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⛵ yahttp - Awesome simple HTTP client for Nim

GitHub Release CI

  • Based on Nim std/httpclient
  • No additional dependencies
  • API focused on DX


nimble install yahttp


more examples here

Get HTTP status code

import yahttp

echo get("").status

Send query params and parse response to JSON

import json
import yahttp

let laptopsJson = get("", query = {"q": "Laptop"}).json()
echo laptopsJson["products"][0]["title"].getStr()


Method procedures



  • url - request URL. The only required argument
  • headers - request HTTP headers. Example: {"header1": "val", "header2": "val2"}
  • query - request query params. Example: {"param1": "val", "param2": "val2"}
  • encodeQueryParams - parameters for encodeQuery function that encodes query params. More
  • body - request body as a string. Example: "{\"key\": \"value\"}". Is not available for get, head and options procedures
  • auth - login and password for basic authorization. Example: ("login", "password")
  • timeout - stop waiting for a response after a given number of milliseconds. -1 for no timeout, which is default value
  • ignoreSsl - no certificate verification if true

General procedure


Has the same arguments as method procedures and one additional:

  • httpMethod - HTTP method. Method.GET by default. Example: Method.POST

Response object

All procedures above return Response object with fields:

  • status - HTTP status code
  • body - response body as a string
  • headers - table, where keys are header keys and values are sequences of header values for a key
  • request - object with request data processed by yahttp
    • url - stores full url with query params
    • headers - stores HTTP headers with Authorization for basic authorization
    • httpMethod - HTTP method
    • body - request body as a string

Response object has some helper procedures:

  • Response.json() - returns response body as JSON
  • Response.html() - returns response body as HTML
  • - converts response body to JSON and unmarshals it to type t
  • Response.ok() - returns true if status is greater than 0 and less than 400
  • Response.raiseForStatus() - throws HttpError exceptions if status is 400 or above

Other helper functions

object.toJsonString() - converts object of any type to json string. Helpful to use for body argument