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Azure Terraform Three Tier architecture deployment pattern

This repository contains the terraform script. This script is set of deployment artifacts using terraform scripts which form a 3-tier architecture template to make it simple an orchestration engine (infrastructure as code). It allows you to deploy an example 3 tier architecture infrastructure environment (Level 0) and workload environments capable of hosting VM (Level 1). Pattern – Three Tier architecture deployment using terraform

Three Tier architecture deployment given below diagram provide detail representation of the terraform script outcome


alt text

Step 1: Build and Deploy baseline state with network component

Terraform script folder structure

Below snapshot provide folder structure of terraform scripts.

  • Common-modules
    • Resource Group
  • Level 0
  • Azure resources
  • Abstract resource layer
  • VNET
  • Subnet
  • NSG
  • NSG association
  • Route Table
  • Route table association
  • VNET peering
  • Main Module (abstract layer)

Steps to run terraform script

Level 0 Pre-Requisites

  1. Ensure Level 0 terraform.tfvars is configured properly.
  2. User who logs in to run Level 0 script should have “Owner” rights
  3. Login in interactive mode using az login
  4. set the subscription using command
az account set –subscription “subscription_name”

Level 0 Execution Steps

  1. Execute terraform script using below commands
  • Terraform Init
  • Terraform Plan
  • Terraform Apply

Terraform TFVAR input required

Update TFVAR file at Level 0 folder as per your requirements, You don’t required update any other terraform modules input parameters. Script will fetch from TFVAR and Terraform output state.

# Name for the environment
environment                              = "dev"

# Parameter for Creating Azure Resources
region                                   = "Southeast Asia"
resource_group_name                      = "networking"
# Parameter for Create Virtual network and Subnets
vnet_name                                = ["project1","project2"]
vnet_address                             = ["",""]
subnet_names                             = ["Web","App","DB"]
subnet_er                                = ["GatewaySubnet"]
subnet_management                        = ["management"]
subnet_er_range                          = [""]
subnet_management_range                  = [""]
subnet_range                             = ["","",""]

# Parameter for Create Network Security Groups
nsg_names                                = ["Web","App","DB"]
nsg_tier1_rules                          = ["Allow_Port80_Inbound","Allow_Port443_Inbound","Allow_Port3389_Inbound","Deny_Virtualnetwork_Inbound"]
nsg_tier2_rules                          = ["Deny_Virtualnetwork_Inbound","Allow_Azuremonitor_Outbound","Deny_Internet_Outbound"]
nsg_tier3_rules                          = ["Deny_Virtualnetwork_Inbound","Allow_Azuremonitor_Outbound","Deny_Internet_Outbound"]

# Parameter for Create Route Table
rt_names                                 = ["Web","App","DB","gatewaysubnet","management"]

# Parameter for Azure Resources Tags
tagvalue                           =  {

      environment                  = "Development"

Resource Naming standard

The resource naming standard automated, the pattern for forming the name given below

  • First two or three letter of resource item name = rg
  • Environment = DEV
  • Resource Name = Resource Group Name Example Rg-dev-project1
  name             = "${lower("rg-${var.environment}-${var.resource_group_name}")}"

Step 2: Deploy VM and project related items.

Level 1

  • Architecture alt text

Terraform script folder structure for step 2

Below snapshot provide folder structure of terraform scripts.

  • Application Layer
  • NIC
  • Public IP
  • Virtual Machine

Level 1 Pre-Requisites

  1. Ensure Level 1 terraform.tfvars is configured properly.
  2. Ensure All components of Level 0 are created
  3. User who logs in to run Level 1 script should have “Owner” rights
  4. Login in interactive mode using az login
  5. set the subscription using command az account set –subscription “subscription_name”

Level 1 Execution Steps

  1. Execute terraform script using below commands
  • Terraform Init
  • Terraform Plan
  • Terraform Apply

Terraform TFVAR input required

Update TFVAR file at Level 1 folder as per your requirements, You don’t required update any other terraform modules input parameters. Script will fetch from TFVAR and Terraform output state.

# Parameter for Creating Azure Resources
resource_group_name                         = "networking"
region                                      = "Southeast Asia"

# Parameter for Create Virtual network and Subnets
vnet_name                                   = "project1"
subnet_names                                = ["web","app","DB"]

# Parameter for Azure Resources Tags
tagvalue                                    =  {

      environment                  = "Development"
      project                      = "test_project"
environment                                 = "dev"

# Parameter for the Public IP Creation VM
public_ip_allocation_method                 = "Static"
vm_public_ip_name                           = "vm-project1"

# Parameter for Network Interface
nic_name                                    = "web"
nic_ip_config_name                          = "nic_i_config"
nic_ip_allocation_method                    = "Dynamic"
nic_type                                    = "Public"

#parameters for virtual machine
vm_name                                     = "project1"
vm_size                                     = "Standard_B1s"
image_publisher                             = "MicrosoftWindowsServer"
image_offer                                 = "WindowsServer"
image_version                               = "latest"
image_sku                                   = "2016-Datacenter"
vm_os_disk_name                             = "disk1"
os_caching                                  = "ReadWrite"
create_option                               = "FromImage"
managed_disk_type                           = "Standard_LRS"
computer_name                               = "hostname"
admin_username                              = "vm-admin"
admin_password                              = "Welcome1234!"

Terraform modules

Resource Group Module

A resource group is a logical construct that groups multiple resources together so they can be managed as a single entity which allow you assign RBAC and allow you to calculate resource cost.

Name Type / Component Description
Module resource-group Creates a resource group on Azure


Name Type Default Value Example Description
rg_enable Integer 1 1 Enabling or Disabling the Resource group
resource_group_name String Empty Networking Name of the Resource group
Region String Empty Southeast Asia Location of the Resource group
Tagvalue Map Empty tagvalue = { client_segment = "" } List of tag values to be attached
Environment String Empty Dev Environment


Name Type Description
resource_group_name String Names of the Resource group

VNET Module

VNET module creates a Virtual Network in a subscription. User with Owner or contributor rights would be required to create a VNET. VNet enables many types of Azure resources, such as Azure Virtual Machines (VM), to securely communicate with each other, the internet, and on-premises networks.

Name Component Description
Module VNET Creates the Virtual Network
Module Type Common Common module reused in across many terraform project or abstract layers


Name Type Default Value Example Description
resource_group_name String Empty rg-dev-networking Name of the resource group where VNET resource gets created
Region String Empty Southeast Asia Location on which vnet to be created
vnet_enable Integer 1 1 Create or Not to Create Vnet based on this value
vnet_name List Empty [“project1”] Virtual network name
vnet_address List Empty [""] CIDR Rage of Virtual network
TagValue Map Empty tagvalue = { client_segment = "" } List of tag values to be attached
Environment String Empty dev Environment name


Name Type Description
Region List Region of the Virtual network
Vnet_name List Name of Virtual network
vnet_address_space List Address space of the newly created Vnet
resource_group_name List Name of the Resource group for Vnet
vnet_id List ID allocated for the Vnet

Subnet Module

Subnet module creates a Subnet in a subscription. User with Owner rights or Contributor rights would be required to create a subnet. Subnets enable to segment the virtual network into one or more sub-networks and allocate a portion of the virtual network's address space to each subnet

Name Type / Component Description
Module subnet Creates Subnet inside the specified vnet


Name Type Default Value Example Description
Subnet_count Numeric Empty 1 Number of subnet to be created
Vnet_name String Empty vnet-dev-project1 Virtual network name
Subnet_names List Empty [“Web”,”App”,”DB”] Name of the subnet
Subnet_range List Empty ["",””] CIDR Rage of subnet
resource_group_name String Empty rg-dev-networking Name of the resource group where subnet resource gets created
Service_endpoint_enable Integer 1 1 Create or Not to Create service endpoint based on this value
Service_endpoints Array Empty [“Microsoft.sql”] Service endpoints to be enabled
Service List ["0","0","1"] [1“0”,”0”,”1”] Name of the services
Environment String Empty dev Name of the environment


Name Type Description
Vnet_subnets List Name of subnets
Subnet_id List Id of subnets

NSG Module

A network security groups contains list of security rules to allow or deny network traffic to resources connected to the virtual networks.

Name Type / Component Description
Module Nsg Creates a network security group that contains a list of network security rules


Name Type Default Value Example Description
nsg_enable Integer Empty 1 Enabling or Disabling the NSG Flag
resource_group_name String Empty rg-dev-networking Name of the Resource group where NSG is to be created
Region String Empty Southeast Asia Name of the Region where the NSG is to be created
nsg_name List Empty [Web, App, DB] Names for the NSGs
tagValue Map Empty tagvalue = { client_segment = "" } List of tag values to be attached
environment String Empty dev Environment name


Name Type Description
nsg_id List ID of NSGs created
nsg_names List Name of the NSGs created

NSG Rules Module

A network security group contains network security rules to enforce the network policies.

Name Type / Component Description
Module nsg-rules Creates the network security rules


Name Type Default Value Example Description resource_group_name String Empty rg-dev-networking Name of the Resource group where NSG is to be created nsg_name List Empty [nsg-dev-web,nsg-dev-app] Names for the NSGs nsg_rules List Empty [Allow_Internet_Inbound,Deny_Virtual_Network_Outbound] Rules for Network security group

NSG Association Module

Nsg-association module is used to associate the network security group with the respective subnet

Name Type / Component Description
Module Nsg-association Associates the Network Security Group with a subnet within a Vnet


Name Type Default Value Example Description
subnet_id List Empty ID allocated for the Subnet
nsg_id List Empty ID allocated for the NSG
nsg_enable Integer Empty 1 Enabling or Disabling the NSG
subnet_count Integer Empty 3 Count of the Subnet

Route Table Module

A route table contains a set of rules, called routes, that specifies how packets should be routed in a virtual network

Name Type / Component Description
Module routetable Creates a Route Table


Name Type Default Value Example Description
rt_enable Integer Empty 1 Enabling or Disabling the Route Table
subnet_count Integer Empty 3 Subnet count to be used for creating Route table
rt_name List Empty [“Web”,”App”,”DB”] Name of the Route Table
resource_group_name String Empty rg-dev-networking Name of the Resource group of the Route table
Region String Empty Southeast Asia Location of the Resource group
Tagvalue Map Empty tagvalue = { client_segment = "" } List of tag values to be attached
environment String Empty Dev Environment Name

Route Table association Module

Route-table-association module associates the route table with the specified subnet

Name Type / Component Description
Module Routetable-association Associating route table with a subnet within a Vnet


Name Type Default Value Example Description
rt_id List Empty ID allocated for the Route table
subnet_id List Empty ID allocated for the subnet
rt_enable Integer Empty 1 Enabling or Disabling the Route table
subnet_count Integer Empty 2 Count of the Subnets

VNET Peering Module

VNet peering is a mechanism that connects two virtual networks (VNets) in the same region through the Azure backbone network. Once peered, the two virtual networks appear as one for all connectivity purposes

Name Type / Component Description
Module Vnet-peering Creates a Vnet peering which allows resources to access other resources in the linked Vnet


Name Type Default Value Example Description
resource_group_name String Empty rg-dev-networking Name of the Resource group for vnet
Region String Empty Southeast Asia Region
environment String Empty dev Environment name
vnet_peering_enable Integer Empty 1 Enabling or Disabling the Vnet peering
vnet_name List Empty [“vnet-dev-project1”,”vnet-dev- project2”] Name of the Vnets
allow_virtual_network_access String False False Allow or Disallow the access for the Vnet
allow_forwarded_traffic String False false Allow or Disallow the forwarded traffic
allow_gateway_transit String False false Allow or Disallow the gateway transit
use_remote_gateways String False false Allow or Disallow the use of remote gateways
vnet_id String Empty Id of the Vnet
vnet1_id String Empty Id of the Vnet-1
bastion_resource_group String Empty rg-dev-networking Resource group of the bastion
tenant_id String Empty xxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxx ID of the Tenant
subscription_id String Empty Xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxx ID of the Subscription
env_subscription_id String Empty Xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxx ID of the Subscription in the environment


Azure Terraform Architecture Deployment Pattern


Azure Terraform Architecture Deployment Pattern






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