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Making a Recall Decision API (make-recall-decision-api)

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This is the backend service to help probation practioners (PP) and Senior Probation Officers (SPOs) make recommendations on recall decisions.


The primary software client for this service is the related UI make-recall-decision-ui.

Upstream APIs

The MRD application relies on data being retrieved from a number of upstream services, including Delius, Assess Risk and Needs (ARN) and Create and Vary a Licence (CVL). There are a number of services within the backend codebase that retrieve data from these upstream APIs, transform the data and then send back to the frontend.

HMPPS domain event topic

The HMPPS domain event topic allows MRD to fire 'events' that are relevant to other services. For example, when a PP starts a recommendation, the case in Delius should be updated with this information. There is a MRD-and-Delius integration service that reads these messages and creates contacts in Delius.

Running the service locally

In order to start up the service, it's related user interface (make-recall-decision-ui) and all their dependencies locally, run the following script:


To reload make-recall-decision-api (i.e. following a code change), run the following:


To reload make-recall-decision-ui (i.e. following a code change), run the following:


And to stop everything, simply run the following:


First time users

The first time the service is started on your machine may result in a database error along the lines of 'mrd_user cannot be found'

To fix this there are a couple of things that can be tried:


  1. docker compose -f docker-compose-postgres.yml up

  2. Start the database locally with ./scripts/ which should create the database automatically.

Manual: If the above fails to work, then you will need to try and create the user and database manually

  1. Download a database client such as pgadmin4 (will assume pgadmin is being used for the purpose of the below steps)

  2. Check if you can create an 'mrd_user' user within pgadmin. If an error is received saying user cannot be created then follow steps 3 and 4.

  3. Open a terminal and enter psql

    3a. If psql produces this error: psql: error: connection to server on socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: FATAL: database "<name>" does not exist then try these steps:

    3b. brew update

    3c. brew install postgres or brew upgrade postgresql (if already installed)

    3d. brew services start postgresql

    3e. createdb

    3f. psql - this should now enter the database terminal

  4. \du - check that there is at least one role returned with 'Superuser'

  5. sudo -u {replace with the superuser username returned in step 4} psql {replace with the superuser username returned in step 4}

  6. You should now be in a position to go back to pgadmin and create the mrd_user user role and then the make_recall_decision database

Notes for M1 Mac users

If you're using an M1/arm based Mac, you'll need to also have a checkout of hmpps-auth alongside your checkouts of make-recall-decision-ui and make-recall-decision-api, and pass all of the start scripts the -a parameter:

./scripts/ -a

This will build the hmpps-auth container image locally on your machine before starting things up. This is needed as the currently released container for hmpps-auth does not run properly on M1 macs.


The project uses a variety of testing levels including unit testing, integration testing and functional testing

Integration tests use Mockito to mock external services

Functional tests hit the real external services e.g. Delius APIs

Functional test

The functional test is a black box test of the MRD API. It runs against the dev environment rather than mock services.

  • Add SYSTEM_CLIENT_ID, SYSTEM_CLIENT_SECRET, and USER_NAME (Dev Delius user) to your environment variables in both your bash profile, and your IntelliJ environment variables under Edit Run Configurations
  • Ensure Docker is running
  • To start the functional tests from the command line run the script ./scripts/
  • To run the test in the IDE first start ./scripts/, docker-compose-postgres.yml and then use the Gradle task functional-test-light or run the functional test directly from Intellij

Running Tests

Run the following script to run all the integraiton and unit tests locally:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-postgres.yml up
./gradlew check

or to run all tests with the service starting in Docker:



Code Style & Formatting

Check style is used to ensure the codebase conforms to a coding standard.

Swagger UI


BuildProperties dependency not satisfied.

You may see an error during IntelliJ test runs using the Sprint Test Runner, that declares a dependency not satisfied: No bean of type BuildProperties could be found.

The reason this is happening is because is not found in the test classpath. This file seems to be generated by gradle. When spring sees the file, it makes a BuildProperties bean available. Changing the compiler output path of each module to conform to gradle solves the problem.