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Predict Click-Through-Rate with different Machine Learning models.

In this project, we will provide a benchmark of different Algorithms on Click-Through-Rate (CTR) dataset.

This project can be useful in 2 ways:

  1. Quick check on common technique used in CTR prediction. If you have a dataset similar to CTR Dataset, and you want to get a baseline score, you can try to run this project on new dataset.
  2. Used as base project and can be extend with more advanced algorithms like (Deep Learning model) and various CTR datasets. As the first version, we will use only 1 dataset and 4 basic algoithms.


Some common properties of CTR dataset are:

  • Number of rows is large: several millions or more.
  • Almost features are Categorical Features.
  • Categorical features are High-Cardinaliry: Number of unique values are large (normaly, thousands values).
  • Target is highly imbalance.

For each dataset, we report some summary statistics to illustrate the characteristics of CTR dataset. If your dataset has similar characteristics, you can try techniques in this project as well.

  • Dataset contains Online Ads informations and its label (Click or No Click) in 10 days. Algorithms have to predict Ads Click probability. Data is ordered chronologically. Data can be downloaded from Kaggle. In this project, we will use only Train data to benchmark algorithm.

    • Total rows: 40 millions (40,428,967 rows).
    • Date ranges: 10 days, from 2014/10/21 to 2014/10/30.
    • Average number of rows-per-day: 4 millions (4,042,896/day).
    • Click Rate on data: 0.1698
  • Each rows of data has these information:

    • id: Ads identifier
    • click: 0/1 for non-click/click
    • hour: format is YYMMDDHH, so 14091123 means 23:00 on Sept. 11, 2014 UTC.
    • banner_pos
    • site_id
    • site_domain
    • site_category
    • app_id
    • app_domain
    • app_category
    • device_id
    • device_ip
    • device_model
    • device_type
    • device_conn_type
    • C1: anonymized categorical variable
    • C14-C21: anonymized categorical variables
  • Sample rows:

id click hour C1 banner_pos site_id site_domain site_category app_id app_domain app_category device_id device_ip device_model device_type device_conn_type C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21
0 1000009418151094273 0 14102100 1005 0 1fbe01fe f3845767 28905ebd ecad2386 7801e8d9 07d7df22 a99f214a ddd2926e 44956a24 1 2 15706 320 50 1722 0 35 -1 79
1 10000169349117863715 0 14102100 1005 0 1fbe01fe f3845767 28905ebd ecad2386 7801e8d9 07d7df22 a99f214a 96809ac8 711ee120 1 0 15704 320 50 1722 0 35 100084 79
2 10000371904215119486 0 14102100 1005 0 1fbe01fe f3845767 28905ebd ecad2386 7801e8d9 07d7df22 a99f214a b3cf8def 8a4875bd 1 0 15704 320 50 1722 0 35 100084 79
  • Summary staticstics:
Column #Unique
0 C1 7
1 banner_pos 7
2 site_id 4737
3 site_domain 7745
4 site_category 26
5 app_id 8552
6 app_domain 559
7 app_category 36
8 device_id 2686408
9 device_ip 6729486
10 device_model 8251
11 device_type 5
12 device_conn_type 4
13 C14 2626
14 C15 8
15 C16 9
16 C17 435
17 C18 4
18 C19 68
19 C20 172
20 C21 60

Cross Validation

Avazu Click-Through Rate

  • We use data from date 2014/10/21 - 2014/10/29 as training data. And use last date 2014/10/30 for Validation.
  • Metric used to report Validation score are: AUC and LogLoss.

Data Processing and Feature Engineering

Avazu Click-Through Rate

  • Feature Extraction:
    • Extract hour in day from hour column. For example: 14102100 -> 00
    • Extract count features for each of below columns. For example: How many time we have seen device_id == a99f214a in data? Use only training data to estimate count features. In validation data, map count features for corresponding column.
      • device_id
      • device_ip
      • device_id + device_ip
      • hour
    • Sample data after feature extraction:
click id hour C1 banner_pos site_id site_domain site_category app_id app_domain app_category device_id device_ip device_model device_type device_conn_type C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 device_id_count device_ip_count user_id_count hour_count
0 0 1000009418151094273 0 1005 0 1fbe01fe f3845767 28905ebd ecad2386 7801e8d9 07d7df22 a99f214a ddd2926e 44956a24 1 2 15706 320 50 1722 0 35 -1 79 869 5 1 999
1 0 10000169349117863715 0 1005 0 1fbe01fe f3845767 28905ebd ecad2386 7801e8d9 07d7df22 a99f214a 96809ac8 711ee120 1 0 15704 320 50 1722 0 35 100084 79 869 1 1 999
2 0 10000371904215119486 0 1005 0 1fbe01fe f3845767 28905ebd ecad2386 7801e8d9 07d7df22 a99f214a b3cf8def 8a4875bd 1 0 15704 320 50 1722 0 35 100084 79 869 1 1 999
  • Preprocessing: A common practice in preprocessing CTR data is Hash Trick. For each feature, hash feature's value into fixed size vector. In current processing step, we hash value into 2^16 fixed size vector. If data has n features, after preprocessing, we expand input dimension space into a larger output dimension space n * 2^16. For space efficiency, we only store index of feature's value. For example: Site ID value after hashing has index = 123, we store: site_id: 123.
    • Logistic Regression and Factorization Machine: Before train and predict, we one-hot-encode input feature.
    • FTRL and GBM: Do nothing.
    • Example data after preprocessing:
click C1 banner_pos site_id site_domain site_category app_id app_domain app_category device_id device_ip device_model device_type device_conn_type C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 device_id_count device_ip_count user_id_count hour_count
0 0 49542 38901 3703 60146 37267 4859 931 52646 2603 57603 65226 16939 52576 59061 26495 29876 35552 50048 42447 51572 26673 64040 26097 14350 8625
1 0 49542 38901 3703 60146 37267 4859 931 52646 2603 25930 60692 16939 15778 35267 26495 29876 35552 50048 42447 15865 26673 64040 61530 14350 8625
2 0 49542 38901 3703 60146 37267 4859 931 52646 2603 10179 56745 16939 15778 35267 26495 29876 35552 50048 42447 15865 26673 64040 61530 14350 8625


Below are models we use in project. (This is just tentative list. We can add or remove some of them later).

  1. Logistic Regression (LR): A linear model, good for strong baseline.
  2. Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM): A non-linear model, works on various dataset. We want to check how Boosting works on this data. It is also a strong baseline too.
  3. Matrix Factorization (FM): A go-to algorithm for CTR problem. Detail of algorithm, see docs/Introduction-of-Factorization-Machine.docx.
  4. FTRL-Proximal online learning algorithm (FTRL): A research from Google for CTR prediction. It bases on Logistic Regression but support some useful features: Online-Learning and low memory footprint. Detail of algorithm, see docs/Introduction-of-FTRL.docx.


Models AUC LogLoss Computation Time Size (MB)
LR 0.7059 0.5394 4h57m15s 1.26
GBM 0.7049 0.4163 1h08m37s 0.45
FM 0.7239 0.4206 2h31m58s 3.79
FTRL 0.7182 0.4121 0h56m36s 3.87

Note: LR and FM take a bit longer because they require to convert index to one hot vector before training (while GBM and FTRL do not require)

Project Structure

    ├── LICENSE
    ├──          <- The top-level README for developers using this project.
    ├── data
    │   ├── external       <- Data from third party sources.
    │   ├── interim        <- Intermediate data that has been transformed.
    │   ├── processed      <- The final, canonical data sets for modeling.
    │   └── raw            <- The original, immutable data dump.
    ├── docs               <- All documents which is not code.
    ├── models             <- Trained and serialized models, model predictions, or model summaries
    ├── notebooks          <- Jupyter notebooks. Naming convention: <id>-<author>-<desc>
    │                         - id: has 2 digits.
    │                         - author: name of developer.
    │                         - desc: a short description of notebook.
    │                         - Use hyphen "-" as separator.
    │                         - For example: `08-nguyentp2-initial-data-exploration`.
    ├── reports            <- Generated analysis as HTML, PDF, LaTeX, etc.
    │   └── figures        <- Generated graphics and figures to be used in reporting
    ├── requirements.txt   <- The requirements file for reproducing the analysis environment, e.g.
    │                         generated with `pip freeze > requirements.txt`
    ├──           <- makes project pip installable (pip install -e .) so src can be imported
    ├── ajctr              <- Source code for use in this project.
    │   ├──    <- Makes src a Python module
    │   │
    │   ├── data           <- Scripts to download or generate data
    │   │   └──
    │   │
    │   ├── features       <- Scripts to turn raw data into features for modeling
    │   │   └──
    │   │
    │   ├── models         <- Scripts to train models and then use trained models to make
    │   │   │                 predictions
    │   │   ├──
    │   │   └──
    │   │
    │   └── reports  <- Scripts to create exploratory and results oriented visualizations
    │       └──
    ├──            <- Program Entry point
    ├── test               <- Test code

How to run?

We use a AWS EC2 (Instance Type: R5.2xlarge) to run this project.

  1. Install Anaconda and Python 3.6.
  2. Setup Conda Environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate ctr
  1. Download Datasets
chmod 755
  1. Install project in Developement mode:
pip install -e .
  1. Run main program. Result will be in reports/YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.log.
python ./

Project Developer must know

  • Coding Convention:
    • We will use Google Python Style Guide.
    • This guide is long. If you are short of time, just read the Decision section. Or just read the interesting part.
  • Project structure follow Cookiecutter Data Science template.
  • Use Jupyter Notebook wisely! Notebook are good for Exploration and Communication.

Some key naming conventions:

  • Format source code with UTF-8.
  • Use single quote ' for string and double quotes " for docstring.
  • Use 4 spaces indentions.
  • Use underscore _ and lowercase to name function, variable, modules. CamelCase for Class.



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