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Write Excel docs & PDFs with Clojure data, from higher level abstractions (tree, table) or via a manual grid specification.


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NOTE: This is not the most recent version of excel-clj. I will continue to solve issues and fix bugs for version 1.x, but new projects are encouraged to use the most up to date version of the software, available on the main branch.

Declarative generation of Excel documents & PDFs with Clojure from higher level abstractions (tree, table) or via a manual grid specification, with boilerplate-free common sense styling.

CHANGELOG | Uses Break Versioning


[org.clojars.mjdowney/excel-clj "1.3.3"]

Getting Started

All of the namespaces have an example function at the end; they're intended to be browsable and easy to interact with to glean information beyond what's here in a the readme.

Start by skimming this and then browsing core.clj.

Tests are run with

lein test


Though Excel is much more than a program for designing tabular layouts, a table is a common abstraction that we impose on our data.

(require '[excel-clj.core :as excel])
=> nil
(def table-data
  [{"Date" "2018-01-01" "% Return" 0.05M "USD" 1500.5005M}
   {"Date" "2018-02-01" "% Return" 0.04M "USD" 1300.20M}
   {"Date" "2018-03-01" "% Return" 0.07M "USD" 2100.66666666M}])
=> #'user/table-data
(let [;; A workbook is any [key value] seq of [sheet-name, sheet-grid].
      ;; Convert the table to a grid with the table function.
      workbook {"My Generated Sheet" (excel/table table-data)}]
  (excel/quick-open workbook))

An excel sheet is opened


Sometimes -- frequently for accounting documents -- we use spreadsheets to sum categories of numbers which are themselves broken down into subcategories.

For example, a balance sheet shows a company's assets & liabilities by summing the balances corresponding to an account hierarchy.

(def balance-sheet
  ["Mock Balance Sheet"
     [["Current Assets"
       [["Cash" {2018 100M, 2017 85M}]
        ["Accounts Receivable" {2018 5M, 2017 45M}]]]
      ["Investments" {2018 100M, 2017 10M}]
      ["Other" {2018 12M, 2017 8M}]]]
    ["Liabilities & Stockholders' Equity"
       [["Current Liabilities"
         [["Notes payable" {2018 5M, 2017 8M}]
          ["Accounts payable" {2018 10M, 2017 10M}]]]
        ["Long-term liabilities" {2018 100M, 2017 50M}]]]
       [["Common Stock" {2018 102M, 2017 80M}]]]]]]])

=> #'user/balance-sheet
(excel/quick-open {"Balance Sheet" (excel/tree balance-sheet)})

An excel sheet is opened

Trees are pretty flexible — the only requirement that we impose is that their leaves have the format [string-label, map-of-numbers]. We construct trees using the same arguments we'd give to clojure.core/tree-seq, plus a walk function.

We could make a tree for some part of our file system for example:

(require '[excel-clj.tree :as tree] '[ :as io])
=> nil

(let [src-tree
        (fn [f xs]
          (if-not (seq xs)
            [(.getName f) {:size (.length f)}]
            [(str (.getName f) "/") xs]))
        #(.isDirectory %) #(.listFiles %) (io/file "."))]
    {"Source Tree" (excel/tree ["Source" [src-tree]] :data-format :number)}))

An excel sheet is opened

PDF Generation

If you're on a system that uses an OpenOffice implementation of Excel, PDF generation is similarly simple.

  {"Mock Balance Sheet" (excel/tree balance-sheet) 
   "Some Table Data" (excel/table table-data)})

A PDF is opened

Table Styling

The table function provides hooks to add custom styling without touching the generated grid, within the context of the table abstraction.

(More on the syntax of the style data in Manual Styling.)

  • The :data-style keyword arg is a fn (row-map, column-name) => style map
  • The :header-style keyword arg is a fn (column name) => style map

For instance, to highlight rows in our table where percent return is less than 5%:

(letfn [(highlight-below-5% [row-data col-name]
          (when (< (row-data "% Return") 0.05M)
            {:fill-pattern :solid-foreground
             :fill-foreground-color :yellow}))]
    {"My Generated Sheet" (excel/table table-data :data-style highlight-below-5%)}))

An excel spreadsheet with one row highlighted

Tree Styling

The tree function provides similar hooks to style the tree elements based on their nested depth. Both keyword arguments expect a fn (integer-depth) => style map where the integer depth increases with nesting.

  • :total-formatters is a function that controls styling for tree rows that display totals of multiple subcategories
  • :formatters is a function that controls styling for the rest of the tree

Manual Styling

The code in this library wraps Apache POI. For styling, the relevant POI object is CellStyle.

In order to insulate code from Java objects, style specification is done via maps, for instance the style we saw above to highlight a row was:

{:fill-pattern :solid-foreground, :fill-foreground-color :yellow}

Under the hood however, all of the key/value pairs in the style maps correspond directly to setters within the POI objects. So if you browse the CellStyle documentation, you'll see CellStyle::setFillPattern and CellStyle::setFillForegroundColor methods.

The map attributes are camel cased to find the appropriate setters, and the corresponding values are run through the multimethod which dispatches on the attribute name and returns some value that's appropriate to hand to POI.

If you're interested in greater detail, see the namespace documentation for style.clj, otherwise it's sufficient to know that enums are keyword-ized and colors are either given as keywords (:yellow) or as RGB three-tuples ([255 255 255]).

Grid Format & Cell Merging

The functions table and tree convert the source data into the grid format which can go directly into the workbook map. The grid is [[cell]], where each [cell] represents a row.

The cell data are either plain values (String, Date, Number, etc.) or a map that includes optional style data / cell merging instructions.

(let [title-style {:font {:bold true :font-height-in-points 10} :alignment :center}]
    {"Some Grid" 
     [ [{:value "This is a Title" :width 5 :style title-style}] ;; Title row
       ["This" "Is" "A" "Row"] ;; Another row

A spreadsheet with a merged title

v2.0.0 Roadmap

  • A higher-level interface that allows wrapping side-effecting code in a view or a write macro to redirect any clojure.pprint/print-table effects into a spreadsheet.
    • Likewise, an improved pprint for trees that works under the same abstraction.
    • Sheet names can be specified via meta data.
  • Performance improvements. Right now, performance starts to break down after about 100,000 rows on my Ubuntu / OpenOffice setup, and much sooner on Mac.
    • Rework the lower-level interface to take full advantage of laziness, where possible.
    • Rethink the way formatting is handled.
    • Check if it ends up being more performant to write a chunk of the file, and then re-open it to write the next chunk. This will have to do with Apache POIs way of dealing with memory, so I'll have to investigate that first.
  • Templates which provide an easy way to work with formulas and styling. The planned functionality is simple: instead of overwriting a document, allow overwriting a single sheet within the document.
    • Then to create a template, you just make a .xlsx file, or download some cool Google Sheets template, with multiple sheets.
    • Some of the sheets are only source data, which we'll write to programatically, and other sheets depend on those source sheets (via formulas, macros, etc.).
  • Tentatively: a Java wrapper or some RPC interface for other languages to use the functionality of this library, maybe by passing in JSON tables / trees? Though "start-writing" and "stop-wrting" commands with lines of data in between might be more practical.


Write Excel docs & PDFs with Clojure data, from higher level abstractions (tree, table) or via a manual grid specification.







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