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Project Link : Sign Up Form

User sign up form + Angular

This project is demonstrate how user can signup the form. Outline below mention my development journey including thought process and techstack.

Requirement understanding

  • Read the requirement, done brainstroming on paper, this helps me to visualize how end product will look like.
  • Understand the Acceptance criteria of requirement.
  • Noted down the action items and their sequence which need to be cover.


  • As per my prototype (which i draw on paper) i wrote code which can consider initial commit to github
  • Step by step start working on features like validation, form submit, info button.
  • I make sure for standard code quality get followed with best practices.


  • For code smell initially I used Tslint, after realising Tslint is deprecated, switching from Tslint to Eslint required additional efforts and it is great learning..!
  • Its quite challenging to remove all observations highlited by Eslint.
  • Deployed project on firebase could not work on one go.

Get started

We need to setup Angular environment by installing required softwares and then need to setup project

Angular environment setup:

Lets setup the environment from begining..!

Get required Angular development environment:

  • Node, (website:
  • NPM, (Node Package Manager - comes inbuilt with Node)
  • Angular CLI = Command Line Interface, Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) for angular (website:, it allows the developer to build/generate building blocks of angular application like component, services, routings, modules, etc. with best practices quicker and easier)
  • Text Editor - Visual Studio Code

Setup the environment:

  • Download and Install node (node comes with npm) (website:
  • After installation check version of node and npm by command: node -v or node --version OR npm -v OR npm --version
  • Install Angular CLI (website by using command: npm install -g @angular/cli (it will install Angular CLI globally)
  • After installation check version of angular CLI by using the command: ng -v OR ng --version, you can also verify angular CLI installation by command: ng OR ng --help
  • Create a new app with angular CLI by using syntax: ng new project-name: command: ng new sign-up
  • Go inside the project/app directory, command: cd sign-up
  • Build and run Angular App, command: ng serve OR ng serve -o OR ng serve --open
  • Go to the browser and launch/check Angular App by entering the web address: localhost:4200

Project setup:

As environment is set lets setup the project..!

Clone the repo

    git clone
    cd signUp

Install npm packages

Install the npm packages described in package.json and verify it works!

    npm install


To Build project use ng build This will package and compress the application into /dist directory.

    ng build

Use the --prod flag for production build. eg. ng build --prod

Production build can be also done in another way In package.json use --prod flag in script "build": "ng build --prod" and then use npm run build

To start the app on local server http://localhost:4200 use npm start

    npm start

Migrate from TSLint to ESLint

ESLint: Installation
npm install --save-dev eslint @typescript-eslint/parser @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin

This command downloads and executes the utility to perform the migration.

npx tslint-to-eslint-config

There should now be a new .eslintrc.js file, and likely changes to other files, like .vscode/settings.json.

ESLint: Run
ng lint
TSLint: Removal
  • Remove the tslint.json file.
  • Remove the dependency on tslint in the package.json file.
  • Uninstall TSLint with npm uninstall tslint

Unit Test

To execute unit test:

    ng test

Deploying to Firebase

Configure this app with your project-specific details

Edit .firebaserc in the project root:

  "projects": {
    "default": "{your-project-id}"
Install firebase-tools
$ npm install -g firebase-tools
Build and deploy the app
$ npm run build
$ firebase login
$ firebase deploy

By using npm run deploy production ready code will get deploy to Firebase

Working model on Firebase

Sign Up Form


  • [Angular] - HTML enhanced for web apps!
  • [TypeScript] - To make JavaScript development more efficient.
  • [Bootstrap] - CSS framework
  • [HTML/SCSS] - Form Structure.
  • [Eslint] - To make code more consistent and avoiding bugs
  • [Font-Awesome] - Form field Icon
  • [Jasmine] - For unit test
  • [Firebase] - To hosting package.

Extended scope

  • Language selection buttons: eg Dutch/English to select language of the form
  • A+ button: Increase the display size of form
  • Eye button: To see password in text format

Thanks for reading..!