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List of Every Feature

mega12345mega edited this page Jul 21, 2024 · 5 revisions

Many subtle features of this mod aren't easy to learn about, so here is a complete list of every feature. If a feature seems to be missing, please open an issue. I have not included everything that should be obvious (for example, there is no mention of the buttons to change client chest pages, since they are self-explanatory and their existence should be implied by the client chest's description).

When the mod is installed on the server, all players with level 2 OP and the mod loaded on the client can access more features, which are designated by Server + OP in the list.

  • Addons
    • There is an API (refer to other pages of this wiki) that other mods (or your own!) may use
  • Client Chest (/clientchest [<page> | <name>], enchanted enderchest icon in the bottom left of the creative inventory)
    • Stores items, allowing you to transfer them between worlds or servers
    • Pages can be named, allowing them to be quickly accessed via the command
      • Duplicate page names are not allowed; use Enter to override a page name that already exists
    • Locked slots: Prevents items from being removed, similar to the creative inventory. This is force-enabled while in survival to prevent accidental item deletion
    • Reload: Reloads the page from its file
    • Clear page: Deletes all items on the specific page (there is a confirm dialog first)
    • Corrupted pages:
      • When the mod fails to read a page, the page is renamed to corrupt_page#_time.nbt, and a warning is displayed in chat
    • /nbt config
      • Client Chest Size:
        • Small (default): Allows for 100 pages, which are all loaded when the game starts
        • Large: Allows for 2,147,483,647 pages. The first 5 are loaded on game start, and the rest are loaded when you navigate to them
      • Page Keybinds: Pick if Page Up or Page Down increases or decreases the page number in the client chest
    • Client chest pages are stored in <game directory>/nbteditor/client_chest/page#.nbt, where # is the 0-indexed page number
  • Containers (/open, Ctrl+Space)
    • Allows you to edit the contents of containers like chests and shulker boxes
    • There are no restrictions to what can be in what, so you can nest shulker boxes
    • Spawn eggs are treated as containers for armor (the first 4 slots) and hands (the 5th and 6th slot)
      • Horses use the first slot for a saddle and the second slot for armor
    • Locked slots: This appears when opening a container within the client chest, and acts the same
    • Server + OP
      • Allows you to open your enderchest (/open echest, unenchanted enderchest icon in the bottom left of the inventory)
      • Allows you to open blocks & entities
  • Get commands (/get)
    • Credits (/get credits)
    • HDB (/get hdb [search <query> | tagsearch <query> | id <id> [<amount>] | all (<category> | search <query>) | update])
      • Shows a client side, fabric port of the HeadDB plugin
      • The features are not kept up to date with the plugin; the code was simply used as a base (however new heads should continue appearing)
    • Help (/get help [nbteditor | clientchest | itemfactories | textformat])
    • Item (/get item <item> [<count>])
    • Lost item (/get lostitem [history])
      • Without the history option, this gives you the last item you may have accidentally deleted by clicking on a locked slot (a message will also appear in chat telling you that you can run /get lostitem)
      • The history option shows a double chest of the last items that have been on your cursor (an item is on your cursor when you click it, usually to move to a different slot)
    • Potion (/get potion (potion | splash | lingering) <effects>)
    • Preset (/get preset <item>)
      • Gives built-in items (currently there is only a colorcodes book)
      • Addons can register their own built-in items
    • Skull (/get skull <username>)
    • Soup (/get soup <effect> [<duration>])
    • Server + OP
      • Block (/get block [<pos>] <block>)
        • If [<pos>] isn't supplied, you will get a block item
      • Entity (/get entity <entity> [<pos>] [<nbt>])
        • If [<pos>] isn't supplied, you will get a spawn egg
  • Integrations
    • NBT Autocomplete: install to receive tag name and general NBT suggestions in the NBT Editor GUIs themselves
  • Factories (/factory, Shift+Space)
    • Attributes (/factory attributes)
      • Server + OP
        • Allows you to edit the base attributes of entities
    • Block states (/factory blockstates)
      • Server + OP
        • Allows you to edit the block states of placed blocks
    • Books (/factory book [new | make_writable], buttons in the written book gui)
      • Use new to create a new book rather than editing an already existent written book
      • Use make_writable to convert written books into writable books
      • Preview: Use the three horizontal lines to preview the book, allowing you to test click and hover events
      • Use the Page Up and Page Down keys to navigate with the keyboard
      • Drag images onto the screen to add it to the page
      • Server + OP
        • Allows you to edit the book on lecterns
    • Display (/factory display)
      • Edit name, lore, and the hideflags
      • You can edit the name directly via /factory display name <name>
      • You can edit the lore directly via /factory display lore (add [line] <text> | remove [line] | set [line] <text> | clear | list)
      • You can open the hideflags gui directly via /factory display hideflags
      • Server + OP
        • Allows you to edit the name of blocks and entities
        • Has a toggle for CustomNameVisible on entities
      • /nbt config
        • JSON Text: Use json instead of the custom text format for the /factory display name and /factory display lore commands
    • Enchantments (/factory enchantments)
    • Max (/factory max [cursed] [all] [<level>])
      • Give lots of enchantments to an item at once
      • Cursed applies cursed enchantments
      • All applies normally unsupported enchantments (like sharpness on a bow)
      • The level specifies the enchantments' level. This defaults to the max level for the specific enchantment
    • Signature (/factory signature (add | remove | edit <signature>)
      • Appends a custom signature to the item's lore
      • Alias: /factory sign
    • Signboard (/factory signboard [new <type> | import]
      • Signboard is used instead of sign as /factory sign is already used for signatures
      • Import converts the nbt into the current Minecraft version, since the tags were changed in 1.20
      • Server + OP
        • Allows you to edit placed signs
    • Unbind skull (/factory unbindskull)
      • Removes the SkullOwner from the skull item, ensuring the texture doesn't change (it shouldn't anyway, since textures are saved on the item)
      • Server + OP
        • Allows you to unbind placed skulls
    • Unbreakable (/factory unbreakable)
    • Unstackable (/factory unstackable)
  • NBT
    • Config (/nbt config)
      • Minecraft tweaks
        • Extend Chat Limit: Allow you to run long client-side commands (for example, an item from /nbt export get)
        • Tooltip Overflow Fix: Rescale tooltips to fit on the screen, allowing you to see large imported lore images
        • Max Enchant Level Display: Show the max possible enchant level after the level (for example, Sharpness III/V)
        • Arabic Enchant Levels: Use standard numbers instead of roman numerals for enchantments
        • No Armor Restriction: Allow placing non-wearable items in armor slots
        • Screenshot Options: Toggle additional buttons after screenshot messages for [Open Folder] and [Delete]
        • Enchant Glint Fix: Fixes MC-69683
      • GUIs
        • Scroll Speed: Increase the scroll distance per wheel movement
        • Hide Format Buttons: Refer to the formatted text field section
        • Mac Border Patch: Remove the scissor border around scrolling GUIs. This causes them to render incorrectly, but "fixes" a worse issue with Macs
        • Hide Keybinds: Hide keybind hints that appear on item tooltips and in the top right of some GUIs
        • Page Keybinds: Refer to the client chest section
        • Item Size: Show the size of items in bytes/kb/mb/gb/auto, with uncompressed and compressed variations, when hovering over them
        • Key Scale: Refer to the nbt editor section
        • Notify Updates: Toggle the update available notification when the game starts up
        • Incompatible Protocol: Toggle the incompatible protocol notification which appears when either the client or the server has a too outdated version of the mod
      • Functional
        • Aliases: Make aliases for commands. Includes a button to add the default "extreme aliases", which are one or two character aliases for every command
        • Group Shortcuts: Make shortcuts to commands. For example, you could shortcut /get hdb, which will create the command /hdb
        • Re-Create Blocks & Entities: Refer to the nbt editor section
        • Client Chest Size: Refer to the client chest section
        • Air Editable: Refer to the nbt editor section
        • Special Numbers: Refer to the nbt editor section
        • Block Updates: Refer to the nbt editor section
        • JSON Text: Refer to the /factory display section
        • Allow Single Quotes: Refer to the nbt editor section
    • Editor (/nbt, Space)
      • The editor shows one compound or list at a time; double click on something to navigate into it, similar to file explorer
      • If an item has a tag with an empty key (like {"":"value"}), then the editor will not open and will instead have a confirm dialog for removing the key first
      • Use the name field at the very top like an anvil. However, changing it to the item's default name will make it non-italic
      • The type field allows you to change between items (for example, changing a dirt block into a diamond)
      • The count field allows you to change the item stack's count
      • The path field is non-standard; it uses a slash between every key (so instead of display.Lore[0], you will see display/Lore/0)
      • The expand button shows a multi-line text field to make editing large values much easier
        • Clicking this while no tag is selected expands the entire compound or list you are currently viewing
        • If NBT Autocomplete is installed, use alt to allow the arrow keys to navigate up & down in the suggestions dropdown rather than changing lines
      • You can open a String if it parses as valid SNBT
      • Dragging a .nbt file onto the editor will import it
      • Use Delete and Backspace to delete a selected tag
      • Use Enter to navigate to the parent tag
      • Server + OP
        • Allows you to edit blocks & entities
      • /nbt config
        • Air Editable: Allows you to "edit" air. This lets you open empty slots, which you could then turn into an item via the type field. Be careful with important items
        • Allow single quotes: Allow saving single quotes around opened SNBT keys and values (can cause issues with the JSON text format)
        • Block Updates: Use to not update nearby blocks when a block's nbt is changed
        • Key scale: Change the font size of the keys
        • Re-Create Blocks & Entities: Causes changes to blocks & entities nbt to be done by removing the old block or entity and re-placing or re-summoning it
        • Special numbers: Allows you to enter NaNf, NaNd, Infinityf, Infinityd, -Infinityf, and -Infinityd into the value field (which doesn't match /data's behavior - MC-200070)
    • Export (/nbt export (cmd | cmdblock | get | file [<name>]))
      • /nbt export cmd & /nbt export get: Copies a command that produces the subject to your clipboard
      • /nbt export cmdblock: Gives you a command block with the command inside
      • /nbt export file: Outputs the subject into <game directory>/nbteditor/exported/name.nbt, where name defaults to subjectName_time
      • Server + OP
        • /nbt export item: Exports blocks and entities to block items and spawn eggs respectively
    • Import (/nbt import)
      • Items: Drag .nbt files onto this screen to import it (use /nbt export file to create this file)
      • Lore Images: Drag images onto this screen to import them as lore on a painting (placing the painting doesn't work)
      • You can also drag the files onto the esc menu or an inventory screen for the same effect
      • Server + OP
        • Blocks & Entities: Drag .nbt files just like items
    • New (/nbt new <item>)
  • Translations
    • Simplified Chinese (zh_cn) by hyplant
    • Polish (pl_pl) by Xantrisse
    • Russian (ru_ru) by TheFaceJD
    • French (fr_fr) by Darukshock
  • Other
    • Apply enchantment books: Ctrl+Click enchantment books onto an item or an item onto an enchantment book to apply it in the inventory
    • Multi-line text fields
      • Ctrl+F: Find & Replace
        • Checkbox for RegEx
    • Formatted text fields
      • A type of multi-line text field
      • Ctrl+B: Bold
      • Ctrl+I: Italic
      • Ctrl+U: Underline
      • Ctrl+D: Strikethrough
      • Ctrl+K: Obfuscate
      • Ctrl+\: Reset
      • Ctrl+Shift+C: Custom color - includes an HSV color picker
      • Ctrl+Shift+E: Click & hover events
      • /nbt config
        • Hide Format Buttons: Hide the formatting buttons, which may allow the colors to expand out instead of being a dropdown
    • Some crash messages get an additional stack trace
    • Server + OP
      • Allows you to edit while in survival
      • Allows you to edit items in containers in the world
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