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A Custom Application for Managing AH Events

This Spring Boot application is a REST API that manages creating, updating, deleting, and retrieving events in various languages. You can manage translations and events at /translations and /event, respectively. For operations on a list of events, such as getting or deleting a range of events, use /events. You could also load a translated "view" of an event in a certain language at /event/translated For a range of translated events, use /events/translated.

As of version 1.0.0-RELEASE, this application is live at

What follows is a basic rundown of the application's capabilities.

GET /events

GET a list of complete events that meets request parameters

Request parameters:

  • eventLang
  • eventType
  • after
  • before

Ex: GET /events?eventLang=en&eventType=REG&after=2018-07-01&before=2018-08-01

... returns:

	events : [
			id: 34,
			defaultTranslationId: 98,
			eventType: "REG",
   			defaultDataLang: "en",
   			eventStartDate: "2018-07-06",
   			eventEndDate: "2018-07-08",
   			eventTitle : "Be courageous",
   			eventLanguage : "sp",
   			dataLanguage : "en",
   			comments : "Caution",
   			eventTranslations : [
   						id: 99
   						eventTitle: "Sea valiente",
   						eventLanguage: "esp",
   						comments: "Cuidado"
  						id: 100
  						eventTitle: "Soix courageux",
   						eventLanguage: "esp",
   						comments: "Mise en garde"
   		{ ... }

... and 200 OK.

Note: any event that is ongoing between the before and after parameters will be returned as a matching event.

POST /events

POST a list of complete events

Ex: POST /events ... with request body:

	events : [
			eventType : "REG",
   			defaultDataLang : "en",
   			eventStartDate : "2018-07-06",
   			eventEndDate : "2018-07-08",
   			eventTitle : "Be courageous",
   			eventLanguage : "sp",
   			dataLanguage : "en",
   			comments : "Caution",
   			translations : [
   						eventTitle: "Sea valiente",
   						eventLanguage: "esp",
   						comments: "Cuidado"
  						eventTitle: "Soix courageux",
   						eventLanguage: "esp",
   						comments: "Mise en garde"
   		{ ... }

... will send the events for processing and return 201 Created if successful.

Optional fields:

  • eventEndDate: if not provided, the eventStartDate will be used as the end date
  • defaultDataLang: if not provided, the dataLanguage of the event will be used as the default

DELETE /events

DELETE all events (along with translations) that match the request parameters

Request parameters:

  • eventLang
  • eventType
  • after
  • before

Ex: DELETE /events?eventLang=en&eventType=REG&after=2018-07-01&before=2018-08-08

  • Deletes all REG events that are in English and are between July 1, 2018 and August 8, 2018
  • Returns 204 NO CONTENT if delete is successful.

Note: any event that is ongoing between the before and after parameters will match and therefore be deleted.

GET /event/{id}

GET the complete event with the given id

Ex: GET /event/131

... returns:

 	id : 131,
 	defaultTranslationId: 145,
  	eventType : "REG",
   	eventStartDate : "2018-07-06",
   	eventEndDate : "2018-07-08",
   	eventTitle: "Be courageous",
   	eventLanguage: "sp",
	defaultDataLang : "en",
	dataLanguage: "en",
	comment: "Caution",
 	   			id: 5465,
 	   			eventTitle: "Sea valiente",
 	   			eventLanguage: "esp",
 	   			comments: "Cuidado"
 	   			id: 8765,
 	   			eventTitle: "Soix courageux",
 	   			eventLanguage: "esp",
 	   			comments: "Mise en garde"

... and 200 OK.

POST /event

POST a single complete event

Ex: POST /event ... with request body:

  	eventType : "REG",
   	eventStartDate : "2018-07-06",
   	eventEndDate : "2018-07-08",
   	eventTitle: "Be courageous",
   	eventLanguage: "sp",
	defaultDataLang : "en",
	dataLanguage: "en",
	comment: "Caution",
 	   			eventTitle: "Sea valiente",
 	   			eventLanguage: "esp",
 	   			comments: "Cuidado"
 	   			eventTitle: "Soix courageux",
 	   			eventLanguage: "esp",
 	   			comments: "Mise en garde"

... will send the event for processing and return 201 Created if successful.

Optional fields:

  • eventEndDate: if not provided, the eventStartDate will be used as the end date
  • defaultDataLang: if not provided, the dataLanguage of the event will be used as the default

PUT /event/{id}

PUT a single complete event

Ex: PUT /event/24 ... with request body:

 	id: 24,
	eventType : "REG",
   	eventStartDate : "2018-07-06",
   	eventEndDate : "2018-07-08",
   	eventTitle: "Be courageous",
   	eventLanguage: "sp",
	defaultDataLang : "en",
	dataLanguage: "en",
	comment: "Caution",
 	eventTranslations : [
 	   			eventTitle: "Sea valiente",
 	   			eventLanguage: "esp",
 	   			comments: "Cuidado"
 	   			eventTitle: "Soix courageux",
 	   			eventLanguage: "esp",
 	   			comments: "Mise en garde"

... updates the event with the given id, completely replacing the entity in the database with the request body. This updated event will not be checked to see if it has become a duplicate of an existing event. 204 No Content is returned upon success.

DELETE /event/{id}

DELETE the complete event with the given id

Ex: DELETE /event/43

  • Deletes the event with id 43
  • Returns 204 No Content if delete is successful.

GET /events/translated

GET a list of translated events that meets the request parameters

Request parameters:

  • eventLang
  • eventType
  • after
  • before
  • lang

Ex: GET /events/translated?eventLang=en&lang=sp&eventType=REG&after=2018-07-01&before=2018-08-18

... returns all English REG events between July 1 and August 18, 2018 that have a spanish translation:

 	events : [
  			"id": 6543,
  			"currentTranslationId": 567,
  			"eventLanguage": "ing",
 			"dataLanguage": "sp",
  			"eventTitle": "Sea valiente!",
  			"comments": "nada",
  			"eventType": "REG",
 			"eventStartDate": "2018-07-21",
 			"eventEndDate": "2018-07-21",
  			"defaultDataLang": "en"
	 		"id": 434,
	 		"currentTranslationId": 587,
	 		"eventLanguage": "ing",
	 		"dataLanguage": "sp",
	 		"eventTitle": "Sea valiente!",
	 		"comments": "none",
	 		"eventType": "REG",
	 		"eventStartDate": "2018-07-22",
 			"eventEndDate": "2018-07-23",
  			"defaultDataLang": "en"

... and 200 OK.

Note: any event that is ongoing between the before and after parameters will be returned as a matching event. Note: if lang is not provided, the translations are returned in English. Note: id is the id of the event and does not reflect the language of event information.

GET /event/translated/{id}

GET a the event with the provided id in the requested language

Request parameters:

  • lang

Ex: GET /event/translated/6543?lang=sp

... returns:

  	"id": 6543,
  	"currentTranslationId": 567,
  	"eventLanguage": "ing",
 	"dataLanguage": "sp",
  	"eventTitle": "Sea valiente!",
  	"comments": "nada",
  	"eventType": "REG",
 	"eventStartDate": "2018-07-21",
 	"eventEndDate": "2018-07-21",
  	"defaultDataLang": "en"

... and 200 OK.

Note: if lang is not provided, the translation is returned in English. Note: id is the id of the event and does not reflect the language of event information.

GET /translations/{id}

GET the translation with the given id

Ex: GET /translations/58

... returns:

 	   	eventTitle: "Sea valiente",
 	   	eventLanguage: "ing",
 	   	comments: "Cuidado"

... and 200 OK.

POST /translations/event/{id}

POST a new translation to the event with the given id

Ex: POST /translations/event/78 ... with request body:

 	  	eventTitle: "Sea valiente",
 	  	eventLanguage: "ing",
 	  	comments: "Cuidado"

...will send the translation for processing. It will add a new translation to the event with id 78 and return 201 Created if successful.

PUT /translations/{id}

PUT a translation

Ex: PUT /translations/57 ... with request body:

 	  	eventTitle: "Sea valiente",
 	   	eventLanguage: "ing",
 	   	comments: "Cuidado"

... updates the translation with id 57 by completely overwriting the previous translation and returns 204 No Content if successful.

Note: An event's default translation dataLanguage cannot be changed.

DELETE /translations/{id}

DELETE the EventTranslation with the given id

Ex: DELETE /translations/53

  • Deletes the translation with id 53
  • Returns 204 No Content if successful.


This application acts as a resource server, delegating authorization to an authorization server. It expects a header with a JWT signed by the authorization server:

Authorization : Bearer [JWT]

The authorization server's /.well-known/jwks.json endpoint is used to obtain the public key. The authorization server is located at:

To POST, DELETE, and PUT, the user must've been granted the ROLE_USER or ROLE_ADMIN authorities. It expects the JWT to have a subject "scope" claim, with each authority separated by a space.

Future enhancements

1. ?? If an event is requested in a language that doesn't exist, it should be returned in its default
2. Allow for changing allowable languages


No description, website, or topics provided.






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