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Nakama join slack

The next social network for anime fans.

Follow the development on YouTube.


cockroach start-single-node --insecure --listen-addr
minio server ./minio-data


go mod download
go build ./cmd/nakama

Usage (-h)

Usage of nakama:
  -addr string
        HTTP service address (default ":4000")
  -s3-access-key string
        S3 access key (default "minioadmin")
  -s3-endpoint string
        S3 endpoint (default "localhost:9000")
  -s3-secret-key string
        S3 secret key (default "minioadmin")
        Enable S3 SSL
  -session-key string
        Session key used to authenticate and encrypt cookies (default "secretkeyyoushouldnotcommit")
  -sql-addr string
        SQL address (default "postgresql://root@")


Make sure to have Docker running before running the tests.

go test .


When adding a new feature, you start by modifying the schema.sql file, and then writing the necessary queries in a _store.go file. All methods are part of the *Service type and prefixed with sql.

Now create a new exported method as part of the nakama.Service struct.

When creating a new method, if the input data has many fields, then create a struct with the same name and the output in past-tense.


package nakama

type CreatePost struct {}
type CreatedPost struct {}

func (*Service) CreatePost(ctx context.Context, in CreatePost) (CreatedPost, error) {}

To register a new route, go to the web package and register it inside the web/handler.go file at the init() method of web.Handler.

Add a new unexported method to the web.Handler and you should be able to access nakama.Service from within your handler.

Routes that render a page follow the naming of showPage.


package web

func (*Handler) showLogin(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {}

HTML templates are defined in the web/template directory. To render a template, parse them first on the web package by using the parseTmpl function. And save them as an unexported package level variable.

The directory web/template/include contains templates that are not pages; these are like "partials" and are the pieces that other templates include.

Any new dependency must be injected explicitly on cmd/nakama/main.go. Here is where configuration is also read. No other place is allowed to read configuration but here. That means, any call to os.Getenv() for example is discouraged but on main.go.


If you run into migrations issues, that is because the SQL schema is not applied progressively. For now, you will have to clean up the database and run the server again.

You could stop cockroach. Remove the cockroach-data directory:

rm -rf ./cockroach-data

And start cockroach again.