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A Helm chart to deploy the New Relic Kubernetes monitoring solution


Helm installation

You can install this chart using nri-bundle located in the helm-charts repository or directly from this repository by adding this Helm repository:

helm repo add nri-kubernetes
helm upgrade --install newrelic-infrastructure nri-kubernetes/newrelic-infrastructure -f your-custom-values.yaml

Source Code

Values managed globally

This chart implements the New Relic's common Helm library which means that it honors a wide range of defaults and globals common to most New Relic Helm charts.

Options that can be defined globally include affinity, nodeSelector, tolerations, proxy and others. The full list can be found at user's guide of the common library.

Chart particularities

Low data mode

There are two mechanisms to reduce the amount of data that this integration sends to New Relic. See this snippet from the values.yaml file:

    interval: 15s

lowDataMode: false

The lowDataMode toggle is the simplest way to reduce data send to Newrelic. Setting it to true changes the default scrape interval from 15 seconds (the default) to 30 seconds.

If you need for some reason to fine-tune the number of seconds you can use common.config.interval directly. If you take a look at the values.yaml file, the value there is nil. If any value is set there, the lowDataMode toggle is ignored as this value takes precedence.

Setting this interval above 40 seconds can make you experience issues with the Kubernetes Cluster Explorer so this chart limits setting the interval inside the range of 10 to 40 seconds.

Affinities and tolerations

The New Relic common library allows to set affinities, tolerations, and node selectors globally using e.g. .global.affinity to ease the configuration when you use this chart using nri-bundle. This chart has an extra level of granularity to the components that it deploys: control plane, ksm, and kubelet.

Take this snippet as an example:

  affinity: {}
affinity: {}

  affinity: {}
  affinity: {}
  affinity: {}

The order to set an affinity is to set first any kubelet.affinity, ksm.affinity, or controlPlane.affinity. If these values are empty the chart fallbacks to affinity (at root level), and if that value is empty, the chart fallbacks to global.affinity.

The same procedure applies to nodeSelector and tolerations.

On the other hand, some components have affinities and tolerations predefined e.g. to be able to run kubelet pods on nodes that are tainted as master nodes or to schedule the KSM scraper on the same node of KSM to reduce the inter-node traffic.

If you are having problems assigning pods to nodes it may be because of this. Take a look at the values.yaml to see if the pod that is not having your expected behavior has any predefined value.

hostNetwork toggle

In versions below v3, changing the privileged mode affected the hostNetwork. We changed this behavior and now you can set pods to use hostNetwork using the corresponding flags from the common library (.global.hostNetwork and .hostNetwork) but the component that scrapes data from the control plane has always set hostNetwork enabled by default (Look in the values.yaml for controlPlane.hostNetwork: true)

This is because the most common configuration of the control plane components is to be configured to listen only to localhost.

If your cluster security policy does not allow to use hostNetwork, you can disable it control plane monitoring by setting controlPlane.enabled to false.

privileged toggle

The default value for privileged from the common library is false but in this particular this chart it is set to true (Look in the values.yaml for privileged: true)

This is because when kubelet pods need to run in privileged mode to fetch cpu, memory, process, and network metrics of your nodes.

If your cluster security policy does not allow to have privileged in your pod' security context, you can disable it by setting privileged to false taking into account that you will lose all the metrics from the host and some metadata from the host that are added to the metrics of the integrations that you have configured.


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} Sets pod/node affinities set almost globally. (See Affinities and tolerations)
cluster string "" Name of the Kubernetes cluster monitored. Can be configured also with global.cluster
common object See values.yaml Config that applies to all instances of the solution: kubelet, ksm, control plane and sidecars.
common.agentConfig object {} Config for the Infrastructure agent. Will be used by the forwarder sidecars and the agent running integrations. See:
common.config.interval duration 15s (See Low data mode) Intervals larger than 40s are not supported and will cause the NR UI to not behave properly. Any non-nil value will override the lowDataMode default.
common.config.namespaceSelector object {} Config for filtering ksm and kubelet metrics by namespace.
containerSecurityContext object {} Sets security context (at container level). Can be configured also with global.containerSecurityContext
controlPlane object See values.yaml Configuration for the control plane scraper.
controlPlane.affinity object Deployed only in master nodes. Affinity for the control plane DaemonSet.
controlPlane.agentConfig object {} Config for the Infrastructure agent that will forward the metrics to the backend. It will be merged with the configuration in .common.agentConfig See:
controlPlane.config.apiServer object Common settings for most K8s distributions. API Server monitoring configuration
controlPlane.config.apiServer.enabled bool true Enable API Server monitoring
controlPlane.config.controllerManager object Common settings for most K8s distributions. Controller manager monitoring configuration
controlPlane.config.controllerManager.enabled bool true Enable controller manager monitoring.
controlPlane.config.etcd object Common settings for most K8s distributions. etcd monitoring configuration
controlPlane.config.etcd.enabled bool true Enable etcd monitoring. Might require manual configuration in some environments.
controlPlane.config.retries int 3 Number of retries after timeout expired
controlPlane.config.scheduler object Common settings for most K8s distributions. Scheduler monitoring configuration
controlPlane.config.scheduler.enabled bool true Enable scheduler monitoring.
controlPlane.config.timeout string "10s" Timeout for the Kubernetes APIs contacted by the integration
controlPlane.enabled bool true Deploy control plane monitoring component.
controlPlane.hostNetwork bool true Run Control Plane scraper with hostNetwork. hostNetwork is required for most control plane configurations, as they only accept connections from localhost.
controlPlane.kind string "DaemonSet" How to deploy the control plane scraper. If autodiscovery is in use, it should be DaemonSet. Advanced users using static endpoints set this to Deployment to avoid reporting metrics twice.
controlPlane.tolerations list Schedules in all tainted nodes Tolerations for the control plane DaemonSet.
customAttributes object {} Adds extra attributes to the cluster and all the metrics emitted to the backend. Can be configured also with global.customAttributes
customSecretLicenseKey string "" In case you don't want to have the license key in you values, this allows you to point to which secret key is the license key located. Can be configured also with global.customSecretLicenseKey
customSecretName string "" In case you don't want to have the license key in you values, this allows you to point to a user created secret to get the key from there. Can be configured also with global.customSecretName
dnsConfig object {} Sets pod's dnsConfig. Can be configured also with global.dnsConfig
enableProcessMetrics bool false Collect detailed metrics from processes running in the host. This defaults to true for accounts created before July 20, 2020. ref:
fedramp.enabled bool false Enables FedRAMP. Can be configured also with global.fedramp.enabled
fullnameOverride string "" Override the full name of the release
hostNetwork bool false Sets pod's hostNetwork. Can be configured also with global.hostNetwork
images object See values.yaml Images used by the chart for the integration and agents.
images.agent object See values.yaml Image for the New Relic Infrastructure Agent plus integrations.
images.forwarder object See values.yaml Image for the New Relic Infrastructure Agent sidecar.
images.integration object See values.yaml Image for the New Relic Kubernetes integration.
images.pullSecrets list [] The secrets that are needed to pull images from a custom registry.
integrations object {} Config files for other New Relic integrations that should run in this cluster.
ksm object See values.yaml Configuration for the Deployment that collects state metrics from KSM (kube-state-metrics).
ksm.affinity object Deployed in the same node as KSM Affinity for the KSM Deployment.
ksm.agentConfig object {} Config for the Infrastructure agent that will forward the metrics to the backend. It will be merged with the configuration in .common.agentConfig See:
ksm.config.retries int 3 Number of retries after timeout expired
ksm.config.scheme string "http" Scheme to use to connect to kube-state-metrics. Supported values are http and https.
ksm.config.selector string "" Label selector that will be used to automatically discover an instance of kube-state-metrics running in the cluster.
ksm.config.timeout string "10s" Timeout for the ksm API contacted by the integration
ksm.enabled bool true Enable cluster state monitoring. Advanced users only. Setting this to false is not supported and will break the New Relic experience.
ksm.hostNetwork bool Not set Sets pod's hostNetwork. When set bypasses global/common variable
ksm.resources object 100m/150M -/850M Resources for the KSM scraper pod. Keep in mind that sharding is not supported at the moment, so memory usage for this component ramps up quickly on large clusters.
ksm.tolerations list Schedules in all tainted nodes Tolerations for the KSM Deployment.
kubelet object See values.yaml Configuration for the DaemonSet that collects metrics from the Kubelet.
kubelet.agentConfig object {} Config for the Infrastructure agent that will forward the metrics to the backend and will run the integrations in this cluster. It will be merged with the configuration in .common.agentConfig. You can see all the agent configurations in New Relic docs e.g. you can set passthrough_environment int the config file so the agent let use that environment variables to the integrations.
kubelet.config.retries int 3 Number of retries after timeout expired
kubelet.config.scraperMaxReruns int 4 Max number of scraper rerun when scraper runtime error happens
kubelet.config.timeout string "10s" Timeout for the kubelet APIs contacted by the integration
kubelet.enabled bool true Enable kubelet monitoring. Advanced users only. Setting this to false is not supported and will break the New Relic experience.
kubelet.extraEnv list [] Add user environment variables to the agent
kubelet.extraEnvFrom list [] Add user environment from configMaps or secrets as variables to the agent
kubelet.extraVolumeMounts list [] Defines where to mount volumes specified with extraVolumes
kubelet.extraVolumes list [] Volumes to mount in the containers
kubelet.hostNetwork bool Not set Sets pod's hostNetwork. When set bypasses global/common variable
kubelet.tolerations list Schedules in all tainted nodes Tolerations for the control plane DaemonSet.
labels object {} Additional labels for chart objects. Can be configured also with global.labels
licenseKey string "" This set this license key to use. Can be configured also with global.licenseKey
lowDataMode bool false (See Low data mode) Send less data by incrementing the interval from 15s (the default when lowDataMode is false or nil) to 30s. Non-nil values of common.config.interval will override this value.
nameOverride string "" Override the name of the chart
nodeSelector object {} Sets pod's node selector almost globally. (See Affinities and tolerations)
nrStaging bool false Send the metrics to the staging backend. Requires a valid staging license key. Can be configured also with global.nrStaging
podAnnotations object {} Annotations to be added to all pods created by the integration.
podLabels object {} Additional labels for chart pods. Can be configured also with global.podLabels
podSecurityContext object {} Sets security context (at pod level). Can be configured also with global.podSecurityContext
priorityClassName string "" Sets pod's priorityClassName. Can be configured also with global.priorityClassName
privileged bool true Run the integration with full access to the host filesystem and network. Running in this mode allows reporting fine-grained cpu, memory, process and network metrics for your nodes.
proxy string "" Configures the integration to send all HTTP/HTTPS request through the proxy in that URL. The URL should have a standard format like https://user:password@hostname:port. Can be configured also with global.proxy
rbac.create bool true Whether the chart should automatically create the RBAC objects required to run.
rbac.pspEnabled bool false Whether the chart should create Pod Security Policy objects.
selfMonitoring.pixie.enabled bool false Enables the Pixie Health Check nri-flex config. This Flex config performs periodic checks of the Pixie /healthz and /statusz endpoints exposed by the Pixie Cloud Connector. A status for each endpoint is sent to New Relic in a pixieHealthCheck event.
serviceAccount object See values.yaml Settings controlling ServiceAccount creation.
serviceAccount.create bool true Whether the chart should automatically create the ServiceAccount objects required to run.
sink.http.probeBackoff string "5s" The amount of time the scraper container to backoff when it fails to probe infra agent sidecar.
sink.http.probeTimeout string "90s" The amount of time the scraper container to probe infra agent sidecar container before giving up and restarting during pod starts.
strategy object type: Recreate Update strategy for the deployed Deployments.
tolerations list [] Sets pod's tolerations to node taints almost globally. (See Affinities and tolerations)
updateStrategy object See values.yaml Update strategy for the deployed DaemonSets.
verboseLog bool false Sets the debug logs to this integration or all integrations if it is set globally. Can be configured also with global.verboseLog


Past Contributors

Previous iterations of this chart started as a community project in the stable Helm chart repository. New Relic is very thankful for all the 15+ community members that contributed and helped maintain the chart there over the years:

  • coreypobrien
  • sstarcher
  • jmccarty3
  • slayerjain
  • ryanhope2
  • rk295
  • michaelajr
  • isindir
  • idirouhab
  • ismferd
  • enver
  • diclophis
  • jeffdesc
  • costimuraru
  • verwilst
  • ezelenka