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New Relic Experimental header


A Helm chart to deploy the New Relic Kubernetes Metrics Adapter.


Source Code


Repository Name Version common-library 1.2.0


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} Node affinity to use for scheduling.
apiServicePatchJob.image object See values.yaml. Registry, repository, tag, and pull policy for the job container image.
apiServicePatchJob.volumeMounts list [] Additional Volume mounts for Cert Job, you might want to mount tmp if Pod Security Policies.
apiServicePatchJob.volumes list [] Additional Volumes for Cert Job.
certManager.enabled bool false Use cert manager for APIService certs, rather than the built-in patch job.
config.accountID string nil New Relic Account ID where the configured metrics are sourced from. (Required)
config.cacheTTLSeconds int 30 Period of time in seconds in which a cached value of a metric is consider valid.
config.externalMetrics string See values.yaml Contains all the external metrics definition of the adapter. Each key of the externalMetric entry represents the metric name and contains the parameters that defines it.
config.nrdbClientTimeoutSeconds int 30 Defines the NRDB client timeout. The maximum allowed value is 120.
config.region string Automatically detected from licenseKey. New Relic account region. If not set, it will be automatically derived from the License Key.
containerSecurityContext string nil Configure containerSecurityContext
extraEnv list [] Array to add extra environment variables
extraEnvFrom list [] Array to add extra envFrom
extraVolumeMounts list [] Add extra volume mounts
extraVolumes list [] Array to add extra volumes
fullnameOverride string "" To fully override common.naming.fullname
image object See values.yaml. Registry, repository, tag, and pull policy for the container image.
image.pullSecrets list [] The image pull secrets.
nodeSelector object {} Node label to use for scheduling.
personalAPIKey string nil New Relic Personal API Key (stored in a secret). Used to connect to NerdGraph in order to fetch the configured metrics. (Required)
podAnnotations string nil Additional annotations to apply to the pod(s).
podSecurityContext string nil Configure podSecurityContext
proxy string nil Configure proxy for the metrics-adapter.
rbac.pspEnabled bool false Whether the chart should create Pod Security Policy objects.
replicas int 1 Number of replicas in the deployment.
resources object See values.yaml Resources you wish to assign to the pod.
serviceAccount.create string true Specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created for the job and the deployment. false avoids creation, true or empty will create the ServiceAccount string Automatically generated. If serviceAccount.create this will be the name of the ServiceAccount to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template. If create is false, a serviceAccount with the given name must exist
tolerations list [] List of node taints to tolerate (requires Kubernetes >= 1.6)
verboseLog bool false Enable metrics adapter verbose logs.


Make sure you have added the New Relic chart repository.

Because of metrics configuration, we recommend to use an external values file to deploy the chart. An example with the required parameters looks like:

cluster: ClusterName
personalAPIKey: <Personal API Key>
  accountID: <Account ID>
      query: "FROM Metric SELECT average( SINCE 2 MINUTES AGO"

Then, to install this chart, run the following command:

helm upgrade --install [release-name] newrelic-k8s-metrics-adapter/newrelic-k8s-metrics-adapter --values [values file path]

Once deployed the metric nginx_average_requests will be available to use by any HPA. This is and example of an HPA yaml using this metric:

kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta2
  name: nginx-scaler
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: nginx
  minReplicas: 1
  maxReplicas: 10
    - type: External
          name: nginx_average_requests
              k8s.namespaceName: nginx
          type: Value
          value: 10000

The NRQL query that will be run to get the nginx_average_requests value will be:

FROM Metric SELECT average( WHERE clusterName='ClusterName' AND `k8s.namespaceName`='nginx' SINCE 2 MINUTES AGO

External Metrics

An example of multiple external metrics defined:

      query: "FROM Metric SELECT average( SINCE 2 MINUTES AGO"
      query: "FROM Metric SELECT average(`k8s.container.cpuCoresUtilization`) SINCE 2 MINUTES AGO"


The default set of resources assigned to the newrelic-k8s-metrics-adapter pods is shown below:

    memory: 80M
    cpu: 100m
    memory: 30M
