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ExcelTable is an Oracle SQL interface to read Microsoft Excel files (.xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb, .xls, .xml), ODF spreadsheet files (.ods) and flat files as external tables


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ExcelTable - An Oracle SQL Interface for MS Excel, ODF Spreadsheet and Flat Files

ExcelTable is a pipelined table interface to read Excel files (.xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb, .xls, .xml), ODF spreadsheet files (.ods), and flat files (delimited or positional) as if they were external tables.
It is primarily implemented in PL/SQL using an object type (for the ODCI routines) and a package supporting the core functionalities.


What's New in...

Version 5.0 :
Support for strict OOXML documents
Streaming read method for ODF files
Raw cells listing

Version 4.0 : Support for delimited and positional flat files

Version 3.2 : ExcelTable can read XML spreadsheetML files (.xml)

Version 3.1 : New default value feature in DML API

Version 3.0 : Multi-sheet support

Version 2.3 : New API for DML operations

Version 2.2 : ExcelTable can read ODF (OpenDocument) spreadsheet files (.ods).
Support for TIMESTAMP data type

Version 2.1 : ExcelTable can read .xlsb files.

Version 2.0 : ExcelTable can read old 97-2003 Excel files (.xls).

(Change Log)

Bug tracker

Found a bug, have a question, or an enhancement request?
Please create an issue here.


Getting source code

Clone this repository or download it as a zip archive.

ExcelCommons and MSUtilities dependencies are now provided as submodules.

  • If you choose to clone the repository, use the following command to fetch the submodule automatically :
    git clone --recurse-submodules

  • If you go the download way, please also get ExcelCommons and MSUtilities zip archives and extract the content of their root folders into ExcelCommons and MSUtilities folders respectively.

Database requirement

ExcelTable requires Oracle Database and onwards.

Note that the interface may work as well on versions and, with limited support for CLOB projections, but that scenario has not been tested.

DBA preliminary tasks

On database versions prior to, a temporary XMLType table is used internally to read .xlsx files with the default DOM method. The owner requires the CREATE TABLE privilege in this case :

grant create table to <user>;

The schema into which ExcelTable is installed requires at least the privileges to create sessions, procedures and types:

   create session,
   create procedure,
   create type

In order to read encrypted files, the interface requires access to the DBMS_CRYPTO API (see PL/SQL section below).
The owner must therefore be granted EXECUTE privilege on it :

grant execute on sys.dbms_crypto to <user>;

ExcelTable requires CURSOR_SHARING parameter set to EXACT, otherwise one may receive the following error when using ODCI-based function getRows() :

PLS-00307: too many declarations of 'ODCITABLEDESCRIBE' match this call

The current value can be checked using this query :

select value from v$parameter where name = 'cursor_sharing';

If the value is not 'EXACT' then it can be changed at system or session level using the corresponding ALTER SYSTEM/SESSION command, e.g.

alter session set cursor_sharing = exact;

If this change is not possible, the workaround is to override the parameter at query level via a hint :

select /*+ cursor_sharing_exact */ t.*
from table(
       ExcelTable.getRows( ... )
     ) t


Using SQL*Plus, connect to the target database schema and run script install.sql.


ExcelTable requires additional Java classes for the following features :

  • Streaming read method for .xlsx/.xlsm files
  • Reading password-protected ODF spreadsheets encrypted using the Blowfish algorithm (ODF 1.0/1.1)

JAR files to deploy depend on the database version :

⚠️ As of ExcelTable 5.0, Java-based features are desupported on database versions <
If necessary, you may create an issue and request a backport for your version. Otherwise, please use the last compatible release ExcelTable 4.0.1.

Run shell script install_jdk5.bat on Windows, or on a UNIX-like machine to load them in the database.
You will be prompted for connect information : database SID, user and password.

  • Versions >=
    The StAX API is included in JDK 6, as well as the Sun Java implementation (SJXSP), so for those versions one only needs the following jar file :

Run shell script install_jdk6.bat (or to load it in the database.

Both scripts use loadjava utility, available from a standard Oracle client or database installation ($ORACLE_HOME/bin).
It is recommended to use a client version at least equal to the target database version to avoid compatibility issues.

Quick Start

Reading an Excel file using default settings :

FROM Table(
       , 'my_sheet'
       , ' "COL1"  number
         , "COL2"  varchar2(10)
         , "COL3"  number
         , "COL4"  date
         , "COL5"  number(3)'
     ) t

Reading a delimited flat file (e.g. csv) :

FROM Table(
         p_file => ExcelTable.getTextFile('MY_DIR','my_file.csv')
       , p_cols => q'{
                     "COL1" number
                   , "COL2" varchar2(50)
                   , "COL3" varchar2(50)
                   , "COL4" number
                   , "COL5" date format 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'
                   , "COL6" timestamp(6) format 'DD-MON-YYYY HH.MI.SS.FF9 AM'
       , p_skip => 0
       , p_line_term => chr(10)
       , p_field_sep => ','
     ) t

Reading a positional flat file :

FROM Table(
         p_file => ExcelTable.getTextFile('MY_DIR','my_file.dat')
       , p_cols => q'{
                     "COL1" number(4)     position(1:4)
                   , "COL2" varchar2(10)  position(5:14)
                   , "COL3" varchar2(9)   position(15:23)
                   , "COL4" number(4)     position(24:27)
                   , "COL5" date format 'DD/MM/YYYY'  position(28:37)
       , p_skip => 0
       , p_line_term => chr(10)
     ) t

Getting cells list :

SELECT t.sheetIdx
     , t.cellRow
     , t.cellCol
     , t.cellData.getTypeName() as typeName
     , case when t.cellData.getTypeName() = 'SYS.VARCHAR2' then t.cellData.accessVarchar2() end as strval
     , case when t.cellData.getTypeName() = 'SYS.NUMBER' then t.cellData.accessNumber() end as numval
     , case when t.cellData.getTypeName() = 'SYS.TIMESTAMP' then t.cellData.accessTimestamp() end as tsval
     , case when t.cellData.getTypeName() = 'SYS.CLOB' then t.cellData.accessClob() end as lobval
     , t.cellNote
FROM Table(
         p_file        => ExcelTable.getFile('XL_DATA_DIR','my_file.xlsx')
       , p_sheetFilter => anydata.ConvertVarchar2('my_sheet')
       , p_cols        => 'A-F'
     ) t

See the following sections for more examples and detailed description of ExcelTable features.

ExcelTable Subprograms and Usage

getRows Function

This is the main function of ExcelTable. It returns a set of rows from the input file, based on the sheet(s), range and projection defined in the parameters.
The function is available as three overloads :

  • Overloads #1 and #2 are dedicated to spreadsheet files, and accept a single sheet name (as a regex pattern), or a sheet list.
  • Overload #3 is used to read delimited or positional flat files.

Overload 1

function getRows (
  p_file     in blob
, p_sheet    in varchar2
, p_cols     in varchar2
, p_range    in varchar2 default null
, p_method   in binary_integer default DOM_READ
, p_password in varchar2 default null
return anydataset pipelined
using ExcelTableImpl;

Overload 2

function getRows (
  p_file     in blob
, p_sheets   in ExcelTableSheetList
, p_cols     in varchar2
, p_range    in varchar2 default null
, p_method   in binary_integer default DOM_READ
, p_password in varchar2 default null
return anydataset pipelined
using ExcelTableImpl;

Overload 3

function getRows (
  p_file      in clob
, p_cols      in varchar2
, p_skip      in pls_integer
, p_line_term in varchar2
, p_field_sep in varchar2 default null
, p_text_qual in varchar2 default null
return anydataset pipelined
using ExcelTableImpl;
Parameter Description Mandatory
p_file Input spreadsheet file (.xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb, .xls, .xml or .ods format) as a BLOB, or flat file, as a CLOB.
Helper functions getFile() and getTextFile() are available to directly reference the file from a directory.
p_sheet Spreadsheet only
Sheet name.
This parameter is interpreted as a regular expression pattern, if the feature has been enabled via useSheetPattern procedure (see note below).
p_sheets Spreadsheet only
Sheet list, of ExcelTableSheetList data type.
Provides a list of sheet names, e.g. ExcelTableSheetList('Sheet1','Sheet2','Sheet3')
p_cols Column list (see specs below) Yes
p_range Spreadsheet only
Excel-like range expression that defines the table boundaries in the worksheet (see specs below)
p_method Spreadsheet only
Read method.
DOM_READ : 0 (default value), or STREAM_READ : 1.
This parameter is ignored if the file is not a .xlsx or .xlsm file.
p_password Spreadsheet only
Password used to encrypt the spreadsheet document.
p_skip Flat file only
Number of line(s) to skip from the beginning of the file.
For technical reasons, this parameter is mandatory, so set it explicitly to 0 by default if no line has to be skipped.
p_line_term Flat file only
Line terminator. At most two characters are allowed for this parameter, typically <LF> or <CR><LF>.
p_field_sep Flat file only
Field separator. Must be exactly one character.
Mandatory for delimited flat files
p_text_qual Flat file only
Text qualifier. Must be exactly one character, typically " (QUOTATION MARK) or ' (APOSTROPHE).
Line terminators and field separators occurring in fields enclosed by this character won't be interpreted.

Note :
As of ExcelTable 3.0, p_sheet parameter can accept a regex pattern in order to reference multiple sheets, e.g. '^Sheet[1-3]'.
For backward compatibility, this feature is disabled by default. It may be toggled dynamically by calling useSheetPattern procedure, or enabled by default by changing the initial value of sheet_pattern_enabled variable in ExcelTable package body :

sheet_pattern_enabled  boolean := true;

getRawCells function

This is a pipelined function returning a set of raw cells from the input spreadsheet file.
Cell value is provided as an ANYDATA instance in cellData column.

function getRawCells (
  p_file         in blob
, p_sheetFilter  in anydata
, p_cols         in varchar2
, p_range        in varchar2 default null
, p_method       in binary_integer default DOM_READ
, p_password     in varchar2 default null
return ExcelTableCellList pipelined;
Parameter Description Mandatory
p_file Cf. getRows function Yes
p_sheetFilter An ANYDATA instance representing either a sheet name pattern or a collection of sheet names (ExcelTableSheetList).
See parameters p_sheet and p_sheets in getRows function.
p_cols A list of comma-separated column references, or range of column references.
For example : 'A,B,E,F', 'A-G', 'A,D-F'
p_range Cf. getRows function No
p_method Cf. getRows function No
p_password Cf. getRows function No

Available columns in the result set are :

Name Data type Description
cellRow INTEGER Row number
cellCol VARCHAR2(3) Column reference
cellType VARCHAR2(10) Internal use only.
Use cellData.getTypeName() to retrieve the system type name.
cellData ANYDATA Cell value. Use the ad hoc accessor to extract the value, e.g. cellData.accessVarchar2() if type name is 'SYS.VARCHAR2'.
sheetIdx INTEGER Sheet index (1-based)
cellNote VARCHAR2(32767) Cell comment

getFile function

Loads a file from a directory, as a temporary BLOB.

function getFile (
  p_directory in varchar2
, p_filename  in varchar2
return blob;
Parameter Description Mandatory
p_directory Directory name. Yes
p_filename Input spreadsheet file name. Yes

Note :
As of Oracle 12.2, getFile() may be replaced by the built-in TO_BLOB(bfile) SQL function.

getTextFile function

Loads a (text) file from a directory, as a temporary CLOB.

function getTextFile (
  p_directory in varchar2
, p_filename  in varchar2
, p_charset   in varchar2 default 'CHAR_CS'
return clob;
Parameter Description Mandatory
p_directory Directory name. Yes
p_filename Input file name. Yes
p_charset Character set (encoding) of the input file. By default, the database character set is assumed. No

Note :
As of Oracle 12.2, getTextFile() may be replaced by the built-in TO_CLOB(bfile) SQL function.

setFetchSize procedure

procedure setFetchSize (p_nrows in number);

Use setFetchSize() to control the number of rows returned by each invocation of the ODCITableFetch method.
If the number of rows requested by the client is greater than the fetch size, the fetch size is used instead.
The default fetch size is 100.

useSheetPattern procedure

Toggles sheet-pattern feature on or off.
If set to true, p_sheet parameter in getRows, getCursor and loadData functions is interpreted as a regular expression pattern.

procedure useSheetPattern (p_state in boolean);

getCursor function

function getCursor (
  p_file     in blob
, p_sheet    in varchar2
, p_cols     in varchar2
, p_range    in varchar2 default null
, p_method   in binary_integer default DOM_READ
, p_password in varchar2 default null    
return sys_refcursor;
function getCursor (
  p_file     in blob
, p_sheets   in ExcelTableSheetList
, p_cols     in varchar2
, p_range    in varchar2 default null
, p_method   in binary_integer default DOM_READ
, p_password in varchar2 default null    
return sys_refcursor;
function getCursor (
  p_file      in clob
, p_cols      in varchar2
, p_skip      in pls_integer
, p_line_term in varchar2
, p_field_sep in varchar2 default null
, p_text_qual in varchar2 default null    
return sys_refcursor;

getCursor() returns a REF cursor allowing the consumer to iterate through the resultset returned by the equivalent getRows call.
It may be useful in PL/SQL code (prior 18c) where static reference to table function returning ANYDATASET is not supported.

getSheets function

This is a pipelined function returning the sheet names from the input spreadsheet file.

function getSheets (
  p_file         in blob
, p_password     in varchar2 default null
, p_method       in binary_integer default DOM_READ
return ExcelTableSheetList pipelined;
Parameter Description Mandatory
p_file Cf. getRows function Yes
p_password Cf. getRows function No
p_method Cf. getRows function No

isReadMethodAvailable function

The read method ExcelTable.DOM_READ is available by default but other methods may depend on the Java classes being installed. In the Oracle Cloud, Java is not even supported so for the calling program it may be usefull to verify which read method is available in order to prevent run-time errors due to the fact that the Java classes are not installed.

function isReadMethodAvailable (
  p_method in binary_integer
return boolean;
Parameter Description Mandatory
p_method Cf. getRows function Yes


createDMLContext function

function createDMLContext (
  p_table_name in varchar2    
return DMLContext;

createDMLContext() initializes a new DML context based on the input table/view name.
The parameter p_table_name may be a simple or qualified SQL name, with no database link part.
For example :

The function returns a handle to the context (of type ExcelTable.DMLContext), to be used by related routines mapColumn, mapColumnWithDefault and loadData.

Example :

  ctx    ExcelTable.DMLContext;
  ctx := ExcelTable.createDMLContext('MY_TARGET_TABLE');

mapColumn procedure

procedure mapColumn (
  p_ctx       in DMLContext
, p_col_name  in varchar2
, p_col_ref   in varchar2     default null
, p_format    in varchar2     default null
, p_meta      in pls_integer  default null
, p_key       in boolean      default false
, p_default   in anydata      default null

mapColumn() associates a column from the target table to a column reference from the spreadsheet file. The column will be looked up in ALL_TAB_COLUMNS using an exact match, hence the column name is case sensitive.

Parameter Description Mandatory
p_ctx DMLContext value, as returned by a previous call to createDMLContext function. Yes
p_col_name Column name (case sensitive) from the target table. Yes
p_col_ref Column reference (A, B, C, ...), or field position reference (start:end).
If set to NULL, the target column will be loaded with the default value p_default.
p_format Date or timestamp format mask, same as FORMAT clause in the column list of getRows function. No
p_meta Metadata clause.
p_key Marks this column as a key of the input data set.
At least one column must be marked as key in an UPDATE, MERGE or DELETE context.
p_default Default column value, as an ANYDATA instance.
The target column will be loaded with the default value if the source column is NULL, or the column reference p_col_ref is NULL.

Example :

  ctx    ExcelTable.DMLContext;
  ctx := ExcelTable.createDMLContext('MY_TARGET_TABLE');
  ExcelTable.mapColumn(ctx, p_col_name => 'ID',   p_col_ref => 'A', p_key => true);
  ExcelTable.mapColumn(ctx, p_col_name => 'NAME', p_col_ref => 'B');
  ExcelTable.mapColumn(ctx, p_col_name => 'VAL',  p_col_ref => 'C');
  ExcelTable.mapColumn(ctx, p_col_name => 'VAL_COMMENT',  p_col_ref => 'C', p_meta => ExcelTable.META_COMMENT);
  ExcelTable.mapColumn(ctx, p_col_name => 'LOAD_DATE', p_default => anydata.ConvertDate(sysdate));

See also : mapColumnWithDefault procedure.

mapColumnWithDefault procedure

procedure mapColumnWithDefault (
  p_ctx      in DMLContext
, p_col_name in varchar2
, p_col_ref  in varchar2 default null
, p_format   in varchar2 default null
, p_meta     in pls_integer default null
, p_key      in boolean default false
, p_default  in varchar2
procedure mapColumnWithDefault (
  p_ctx      in DMLContext
, p_col_name in varchar2
, p_col_ref  in varchar2 default null
, p_format   in varchar2 default null
, p_meta     in pls_integer default null
, p_key      in boolean default false
, p_default  in number
procedure mapColumnWithDefault (
  p_ctx      in DMLContext
, p_col_name in varchar2
, p_col_ref  in varchar2 default null
, p_format   in varchar2 default null
, p_meta     in pls_integer default null
, p_key      in boolean default false
, p_default  in date

mapColumnWithDefault() is a convenience procedure based on mapColumn.
It is overloaded to accept either a (mandatory) VARCHAR2, NUMBER or DATE default value.

Example :

  ctx := ExcelTable.createDMLContext('MY_TARGET_TABLE');
  ExcelTable.mapColumn(ctx, p_col_name => 'ID',   p_col_ref => 'A', p_key => true);
  ExcelTable.mapColumnWithDefault(ctx, p_col_name => 'VAL',  p_col_ref => 'C', p_default => 0);

loadData function

function loadData (
  p_ctx          in DMLContext
, p_file         in blob
, p_sheet        in varchar2
, p_range        in varchar2       default null
, p_method       in binary_integer default DOM_READ
, p_password     in varchar2       default null
, p_dml_type     in pls_integer    default DML_INSERT
, p_err_log      in varchar2       default null
return integer;
function loadData (
  p_ctx          in DMLContext
, p_file         in blob
, p_sheets       in ExcelTableSheetList
, p_range        in varchar2       default null
, p_method       in binary_integer default DOM_READ
, p_password     in varchar2       default null
, p_dml_type     in pls_integer    default DML_INSERT
, p_err_log      in varchar2       default null
return integer;
function loadData (
  p_ctx        in DMLContext 
, p_file       in clob
, p_skip       in pls_integer
, p_line_term  in varchar2
, p_field_sep  in varchar2 default null
, p_text_qual  in varchar2 default null
, p_dml_type   in pls_integer default DML_INSERT
, p_err_log    in varchar2 default null
return integer;

loadData() executes the data loading operation into the target table, using the mode specified by the p_dml_type argument.
An optional error logging clause is available.

Parameter Description Mandatory
p_ctx DMLContext value, as returned by a previous call to createDMLContext function. Yes
p_file Cf. getRows function Yes
p_sheet Cf. getRows function Yes
p_sheets Cf. getRows function Yes
p_range Cf. getRows function No
p_method Cf. getRows function No
p_password Cf. getRows function No
p_skip Cf. getRows function Yes
p_line_term Cf. getRows function Yes
p_field_sep Cf. getRows function No
p_text_qual Cf. getRows function No
p_dml_type DML context type, one of DML_INSERT, DML_UPDATE, DML_MERGE or DML_DELETE. Default is DML_INSERT. No
p_err_log A text-literal DML error logging clause, to capture exceptions during load. No

The function returns the number of rows affected in the operation.

Example :

  ctx    ExcelTable.DMLContext;
  nrows  integer;
  nrows := 
    p_ctx      => ctx
  , p_file     => ExcelTable.getFile('XL_DATA_DIR','sample0.xlsx')
  , p_sheet    => 'DataSource'
  , p_method   => ExcelTable.STREAM_READ
  , p_dml_type => ExcelTable.DML_MERGE
  dbms_output.put_line(nrows || ' rows merged.');

Columns syntax specification

Column expression syntax diagram


Column metadata syntax diagram


Column reference syntax diagram


Column metadata syntax diagram

Column names must be declared using a quoted identifier.

Supported data types are :

Data type Comments
NUMBER Supports optional precision and scale specs.
VARCHAR2 Supports CHAR/BYTE semantics.
Values larger than the maximum length declared are silently truncated and no error is reported.
DATE Supports an optional format mask.
The format mask is used if the value is stored as text in the spreadsheet, otherwise the date value is assumed to be stored as date in Excel's internal serial format.
TIMESTAMP Supports optional scale and format mask specifications.
The format mask is used if the value is stored as text in the spreadsheet, otherwise the timestamp value is assumed to be stored in Excel's internal serial format.
CLOB Use this type to access strings larger than the maximum VARCHAR2 size in SQL (4000 or 32767 bytes if the extension is enabled).
VARIANT A virtual data type mapping to user-defined object EXCELVARIANT.
This object is designed to hold and access data of different types in the same relational column, as they may exist in the source spreadsheet column.
The available object methods getNumber, getString, getDate, getTimestamp and getClob follow the conversion rules explained in Format clause.

Format clause

Use this clause to specify a conversion format to NUMBER, DATE or TIMESTAMP data types when source data is stored as text. If the format is omitted, an implicit conversion will still be attempted based on the current session NLS settings (see conversion matrix below).
Should the conversion fail, the resulting error may be caught by specifying an additional NULL ON ERROR clause.

number ✓ ⁽¹⁾
text ✓ ⁽¹⁾ ✓ ⁽¹⁾ ✓ ⁽¹⁾
date/time ✓ ⁽¹⁾

(1) Explicit or implicit conversion using given format mask or NLS settings.


This clause is similar to built-in XMLTABLE and JSON_TABLE ones, and may be used to autogenerate a sequence number.

Reference clause

This clause is optional and consists in either :

  • a column reference to explicitly target a named column in the spreadsheet (or delimited flat file), instead of relying on the declaration order (relative to the range). Positional and named column definitions cannot be mixed.
  • a field position reference (for positional flat files) specifying start and end offsets of the field in a row of data. Offsets are 1-based and must be specified in character unit.


ExcelTable can also extract additional cell and sheet metadata via the FOR METADATA () clause, and project them as regular columns.
Available metadata are :

  • Cell comment : FOR METADATA (COMMENT)
  • Sheet name : FOR METADATA (SHEET_NAME)
  • Sheet index (1-based) : FOR METADATA (SHEET_INDEX)


  "RN"    for ordinality
, "COL1"  number
, "COL2"  varchar2(10)
, "COL3"  varchar2(4000)
, "COL4"  date           format 'YYYY-MM-DD'  null on error
, "COL5"  number(10,2)
, "COL6"  varchar2(5)
, "COL7"  timestamp(3)   format 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF'
  "SHEET" varchar2(30)  for metadata (sheet_name) 
, "COL1"  number        column 'A'
, "COL2"  varchar2(10)  column 'C'
, "COL3"  clob          column 'D'
  "SPARE2"         varchar2(30)   column 'F'
, "SPARE2_COMMENT" varchar2(2000) column 'F' for metadata (comment)
  "C1" number(4)     position(1:4)
, "C2" varchar2(10)  position(5:14)
, "C3" varchar2(9)   position(15:23)
, "C4" number(4)     position(24:27)
, "C5" date format 'DD/MM/YYYY'  position(28:37)

Range syntax specification

There are four ways to specify the table range :

  • Range of rows : '1:100' - in this case the range of columns implicitly starts at A.
  • Range of columns : 'B:E' - in this case the range of rows implicitly starts at 1.
  • Range of cells (top-left to bottom-right) : 'B2:F150'
  • Single cell anchor (top-left cell) : 'C3'

If the range is empty, the table implicitly starts at cell A1.

Cryptographic features overview

By default, Office 97-2003 password-protected files use RC4 encryption.
Latest versions (2007+) based on ECMA-376 standard use AES encryption :

Office version Method Encryption Hash algorithm Block chaining
97-2003 RC4 RC4 MD5 -
RC4 CryptoAPI RC4 SHA-1 -
2007 Standard AES-128 SHA-1 ECB
2010 Agile AES-128 SHA-1 CBC
2013 Agile AES-256 SHA512 CBC
2016 Agile AES-256 SHA512 CBC

As for ODF :

ODF version Encryption Hash algorithm Block chaining
1.0 / 1.1 Blowfish SHA-1 CFB
1.2 AES-256 SHA256 CBC

Oracle, through DBMS_CRYPTO API, only supports SHA-2 algorithms (SHA256, 384, 512) starting from 12c.
Therefore, in prior versions, the OfficeCrypto implementation cannot read Office 2013 or ODF 1.2 (and onwards) documents encrypted with the default options.

References : Office Crypto full specs are available on MSDN : [MS-OFFCRYPTO]
For the OpenDocument standard, please refer to : OASIS ODF v1.2 (Encryption)


Given this sample file : sample_3.xlsx

  • Selecting all six columns, starting at cell A2, in order to skip the header :
select t.* 
from table(
       , 'DataSource'
       , ' "SRNO"    number
         , "NAME"    varchar2(10)
         , "VAL"     number
         , "DT"      date
         , "SPARE1"  varchar2(6)
         , "SPARE2"  varchar2(6)'
       , 'A2'
     ) t
  • Selecting columns B and F only, from rows 2 to 10, with a generated sequence :
select t.*
from table(
       , 'DataSource'
       , q'{
           "R_NUM"   for ordinality
         , "NAME"    varchar2(10) column 'B'
         , "SPARE2"  varchar2(6)  column 'F'
       , '2:10'
     ) t
  • Selecting column C, starting at row 5, from a password-encrypted workbook (crypto2016.xlsx) :
select t.*
from table(
       , 'Feuil1'
       , '"COL1" number'
       , 'C5'
       , 0
       , p_password => 'AZE'
     ) t
  • Selecting first three columns, row 1 to 91, from a password-encrypted .xls workbook (crypto2003.xls) :
select t.srno
     , t.content
     , length(t.content) as content_length
from table(
         p_file  => ExcelTable.getFile('XL_DATA_DIR','crypto2003.xls')
       , p_sheet => 'DataSource'
       , p_cols  => ' "SRNO"    number
                    , "NAME"    varchar2(10)
                    , "CONTENT" clob'
       , p_range    =>  '1:91'
       , p_method   => null
       , p_password => 'pass123'
     ) t
      SRNO NAME       CONTENT                                                                          CONTENT_LENGTH
---------- ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
         1 LINE-00001 ABCD                                                                                          4
         2 LINE-00002 ABC                                                                                           3
         3 LINE-00003 ABC                                                                                           3
         4 LINE-00004 ABC                                                                                           3
         5 LINE-00005 ABC                                                                                           3
         6 LINE-00006 ABC                                                                                           3
         7 LINE-00007 ABC                                                                                           3
         9 LINE-00009 €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€           4000
        10 LINE-00010 10LINE-00010                                                                                 12
        12 LINE-00012 ABC                                                                                           3
        13 LINE-00013 ABC                                                                                           3
        14 LINE-00014 ABC                                                                                           3
        15 LINE-00015 ABC                                                                                           3
        90 LINE-00090 ABC                                                                                           3
        91 LINE-00091 ABC                                                                                           3
  • Retrieving a REF cursor for query #1 :
SQL> var rc refcursor
SQL> begin
  2    :rc :=
  3    ExcelTable.getCursor(
  4      p_file  => ExcelTable.getFile('XL_DATA_DIR','sample_3.xlsx')
  5    , p_sheet => 'DataSource'
  6    , p_cols  => '"SRNO" number, "NAME" varchar2(10), "VAL" number, "DT" date, "SPARE1" varchar2(6), "SPARE2" varchar2(6)'
  7    , p_range => 'A2'
  8    );
  9  end;
 10  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> print rc

      SRNO NAME              VAL DT        SPARE1 SPARE2
---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ------ ------
         1 LINE-00001 12236.3667 08-OCT-15
         2 LINE-00002 72259.9805 30-MAY-12
         3 LINE-00003 19670.5563 22-DEC-18        OK
         4 LINE-00004 58050.7687 20-JUN-03        OK
         5 LINE-00005  69408.796 24-JUN-11
         6 LINE-00006 71611.4463 06-AUG-14        OK
         7 LINE-00007 88220.2497 22-JAN-09
         8 LINE-00008 6399.55197 09-MAY-18
         9 LINE-00009  20486.593 21-NOV-03
        10 LINE-00010  80027.221 27-FEB-25
        11 LINE-00011 79219.8838 17-FEB-20
        12 LINE-00012 91934.5566 25-JUN-16
        97 LINE-00097 75448.2015 13-NOV-10
        98 LINE-00098  42884.264 28-JAN-24
        99 LINE-00099 22901.7672 29-FEB-24
       100 LINE-00100  34917.174 26-JUN-22

100 rows selected.

  • Selecting column F (value and cell comment) :
select t.*
from table(
       , 'DataSource'
       , q'{
           "RN"             for ordinality
         , "SPARE2"         varchar2(30)   column 'F'
         , "SPARE2_COMMENT" varchar2(2000) column 'F' for metadata (comment)
       , '2:11'
     ) t
  • Selecting first three columns from encrypted .ods file LO_AES256.ods :
select t.*
from table(
       , 'Feuille1'
       , q'{
           "COL_1"  number
         , "COL_2"  number
         , "COL_3"  timestamp(3)
       , p_range    => 'A1'
       , p_method   => 0
       , p_password => 'pass123'
     ) t
     COL_1      COL_2 COL_3
---------- ---------- ---------------------------
         1    1.23456 25-DEC-90 AM
         2       1E-5 01-JAN-00 AM
         3       1E58 11-MAY-18 AM
         4 9999999999 10-JUN-18 PM
         5       -123 11-JUN-18 PM
         6         -1 
  • Special cell values (boolean and errors) :
select t.*
from table(
       , 'data'
       , '"VAL" varchar2(15)'
       , 'F3:F11'
     ) t
select * 
from table(
       , 'data'
       , q'{
             "RN" for ordinality
           , "C1"          number         column 'A'
           , "C2"          varchar2(8)    column 'B'
           , "C3"          number         column 'C'
           , "C4"          timestamp(3)   column 'D'
           , "C5"          clob           column 'E'
           , "C6"          varchar2(4000) column 'F'
           , "C6_COMMENT"  varchar2(4000) column 'F' for metadata (comment)
           , "C7"          date           column 'G'
     ) x
  • Multi-sheet selection :

Using a sheet list

select x.* 
from table(
       , ExcelTableSheetList('Sheet2','Sheet3')
       , q'{
            "C1"         number column 'A'
          , "SHEET_IDX"  number for metadata (sheet_index)
          , "SHEET_NAME" varchar2(31 char) for metadata (sheet_name)
          , "comment"    varchar2(4000) column 'A' for metadata (comment)
          , "R_NUM"      for ordinality
     ) x

  C1  SHEET_IDX SHEET_NAME    comment                    R_NUM
---- ---------- ------------- ------------------------ -------
   1          1 Sheet2        Comment on first sheet         1
   2          1 Sheet2                                       2
   3          1 Sheet2                                       3
   7          3 Sheet3                                       4
   8          3 Sheet3                                       5
   9          3 Sheet3        bleronm:                       6
                              Comment on last sheet    

Using a sheet name pattern

exec ExcelTable.useSheetPattern(true);

select x.* 
from table(
       , '^Sheet[12]'
       , ' "C1" number
         , "SHEET_IDX"  number            for metadata (sheet_index)
         , "SHEET_NAME" varchar2(31 char) for metadata (sheet_name)'
     ) x

---- ---------- ------------
   1          1 Sheet2
   2          1 Sheet2
   3          1 Sheet2
   4          2 Sheet1
   5          2 Sheet1
   6          2 Sheet1
  • Using the DML API - example 1 : simple INSERT
create table tmp_sample2 (
  id       number       primary key
, name     varchar2(10)
, val      varchar2(30)
, load_dt  date

  ctx    ExcelTable.DMLContext;
  nrows  integer;
  ctx := ExcelTable.createDMLContext('TMP_SAMPLE2');
  ExcelTable.mapColumn(ctx, p_col_name => 'ID',   p_col_ref => 'A');
  ExcelTable.mapColumn(ctx, p_col_name => 'NAME', p_col_ref => 'B');
  ExcelTable.mapColumn(ctx, p_col_name => 'VAL',  p_col_ref => 'C');
  ExcelTable.mapColumnWithDefault(ctx, p_col_name => 'LOAD_DT', p_default => sysdate);
  nrows := 
    p_ctx      => ctx
  , p_file     => ExcelTable.getFile('XL_DATA_DIR','sample_2.xlsx')
  , p_sheet    => 'DataSource'
  , p_method   => ExcelTable.STREAM_READ
  , p_dml_type => ExcelTable.DML_INSERT
  dbms_output.put_line(nrows || ' rows inserted.');
  • Using the DML API - example 2 : MERGE with DML error logging
create table tmp_sample1 (
  id          integer      primary key
, name        varchar2(8)
, val         number
, ts          timestamp(3)
, txt         clob
, spare1      varchar2(30)
, spare1_cmt  varchar2(4000)
-- optional, in order to use the DML error logging clause
-- creates table ERR$_TMP_SAMPLE1 :
exec dbms_errlog.create_error_log('TMP_SAMPLE1', skip_unsupported => true);

  ctx    ExcelTable.DMLContext;
  nrows  integer;
  ctx := ExcelTable.createDMLContext('TMP_SAMPLE1');
  ExcelTable.mapColumn(ctx, p_col_name => 'ID', p_col_ref => 'A', p_key => true);
  ExcelTable.mapColumn(ctx, p_col_name => 'NAME', p_col_ref => 'B');
  ExcelTable.mapColumn(ctx, p_col_name => 'VAL', p_col_ref => 'C');
  ExcelTable.mapColumn(ctx, p_col_name => 'TS', p_col_ref => 'D');
  ExcelTable.mapColumn(ctx, p_col_name => 'TXT', p_col_ref => 'E');
  ExcelTable.mapColumn(ctx, p_col_name => 'SPARE1', p_col_ref => 'F');
  ExcelTable.mapColumn(ctx, p_col_name => 'SPARE1_CMT', p_col_ref => 'F', p_meta => ExcelTable.META_COMMENT);
  nrows := 
    p_ctx      => ctx
  , p_file     => ExcelTable.getFile('XL_DATA_DIR','sample_1.xlsb')
  , p_sheet    => 'data'
  , p_dml_type => ExcelTable.DML_MERGE
  , p_err_log  => 'LOG ERRORS (''Some comment'') REJECT LIMIT UNLIMITED'
  dbms_output.put_line(nrows || ' rows merged.');
select * 
from table(
         p_file => ExcelTable.getTextFile('XL_DATA_DIR','test_8k.csv')
       , p_cols => q'{
                     "C1"  number
                   , "C2"  varchar2(50)
                   , "C3"  varchar2(50)
                   , "C4"  number
                   , "C5"  date format 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'
                   , "C6"  date format 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'
                   , "C7"  timestamp(6) format 'DD-MON-YYYY HH.MI.SS.FF9 AM'
                   , "C8"  varchar2(10)
                   , "C9"  varchar2(10)
                   , "C10" varchar2(1000) 
       , p_skip => 0
       , p_line_term => chr(13)||chr(10)
       , p_field_sep => ';'
       , p_text_qual => '"'
  • Reading an inline delimited string
select * 
from table(
         p_file => '1;val1|2;val2|3;val3|4;val4|5;val5|6;val6|7;val7|8;val8'
       , p_cols => '"C1" number, "C2" varchar2(10)'
       , p_skip => 0
       , p_line_term => '|'
       , p_field_sep => ';'

        C1 C2
---------- ----------
         1 val1
         2 val2
         3 val3
         4 val4
         5 val5
         6 val6
         7 val7
         8 val8
select * 
from table(
         p_file => exceltable.getTextFile('XL_DATA_DIR','test_pos_8k.dat')
       , p_cols => q'{
                     "OBJECT_ID"    number(5)     position(1:5)
                   , "OWNER"        varchar2(30)  position(6:35)
                   , "OBJECT_NAME"  varchar2(128) position(36:163)
                   , "OBJECT_TYPE"  varchar2(23)  position(164:186)
                   , "CREATED"      timestamp(3) format 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISSFF3' position(187:203)
                   , "STR1"         varchar2(100) position(204:303)
                   , "NUM1"         number        position(304:314)
       , p_skip => 0
       , p_line_term => chr(13)||chr(10)
  • Reading raw cells, using a sheet name pattern
SELECT t.sheetIdx
     , t.cellRow
     , t.cellCol
     , t.cellData.getTypeName() as typeName
     , case when t.cellData.getTypeName() = 'SYS.VARCHAR2' then t.cellData.accessVarchar2() end as strval
     , case when t.cellData.getTypeName() = 'SYS.NUMBER' then t.cellData.accessNumber() end as numval
     , case when t.cellData.getTypeName() = 'SYS.TIMESTAMP' then t.cellData.accessTimestamp() end as tsval
     , case when t.cellData.getTypeName() = 'SYS.CLOB' then t.cellData.accessClob() end as lobval
     , t.cellNote
FROM Table(
         p_file        => ExcelTable.getFile('XL_DATA_DIR','multisheet.xlsx')
       , p_sheetFilter => anydata.ConvertVarchar2('Sheet1')
       , p_cols        => 'A'
     ) t
  • Reading raw cells, using a sheet list
SELECT t.sheetIdx
     , t.cellRow
     , t.cellCol
     , t.cellData.getTypeName() as typeName
     , case when t.cellData.getTypeName() = 'SYS.VARCHAR2' then t.cellData.accessVarchar2() end as strval
     , case when t.cellData.getTypeName() = 'SYS.NUMBER' then t.cellData.accessNumber() end as numval
     , case when t.cellData.getTypeName() = 'SYS.TIMESTAMP' then t.cellData.accessTimestamp() end as tsval
     , case when t.cellData.getTypeName() = 'SYS.CLOB' then t.cellData.accessClob() end as lobval
     , t.cellNote
FROM Table(
         p_file        => ExcelTable.getFile('XL_DATA_DIR','multisheet.xlsx')
       , p_sheetFilter => anydata.ConvertCollection(ExcelTableSheetList('Sheet2','Sheet3'))
       , p_cols        => 'A'
     ) t
     , t.string_value
     , t.date_value.getDate(nullOnError => 1) as date_value
     , t.timestamp_value
     , t.number_value
FROM Table(
       , 'data'
       , q'{
           "ID"               number(2)
         , "STRING_VALUE"     varchar2(2000)
         , "DATE_VALUE"       variant
         , "TIMESTAMP_VALUE"  timestamp  NULL ON ERROR
         , "NUMBER_VALUE"     number     NULL ON ERROR
       , 'A2'
     ) t

Copyright and license

Copyright 2016-2024 Marc Bleron. Released under MIT license.


ExcelTable is an Oracle SQL interface to read Microsoft Excel files (.xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb, .xls, .xml), ODF spreadsheet files (.ods) and flat files as external tables







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