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🎈 WeatherApp

I developed an app that shows the weather conditions during the day. After creating my own Api key on, I added the daily and 8-hour weather forecast service to my project. When requesting these services,

it asks me for Api key,

    buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled false
            buildTypes.each {
                it.buildConfigField 'String', 'API_KEY', '"0"'
                it.resValue 'string', 'API_KEY', '"0"'

    override fun getOneDayWeather(lat: Double, lon: Double): Single<WeatherOneDayResponse> {
        return weatherApiService.getOneDayWeather(lat, lon, BuildConfig.API_KEY)

    override fun getEightHourWeather(
        lat: Double,
        lon: Double
    ): Single<WeatherEightHourResponse> {
        return weatherApiService.getEightHourWeather(lat, lon, BuildConfig.API_KEY)

latitude and longitude,


    override fun onLocationChanged(location: Location) {
        val geoCoder = Geocoder(requireContext(), Locale.getDefault())
        val address = geoCoder.getFromLocation(location.latitude, location.longitude, 1)

        val cityName = address?.get(0)?.adminArea
        binding.tvCity.text = cityName
        with(viewModel) {
            getWeatherOneDay(location.latitude, location.longitude)
            getEightHourWeather(location.latitude, location.longitude)


we asked the user for permission for the location and sent this information. In this way, I can show the user both the daily average and the weather conditions for certain hours during the day.

My Use Technologies

  1. MVVM,
  2. RxJava,
  3. Dagger Hilt,
  4. OkHttp and Retrofit,
  5. ssp and sdp,
  6. Leak Canary,
  7. Navigation Component

📷 Pictures related to the application are located below