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Isaac Turner edited this page May 28, 2018 · 20 revisions

Welcome to the McCortex wiki!

McCortex is a genome assembler and variant caller. It has a rich set of features for representing and manipulating genomes as graphs including:

  • correcting reads
  • genome assembly
  • calling variants
  • genotyping variants

It can run with and without a reference genome. It is a re-write of the original Cortex Assembler.

Check out Installation, Workflow Examples and running the McCortex Pipeline. More information in the Glossary, on file formats and the McCortex webserver.

Got a question? Check out the FAQs. If you find a bug, please submit it as an Issue on github.

For a list of authors please see the Authors file.

McCortex is released under the MIT license. To find out more about the code please read the Contributing page.

If you find McCortex useful, please cite our paper:

Other Cortex papers:

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