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React form builder using json schema

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npm install --save @guidesmiths/react-form-builder


import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { FormBuilder } from '@guidesmiths/react-form-builder
import form from '../../forms/question/get.json'

const onSubmitForm = (data) => {
    !isLoading &&
        `You have submitted your form correctly Data: ${'\n'} ${JSON.stringify(
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 1000)

class Example extends Component {
  render() {
   return <FormBuilder form={form} onSubmit={onSubmitForm} />

Live Playground

For examples of react-form-builder in action go to:

Formbuilder options

Option Description Type Default
idForm* Id for the form string ''
form* The json with the questions to create json -
onSubmit* Action to be realised "onSubmit" form function -
language Shortcut with the language to render components in multiple languages (country,date)

Available laguages: es,de,fr,en
string en
isoCode Isocode of the country to show as default in phone input string GB
countryAndRegionsData Array of objects with the acronym(s) and the names of the countries that you want to display in the countrySelect (see example) Array of objects -
onLinkOpen function to be executed when there is a custom link function -
CountryAndRegionsData example:
  { "cn": "MyOwnCountry1", "cs": "MC1" },
  { "cn": "MyOwnCountry2", "cs": "MC2" },
  { "cn": "MyOwnCountry3", "cs": "MC3" },
  { "cn": "MyOwnCountry4", "cs": "MC4" }



Option Description Type Default
name* Checkbox name string -
type* Must be checkbox string -
label Text shown next to the checkbox. This text can be written in markdown style string ''
defaultChecked Checked component by default boolean false
errorMessages json
required Error message to display on submit if the checkbox is not checked and is required string ''
registerConfig json
required Define if the checkbox is required boolean false

Reminder: A custom link it will be indicated by the start of a '#' in the markdown label. This link will execute the action that you had sent in the onLinkOpen param in the ReactFormBuilder component.

Checkbox example

          "name": "terms_and_conditions",
          "label": "This is the label of the checkbox with a [customLink](#customLink) and [normalLink](",
          "type": "checkbox",
          "defaultChecked": false,
          "errorMessages": {
            "required": "This field is required"
          "registerConfig": {
            "required": true


Option Description Type Default
name* Country component name string -
type* Must be country string -
label Text shown over the coutnry list string ''
placeholder Placeholder displayed in the select string ''
priorityOptions Array of strings with shortcode(s) of the countries that want to be displayed first in the countries list. Ex: ['GB', 'ES'] string ''
returnCountryName Returns the country name (in English) as each option value, instead of the country code boolean false
errorMessages json
required Error message to display on submit if there is no country selected string ''
registerConfig json
required Define if the country select is required boolean false

Reminder: the 'countryAndRegions' prop that can be sent in the ReactFormBuilder will be rendered in this component and will replace the default list.

Country example:

  "name": "country_of_residence",
  "type": "country",
  "label": "This is the label of the country select",
  "placeholder": "Please select an option ^^",
  "priorityOptions": ["GB", "ES"],
  "errorMessages": {
    "required": "This field is required"
  "registerConfig": {
    "required": true


Option Description Type Default
name* Date name component string -
type* Must be date string -
label Text shown over the date input string ''
placeholder Text to be displayed as placeholder in the date input string ''
minAge Minimun age that user should have to make the submit int ''
dateFormat Format to be applied in the date input string dd/MM/yyyy
openToDate Date in which the calendar will be opened. If this attribute is empty and we have a minAge attribute, the calendar will be opened -- minAge years ago since today to improve make it easier for the user. If we dont use this attribute the calendar will be opened in todays date string dd/MM/yyyy
errorMessages json
required Error message to display on submit if the date hasn't be selected and is required string ''
underAge Error message to display on submit if it is chosen a date that represents a user younger than the minAge attribute string ''
registerConfig json
required Define if the checkbox is required boolean false

Date examples

Basic date example

  "name": "dob",
  "type": "date",
  "label": "Date of birth",
  "placeholder": "dd/mm/yyyy",
  "openToDate": "1/1/2000",
  "errorMessages": {
    "required": "This field is required",
  "registerConfig": {
    "required": true

Minage date example

  "name": "dob",
  "type": "date",
  "label": "Date of birth",
  "placeholder": "dd/mm/yyyy",
  "minAge": 18,
  "errorMessages": {
    "required": "This field is required",
    "underAge": "You must be 18 years old or above"
  "registerConfig": {
    "required": true


Option Description Type Default
name* Input name string -
type* Must be input string -
label Text shown with the input string ''
placeholder Placeholder text to be displayed string ''
icon json
name Name of the icon that we want to be displayed Opt: ['question-circle'] string -
fill Icon color string black
tooltip json
text Text to be displayed on icon hover string ''
config inside this json we could define any typical theme UI property to style the tooltip json
errorMessages json
required Error message to display on submit if the checkbox is not checked and is required string ''
pattern Error message to display if there is an error pattern in the input text boolean false
registerConfig json
required Define if the checkbox is required boolean false
pattern Define the pattern to check the input string ""

Input examples

Basic input example

  "name": "email",
  "type": "input",
  "label": "",
  "placeholder": "Email Address*",
  "errorMessages": {
    "required": "This field is required"
  "registerConfig": {
    "required": true

Input with pattern control example

  "name": "email",
  "type": "input",
  "label": "",
  "placeholder": "Email Address*",
  "errorMessages": {
    "required": "This field is required",
    "pattern": "Invalid email"
  "registerConfig": {
    "required": true,
    "pattern": "/^[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+.[a-z]{2,4}$/"

Input with styled icon

  name: 'inputName',
  type: 'input',
  label: 'input label',
  placeholder: 'input placeholder',
  icon: {
    name: 'question-circle',
    fill: 'red'
  tooltip: {
    text: 'tooltip text example',
    config: {
      backgroundColor: 'green'
  errorMessages: {
    required: 'This field is required',
    pattern: 'This is not the right pattern'
  registerConfig: {
    required: true


Option Description Type Default
name* markdown component name string -
type* must be markdown string -
label Text to be displayed, it will be formatted with markdown style string ''

Markdown examples

Markdown example

    name: "Markdown component",
    type: "markdown",
    label: "El texto a **mostar** en el markdown [exmaple]()"



Option Description Type Default
name* MultipleCheckBox name string -
type* must be multiple_checkboxes string -
label Text to show like the question text string ''
config json
options json
options It contains all the options to be rendered in the multicheckbox component Object Array -
label or src The label displayed with the option (can use markdown format) or the src of the image to be rendered string ''
value The value of the option string ''
errorMessages json
required Error message to display on submit if the multiplecheckbox is not checked and is required string ''
minimumLen Text to be displayed in case not minimunLen items has been selected string ''
maximumLen Text to be displayed in case that more than maximumLen items has been selected string ''
registerConfig json
minimumLen Minimum number of options that user must select int 0
maximumLen Maximum number of options that user can select int -
required Define if the multiplecheckbox is required boolean false

Multiplecheckbox examples

Basic multiplecheckbox

  "name": "multiplecheckbox_name",
  "type": "multiple_checkboxes",
  "placeholder": "Please select all that apply",
  "label": "What option do you prefer?",
  "errorMessages": {
    "required": "This field is required"
  "registerConfig": {
    "required": true

  "config": {
    "options": [
        "value": "option1",
        "label": "LabelOption1"
        "value": "option2",
        "label": "LabelOption2"
        "value": "option3",
        "label": "LabelOption3"

Multiplecheckbox with images and labels

  "name": "multiplecheckbox_name",
  "type": "multiple_checkboxes",
  "placeholder": "Please select all that apply",
  "label": "What option do you prefer?",
  "errorMessages": {
    "required": "This field is required"
  "registerConfig": {
    "required": true

  "config": {
    "options": [
        "value": "option1",
        "src": "/src/assets/image1"
        "value": "option2",
        "label": "LabelOption2"
        "value": "option3",
        "src": "/src/assets/image3"

Multiplecheckbox with minimumLen

  "name": "multiplecheckbox_name",
  "type": "multiple_checkboxes",
  "placeholder": "Please select all that apply",
  "label": "What option do you prefer?",
  "errorMessages": {
    "required": "This field is required",
    "minimumLen": "You must choose at least two options"
  "registerConfig": {
    "minimumLen": 2,
    "required": false
  "config": {
    "options": [
        "value": "option1",
        "label": "LabelOption1"
        "value": "option2",
        "label": "LabelOption2"
        "value": "option3",
        "label": "LabelOption3"


Option Description Type Default
name* Phone component name string -
type* must be phone string -
label Text to show over the input string ''
errorMessages json
required Error message to display on submit if the phone input is not filled and is required string ''
registerConfig json
required Define if the phone input is required boolean false

Reminder: The isoCode prop that can be sent in the ReactFormBuilder component will define the default country displayed in the phone field.

Basic phone

  "name": "phone",
  "type": "phone",
  "label": "",
  "registerConfig": {
    "required": true
  "placeholder": "Phone",
  "errorMessages": {
    "required": "This field is required"


Option Description Type Default
name* RadioButton name string -
type* must be radio string -
label Text to show like the question text. This text can be written in markdown string ''
errorMessages json
required Error message to display on submit if the checkbox is not checked and is required string ''
registerConfig json
required Define if the radioButton is required boolean false

RadioButton example

Basic radiobutton

  "name": "radio_name",
  "label": "este es el texto de la pregunta",
  "type": "radio",
  "options": [
      "value": true,
      "label": "YES"
      "value": false,
      "label": "NOP"
  "errorMessages": {
    "required": "This field is required"
  "registerConfig": {
    "required": true


Option Description Type Default
name* Checkbox name string -
type* must be select string -
label Text shown over the select question string ''
placeholder Placeholder text to be displayed in the select string ''
config json
options json
options It contains all the options to be rendered in the select component Object Array -
label The label displayed in select option string ''
value The value of the select option string ''
errorMessages json
required Error message to display on submit if there is no selection and it is required string ''
registerConfig json
required Define if the select is required boolean false

Select examples

Select basic example

  "name": "color",
  "type": "select",
  "placeholder": "Please choose an option",
  "label": "What is your favorite color?",
  "errorMessages": {
    "required": "This field is required"
  "registerConfig": {
    "required": true
  "config": {
    "options": [
        "value": "red",
        "label": "Red"
        "value": "black",
        "label": "Black"
        "value": "prefer_not_say",
        "label": "prefer not to say"

To contribute

  1. npm install
  2. npm start
  3. Open another tab and do cd example
  4. npm install
  5. npm start

See localhost:3000

Any change on the root src library will be reflected on the usage in the example folder.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Pablo Albaladejo

💻 🧑‍🏫

Ismael Bakkali

💻 👀 🐛

Francisco Valdesoiro

💻 📓 🐛

Adrián Rodríguez

💻 📖 ⚠️

Sofía Sánchez

💻 ⚠️

Iván Esteban

💻 🐛

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


MIT © Guidesmiths


React Form Builder







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