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Faizal CAE RAMP-UP Project Playgroup

This repo contains a collection of codes to set up AKS Private Cluster, GitOps using ArgoCD, Istio, Kiali, and many more tools.

The code on this repo comes from following sources:





Script to execute from bash shell

Login to your Azure Active Directory tenant

az login -t {TENANTNID}

Make sure you are using the right subscription

az account show -o table

If you are not in the correct subscription, change it substituting SUBSCRIPTIONID with the proper subscription id

az account set --subscription {SUBSCRIPTIONID}

If you are running in Azure Cloud Shell, you need to run the following additional command:

export TF_VAR_logged_user_objectId=$(az ad signed-in-user show --query objectId -o tsv)

Go to the AKS construction set folder

cd enterprise_scale/construction_sets/aks


Define the configuration files to apply, all tfvars files within the above folder recursively

parameter_files=$(find $configuration_folder | grep .tfvars | sed 's/.*/-var-file &/' | xargs)

Load the CAF module and related providers

terraform init -upgrade

Trigger the deployment of the resources

eval terraform apply ${parameter_files}

You are done with deployment of AKS environment, next step is to deploy the application and reference components.

To get the credentials profile from your clusters issue following command

az aks get-credentials -n <yourClusterName> -g <yourResourceGroupName>

For Admin profile

az aks get-credentials --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster --admin

Use kubectl config get-contexts you will be seeing all the clusters you where authenticated against, regardless of the azure subscription

kubectl config get-contexts

My case I have 2 x cluster in different azure subscription, to switch profile I need to use the context use below command to switch context between the clusters.

kubectl config use-context <yourClusterName>

To assign Admin role

Get the resource ID of your AKS cluster

AKS_CLUSTER=$(az aks show --resource-group rampup-rg-aks-re1 --name rampup-aks-akscluster-re1-001 --query id -o tsv)

Get the account credentials for the logged in user

ACCOUNT_UPN=$(az account show --query -o tsv)
ACCOUNT_ID=$(az ad user show --id $ACCOUNT_UPN --query objectId -o tsv)

Assign the 'Cluster Admin' role to the user

az role assignment create \
    --assignee $ACCOUNT_ID \
    --scope $AKS_CLUSTER \
    --role "Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster Admin Role"

Kubectl Alias

To use a shorthand alias for kubectl given below some example for full list visit kubectl alias

alias k='kubectl'
alias kg='kubectl get'
alias kgpo='kubectl get pod'
alias krm='kubectl delete'
alias krmf='kubectl delete -f'
alias kgsvc='kubectl get svc'
alias kd='kubectl describe'
alias kgdep='kubectl get deployment'

Next step

▶️ Deploy ArgoCD into AKS


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