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Content Hub Backend

The backend CMS for the Digital Hub service using Drupal

For the frontend, see

Getting started



Running the application for the first time

1. Start the docker environment

-d starts the services up in the background

docker-compose up -d

2. Build PHP/Drupal dependencies

docker-compose exec drupal composer install

(Note that is already run as part of the docker build, but the files will be wiped out by the volume mount, set in docker-compose.override.yml. So the command needs to be run again.)

3. Import the database

For this part you will need to have kubectl setup and authenticated with cloud platform.
I.e. you should be able to run kubectl -n prisoner-content-hub-development get pods without any errors.

Now run:

make sync

This will download the latest database backup and import it (the database is backed up once a day).
Note this should be run from your host machine (not inside the container).

Alternatively, you can install a "fresh" version of Drupal.

docker-compose exec drupal make install-drupal

This will have all of the site's configuration, but won't have any content or taxonomy.

4. Access the service

Once all the services have started, you can access them at:


5. Logging into Drupal

The make sync command brings in all of the Drupal users from production. So if you already have an account setup there, you can login with the same username/password on your local environment.

Alternatively, you can login with the admin account by running:

docker-compose exec drupal drush user:unblock admin
docker-compose exec drupal drush uli --uri=http://localhost:11001/

This will give you a login link to access the site.
Note this account is blocked on production, and should only be used on local environments.

Files in S3

Drupal is configured to store its files in S3 (e.g. images, pdfs, videos and audio files). The docker-compose.yml file on this project comes with a local s3 environment, via localstack. However, if you want to use real files from production, it's best to update your prisoner-content-hub-backend-local.env file with the s3 credentials for the development S3 bucket.

To obtain the s3 credentials, you can run the following commands:


    kubectl -n prisoner-content-hub-development get secret drupal-s3 --template={{.data.access_key_id}} | base64 --decode


    kubectl -n prisoner-content-hub-development get secret drupal-s3 --template={{.data.secret_access_key}} | base64 --decode


    kubectl -n prisoner-content-hub-development get secret drupal-s3 --template={{.data.bucket_name}} | base64 --decode

  • FLYSYSTEM_S3_REGION=eu-west-2