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Computer Vision on Videos

Face and Hands tracking with Use of the Lucas-Kanade Optical Flow Method

  1. Detection

    • 1st step: The YCbCr color space is used, removing the information of the Y luminosity and keeping the Cb and Cr channels that describe its identity color. Skin color is modeled with a two-dimensional Gaussian distribution:

      $$P( \textbf{c} = skin) = {1 \over { \sqrt{ \lvert Σ \rvert \left(2π \right) ^ 2 }}} e^{-{ 1 \over 2 } \left( \textbf{c} - \textbf{μ} \right) Σ ^ {-1} \left( \textbf{c} -\textbf{μ} \right) ^ {'}}$$

      where c is the vector of Cb and Cr values for each point (x, y) in the image. The Gaussian distribution is trained by computing the 2 × 1 mean vector $$µ = [µCb, µCr]^T$$ and the 2 × 2 covariance matrix Σ from the skin samples given in the file skinSamplesRGB.mat in RGB format. The binary skin detection image is derived from the probability image $$P(c(x, y) = skin)$$, ∀ (x, y) with thresholding.

    • 2nd step: It is required a morphological processing of binary skin image. Specifically, the holes that appear will be covered by applying an opening with a very small structural element and closing with a large structural element. Finally, you will create three rectangles that will surround the areas of interest-skin (bounding boxes).

  2. Tracking

    • Implementation of Lucas Kanade Algorithm
    • Implementation of Multiscale Lucas Kanade Algorithm
  3. Evaluation

    • Evaluation of both with given dataset
    • Production of video of skin tracking and the optical flow


Computer Vision on Videos







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