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Releases: mintlu8/bevy_defer


21 May 09:18
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  • Direct World Access

World is now a mutable thread local using scoped_tls_hkt, this mean all (non-watch) access are now immediate and not deferred. Because of this default_settings now only runs once per frame on update. This makes bevy_defer significantly more consistent but less parallelizable with other systems. Use bevy_tasks if blocking/cpu intensive operations are needed.


entity.component<Transform>().set(|x| x.translation = v).await?


entity.component<Transform>().set(|x| x.translation = v)?
  • Derive AsyncComponent and AsyncResource.

Traits for extension methods can now be derived.

  • Attribute macro async_access.

A macro that mirrors methods with 'static results to async accessors.

impl MyTransform {
    fn get_translation(&self) -> Vec3 { ... }

  • BeforeAsyncExecutor schedule

We now have a dedicated schedule to run reactors in.
Extension methods react_to_* exist on App to add these reactors to Event, State and Component change.
In addition, react_to_scene_load, react_to_animation and react_to_ui are automatically added with their features enabled.

  • Better Error Handling

Added a mini anyhow::Error called CustomError that works nicely with the standard AccessError and bevy_log.


  • world() has been replaced by AsyncWorld. Most top level methods like spawn() are deprecated and moved to AsyncWorld. This can help prevent confusing errors if you have dependencies like smol or tokio with their own spawns.

  • AsyncFailure has been replace by AccessError and CustomError.

  • bevy_mod_picking support now lives in a separate crate.

  • The ability to create thread locals have been removed, since the world is now mutably accessible.

Release v0.9.0

12 Apr 12:14
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What's New

  • Replaced futures_executor with async_executor

This is the same executor as bevy_tasks, which would fit nicely in the bevy ecosystem. The AsyncExecutor can now be cloned to spawn futures. Additionally, the dependency on futures has been minimized to not include the macros.

  • Id for AsyncSystem

You can now add an id to an AsyncSystem to allow targeted removal from the AsyncSystems component.

  • The AsyncAccess trait.

Methods like get, set, watch etc are now provided by the AsyncAccess trait. This makes access methods in this crate more consistent. get for example will never wait for something to be loaded. get_on_load can now be used instead to wait for an item to be loaded before accessing it.

  • AsyncQuerySingle

Added a specialized accessor for the single() query.

  • Stream support

Signal is now a Stream, API regarding States and Event are now stream based.

  • Reactors

Add systems react_to_* to react to changes in the world.

  • react_to_state allows you to react to state change asynchronously
  • react_to_event allows you to subscribe to events asynchronously

Breaking Changes

  • get, cloned on AsyncAsset no longer waits for the asset to be loaded, use the *_on_load methods instead.

  • The old AsyncEvent is scrapped and replaced with EventStream.

  • Renames

    • extension is moved to access::deref
    • picking is moved to ext::picking

Release v0.8.0

26 Mar 23:00
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What's Changed

  • Better plugin modularity.

We can now add schedule and system sets via the new AsyncPlugin.

  • Non-Send internals

Most of this crate now runs on Rc and RefCell, this means we can drop some lifetimes around
not cloning Arcs, you would find chaining methods much easier!

  • Thread locals!

    • We can push &World, Resource and NonSend to thread local storage, enabling more non-deferred access.

    • AssetServer, NamedSignals, CommandQueue are accessible via thread locals by default.

    • With the optional &World thread local access, all get access are immediate, at the cost of some parallelization.

  • AsyncEventReader, AsyncAsset and better named signal support

    • AsyncEventReader is now a persistent event reader that behaves properly.

    • AsyncAsset, or rather Handle can be accessed by AssetPath without deferring.

    • NamedSignals can be accessed by name without deferring.

  • apply_command and apply_command_queue

apply_command uses a thread local CommandQueue and is no longer async.

  • Tweening

We can run cancellable and awaitable tweening functions on FixedUpdate.

  • bevy_mod_picking integration

We now have a reactor for bevy_mod_picking.

  • Signals rewrite

Signals is no longer type erased, therefore Object is no longer a part of this crate (see dyn_object). Internals of signals are more encapsulated.

  • spawn rename

spawn is now the unbounded spawn method, since dropping futures can cause unexpected behaviors and should be opt-in.