to follow

vim +PlugInstall +q +q

vim +'CocInstall coc-json coc-tsserver'
vim +'CocInstall @yaegassy/coc-ruff coc-rust-analyzer coc-pyright'
vim +'CocCommand ruff.builtin.installServer'

If you are using OS X, install vim and/or neovim from homebrew. If using neovim, check out their documentation on how to support .vimrc

If you are using WSL please install all powerline fonts on windows and select it as the terminal font. See,-Ubuntu-and-Windows#handling-the-delicate-flower-of-windows and

If you are using mac, deactivate Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcut -> Input Sources "select the previous input source" See AstroNvim/AstroNvim#601

Example commands (NOTE: <leader> is currently , and <CR> is enter key)

  • Code of completion

    • gd go to definition
    • gr find references
    • K show documentation
    • <leader>rn rename
    • <leader>qf quick fix
    • <leader>re refactor
    • <leader>r refactor selected
    • <space>s search in project
  • Comment

    • gcc toggle line comment (normal mode)
    • gc toggle comment (visual mode)
  • File explorer (NERDTree):

    • s open file in vertical split
    • ì open file in split
    • t open in new tab
    • Select the desired directory, press m (NERDTree menu) and then a a to create new file. End it with / to create a directory instead
  • Folds

    • We'll autofold everything.
    • zM to fold everything
    • zR to unfold
    • <space> or za to toggle open and close
  • Async executions via tpope/vim-dispatch

    • Use :Dispatch cmd to run a non blocking window a commands
    • Then use :Copen to open it
  • Workspace (vim-ctrlspace)

    • Ctrl+ space bar open menu (base)
    • w to show workspaces
  • Buffers (# indicates buffer number)

    • :buffers to list them
    • :b# go to buffer #
    • :bd close current buffer
    • :bd# close buffer #
    • :vs|b# or :sp|b# open buffer in split window
  • Git (using plugin vim-gitgutter)

    • :Git for direct git commands
    • Jump between hunks (changes) [c and ]c
    • Stage hunk ,hs unstage ,hu
    • preview the hunk (git diff style) ,hp
  • Window (split) management

    • Ctrl+H left
    • Ctrl+J down
    • Ctrl+K up
    • Ctrl+L right
    • Ctrl+W q to close the window you are at
    • Ctrl+W o to focus on that split (closes all others)
    • ctrl+W _ Max out the height of the current split
    • ctrl+W | Max out the width of the current split
    • ctrl+W = Normalize all split sizes, which is very handy when resizing terminal
    • Ctrl+W R Swap top/bottom or left/right split
    • Ctrl+W T Break out current window into a new tabview
    • Ctrl+W o lose every window in the current tabview but the current one
    • ctrl+W _ Max out the height of the current split
    • Ctrl+W R Swap top/bottom or left/right split
    • Ctrl+W T Break out current window into a new tabview
    • Ctrl+W o lose every window in the current tabview but the current one
  • Documentation (asciidoctor):

    • Compiles as HTML when saved
    • <leader>ch to manually compile to html
    • <leader>cp to compile to pdf
    • <leader>b to bold selected text (in visual mode)
    • <leader>i to italics selected text (in visual mode)



my personal congif of vim






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