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Releases: mcci-catena/docker-iot-dashboard

v3.0.0: added support for DNC, backup for Mongodb

22 Apr 19:11
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v3.0.0 has the following changes.

  • Included Apiserver and Expo Containers for DNC support.
  • Documented the process behind the DNC support.
  • Provided backup support for Mongodb container's data

v2.0.0: add backup support, general updates

08 Jul 21:28
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v2.0.0 includes the following changes

  • Included auxiliary backup container (cron-backup) for providing backup support for Nginx, Node-red, Grafana and Mqtts containers.
  • Updated the base images used in all Dockerfile from bionic to focal.
  • Added Mosquitto (MQTT client) Ubuntu ppa repository to install the latest version and fixed ownership issue when accessing Let's Encrypt certs.
  • Added TLS/SSL based SMTP authentication support in Postfix container.
  • Some minor changes in the following files: Dockerfile, docker-compose.yml, and shell scripts.

Release of MCCI Production Code

22 Jan 17:42
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This is a full release with many changes and improvements.

  • improved documentation
  • support for MQTTS
  • use of NGINX rather than Apache
  • Improved in-built email support

We have found that updating an existing (pre v1.0.0) install to v1.0.0 is straightfoward, having updated multiple systems. Still, we always suggest people be sure that they have adequate backups, as upgrades are notoriously hard to test.

Initial release

04 Apr 15:15
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As used in production by MCCI for over a year.